path: root/bindings
diff options
authordpeter99 <dpeter99@gmail.com>2018-04-01 18:58:19 +0200
committerJustin Berger <j.david.berger@gmail.com>2018-04-02 00:11:42 -0600
commit0eea189db82fc72463a83a678d9b8d609fd09c6e (patch)
tree80270558b48c6f40ff0f2deb5cae0fda3dab3353 /bindings
parentc05e42e756e8e1560adc22aacde87dbdf2e02b45 (diff)
Added the API file from Unity
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings')
2 files changed, 359 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/LibSurViveAPI.cs b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/LibSurViveAPI.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48336e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/LibSurViveAPI.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+//using UnityEngine;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using libsurvive;
+using System;
+using System.Threading;
+public class LibSurViveAPI
+ public struct SetupConfigs
+ {
+ public string playbaskFile;
+ public int playbackFactor;
+ public Disambiguator disambiguator;
+ public Poser poser;
+ public BoolConfig calibrate;
+ public string configFile;
+ }
+ public enum Disambiguator
+ {
+ StateBased,
+ Charles,
+ Turvey,
+ Default
+ }
+ public enum Poser
+ {
+ CharlesSlow,
+ DaveOrtho,
+ Dummy,
+ }
+ public enum BoolConfig
+ {
+ Yes,
+ No,
+ Default
+ }
+ private static LibSurViveAPI _instance;
+ public static LibSurViveAPI instance
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (_instance == null)
+ {
+ _instance = new LibSurViveAPI();
+ }
+ return _instance;
+ }
+ }
+ LibSurViveAPI()
+ {
+ CreateContext();
+ CreateTread();
+ }
+ ~LibSurViveAPI()
+ {
+ running = false;
+ }
+ Thread internalPollTread;
+ private void CreateTread()
+ {
+ internalPollTread = new Thread(InternalPoll);
+ internalPollTread.Start();
+ }
+ bool running = true;
+ void InternalPoll()
+ {
+ while (running)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_poll(context);
+ }
+ }
+ //private SurviveContext _context;
+ public IntPtr context;
+ light_process_func light_Process_Func;
+ raw_pose_func raw_Pose_Func;
+ lighthouse_pose_func lighthouse_Pose_Func;
+ angle_process_func angle_Process_Func;
+ button_process_func button_Process_Func;
+ htc_config_func htc_Config_Func;
+ imu_process_func imu_Process_Func;
+ text_feedback_func error_func;
+ text_feedback_func info_func;
+ internal void CreateContext()
+ {
+ //Debug.Log("Start Init");
+ SetupConfigs configs = new SetupConfigs
+ {
+ playbaskFile = "P:/c/libsurvive-data/lightcap-reformat/lightcap-reformat.log",
+ configFile = "survive_conf.json",
+ playbackFactor = 1
+ };
+ string[] args = CreateStartParameters(configs);
+ //string[] vs = new[] { "--playback", "P:/c/libsurvive-data/lightcap-reformat/lightcap-reformat.log", "--disambiguator", "StateBased", "--calibrate" };
+ context = cfunctions.Survive_init_internal(args.Length, args);
+ if (context == IntPtr.Zero)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("There was a problem initializing the lib!");
+ }
+ light_Process_Func = LightEvent;
+ raw_Pose_Func = PoseEvent;
+ lighthouse_Pose_Func = LightHouseEvent;
+ angle_Process_Func = AngleEvent;
+ button_Process_Func = ButtonEvent;
+ htc_Config_Func = HTCConfigEvent;
+ imu_Process_Func = IMUEvent;
+ error_func = ErrorEvent;
+ info_func = InfoEvent;
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_raw_pose_fn(context, raw_Pose_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_light_fn(context, light_Process_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_lighthouse_pose_fn(context, lighthouse_Pose_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_angle_fn(context, angle_Process_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_button_fn(context, button_Process_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_htc_config_fn(context, htc_Config_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_imu_fn(context, imu_Process_Func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_error_fn(context, error_func);
+ cfunctions.Survive_install_info_fn(context, info_func);
+ //Debug.Log("Finished Init");
+ //Debug.Log("Start Startup");
+ //Debug.LogError("ASD");
+ int a = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ a = cfunctions.Survive_startup(context);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ if (a != 0)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Error in startup");
+ }
+ //Debug.Log("Finished Startup");
+ }
+ static public string[] CreateStartParameters(SetupConfigs configs)
+ {
+ List<string> args = new List<string>();
+ args.Add("unity");
+ if (configs.playbaskFile != "")
+ {
+ args.AddRange(new[] { "--playback", configs.playbaskFile });
+ args.AddRange(new[] { "--playback-factor", configs.playbackFactor.ToString() });
+ }
+ if(configs.disambiguator != Disambiguator.Default)
+ args.AddRange(new[] { "--disambiguator", Enum.GetName(typeof(Disambiguator), configs.disambiguator) });
+ if (configs.calibrate != BoolConfig.Default)
+ args.Add(configs.calibrate == BoolConfig.Yes ? "--calibrate" : "--no-calibrate");
+ if (configs.configFile != "")
+ args.AddRange(new[] { "-c", configs.configFile });
+ //args.AddRange(new[] { "--disambiguator", Enum.GetName(typeof(Poser), disambiguator) });
+ return args.ToArray();
+ }
+ virtual protected void InfoEvent(IntPtr ctx, string fault)
+ {
+ //Debug.Log(fault);
+ }
+ virtual protected void ErrorEvent(IntPtr ctx, string fault)
+ {
+ //Debug.LogError(fault);
+ }
+ virtual protected void IMUEvent(IntPtr so, int mask, double[] accelgyro, uint timecode, int id)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_imu_process(so, mask, accelgyro, timecode, id);
+ }
+ virtual protected int HTCConfigEvent(IntPtr so, string ct0conf, int len)
+ {
+ return cfunctions.Survive_default_htc_config_process(so, ct0conf, len);
+ }
+ virtual protected void ButtonEvent(IntPtr so, byte eventType, byte buttonId, byte axis1Id, ushort axis1Val, byte axis2Id, ushort axis2Val)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_button_process(so, eventType, buttonId, axis1Id, axis1Val, axis2Id, axis2Val);
+ }
+ virtual protected void AngleEvent(IntPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, uint timecode, double length, double angle, uint lh)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_angle_process(so, sensor_id, acode, timecode, length, angle, lh);
+ //Debug.Log("AngleEvent");
+ }
+ protected void LightHouseEvent(IntPtr ctx, byte lighthouse, SurvivePose lighthouse_pose, SurvivePose object_pose)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_lighthouse_pose_process(ctx, lighthouse, lighthouse_pose, object_pose);
+ //Debug.Log("LightHouseEvent");
+ }
+ virtual protected void LightEvent(IntPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, UInt32 timecode, UInt32 length, UInt32 lighthouse)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_light_process(so, sensor_id, acode, timeinsweep, timecode, length, lighthouse);
+ //Console.WriteLine("LightEvent");
+ //Debug.Log("LightEvent");
+ }
+ virtual protected void PoseEvent(IntPtr so, byte lighthouse, SurvivePose pose)
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_default_raw_pose_process(so, lighthouse, pose);
+ //vaDebug.Log("PoseEvent");
+ //poseUpdate(-1, new Vector3((float)pose.Pos[0], (float)pose.Pos[1], (float)pose.Pos[2]), new Quaternion((float)pose.Rot[0], (float)pose.Rot[1], (float)pose.Rot[2], (float)pose.Rot[3]));
+ /*
+ string a = cfunctions.Survive_object_codename(so);
+ if (updates.ContainsKey(a))
+ {
+ Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)pose.Pos[0], (float)pose.Pos[1], (float)pose.Pos[2]);
+ Quaternion rot = new Quaternion((float)pose.Rot[0], (float)pose.Rot[1], (float)pose.Rot[2], (float)pose.Rot[3]);
+ updates[a](pos, rot);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ public delegate void PoseUpdate(SurviveVector3 pos, SurviveQuaternion quat);
+ public Dictionary<string, PoseUpdate> updates = new Dictionary<string, PoseUpdate>();
+ public void AddCalback(string ID, PoseUpdate update)
+ {
+ if (!updates.ContainsKey(ID))
+ {
+ updates.Add(ID, update);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ updates[ID] += update;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ public void Poll()
+ {
+ cfunctions.Survive_poll(context);
+ }
+ */
+ public SurviveObject GetSurviveObjectByName(string name)
+ {
+ if (name == "")
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Empty string is not accepted");
+ }
+ if (context == IntPtr.Zero)
+ throw new Exception("The context hasn't been initialsied yet");
+ return new SurviveObject( cfunctions.Survive_get_so_by_name(context, name));
+ }
+public class SurviveObject
+ public SurvivePose pose { get; private set; }
+ public int charge { get; private set; }
+ public bool charging { get; private set; }
+ public SurviveObject(IntPtr ptr)
+ {
+ if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Can't create SurviveObject with 0 pointer");
+ }
+ //pose = cfunctions.Survive_object_pose(ptr);
+ charge = cfunctions.Survive_object_charge(ptr);
+ charging = cfunctions.Survive_object_charging(ptr);
+ }
+public class SurviveVector3
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+public class SurviveQuaternion
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
diff --git a/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
index 67812f5..ab5f7fd 100644
--- a/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
+++ b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
@@ -12,23 +12,16 @@ namespace libsurvive
public class SurvivePose
- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
+ [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public double[] Pos; // Position in the form xyz
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
- public double[] Rot; // Quaternion in the form wxyz
- }
- [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class SurviveObject
- {
- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
- public char[] codename; //3 letters, null-terminated. Currently HMD, WM0, WM1.
+ public double[] Rot; // Quaternion in the form wxyz
class cfunctions
-//#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
- [DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_init_internal") ]
+ //#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
+ [DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_init_internal")]
public static extern SurviveContextPtr Survive_init_internal(int argc, string[] args);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_close")]
@@ -95,26 +88,32 @@ namespace libsurvive
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_codename")]
- public static extern char Survive_object_codename(SurviveObjectPtr so);
+ public static extern string Survive_object_codename(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_drivername")]
- public static extern char Survive_object_drivername(SurviveObject so);
+ public static extern char Survive_object_drivername(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_charge")]
- public static extern byte Survive_object_charge(SurviveObject so);
+ public static extern byte Survive_object_charge(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_charging")]
- public static extern bool Survive_object_charging(SurviveObject so);
+ public static extern bool Survive_object_charging(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_pose")]
- public static extern SurvivePose Survive_object_pose(SurviveObject so);
+ public static extern SurvivePose Survive_object_pose(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_sensor_locations")]
- public static extern int Survive_object_sensor_locations(SurviveObjectPtr so);
+ public static extern double[] Survive_object_sensor_locations(SurviveObjectPtr so);
[DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_object_sensor_normals")]
- public static extern int Survive_object_sensor_normals(SurviveObjectPtr so);
+ public static extern double[] Survive_object_sensor_normals(SurviveObjectPtr so);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, EntryPoint = "survive_get_so_by_name")]
+ public static extern IntPtr Survive_get_so_by_name(IntPtr ctx, string name);
//#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles