path: root/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
diff options
authorJustin Berger <j.david.berger@gmail.com>2018-03-28 20:36:05 -0600
committerJustin Berger <j.david.berger@gmail.com>2018-03-28 20:36:05 -0600
commit91f0cab811e983da63ea49f6e24afae283138a1c (patch)
tree5778c7f27e29ce51a9b86897dcf0e3a03beeed1b /bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
parentbb37e04c7ec35f28ec929afb9634fea1db007723 (diff)
Functional C# in windows
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d88f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cs/libsurvive.net/cfunctions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Text;
+namespace libsurvive
+ using SurviveContextPtr = IntPtr;
+ using SurviveObjectPtr = IntPtr;
+ using SurvivePosePtr = IntPtr;
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct SurvivePose
+ {
+ [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
+ public double[] Pos; // Position in the form xyz
+ [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
+ public double[] Rot; // Quaternion in the form wxyz
+ }
+ class cfunctions
+ {
+#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern SurviveContextPtr survive_init_internal(int argc, string[] args);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern SurviveContextPtr survive_close(SurviveContextPtr ctx);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern int survive_poll(SurviveContextPtr ctx);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern int survive_startup(SurviveContextPtr ctx);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_htc_config_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, htc_config_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_info_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, text_feedback_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_error_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, text_feedback_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_imu_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, imu_process_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_angle_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, angle_process_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_button_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, button_process_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_raw_pose_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, raw_pose_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_lighthouse_pose_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, lighthouse_pose_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_install_light_fn(SurviveContextPtr ctx, light_process_func fbp);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_cal_install(SurviveContextPtr ctx);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_light_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, UInt32 timecode, UInt32 length, UInt32 lh);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_imu_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, int mode, double[] accelgyro, UInt32 timecode, int id);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_angle_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, UInt32 timecode, double length, double angle, UInt32 lh);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_button_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, byte eventType, byte buttonId, byte axis1Id, UInt16 axis1Val, byte axis2Id, UInt16 axis2Val);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_raw_pose_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, byte lighthouse, ref SurvivePose pose);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern void survive_default_lighthouse_pose_process(SurviveContextPtr ctx, byte lighthouse, ref SurvivePose lh_pose,
+ ref SurvivePose obj_pose);
+ [DllImport("libsurvive")]
+ public static extern int survive_default_htc_config_process(SurviveObjectPtr so, string ct0conf, int len);
+#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles
+ }
+ public delegate int htc_config_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, string ct0conf, int len);
+ public delegate void text_feedback_func(SurviveContextPtr ctx, string fault);
+ public delegate void light_process_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, UInt32 timecode, UInt32 length, UInt32 lighthouse);
+ public delegate void imu_process_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, int mask, double[] accelgyro, UInt32 timecode, int id);
+ public delegate void angle_process_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, int sensor_id, int acode, UInt32 timecode, double length, double angle, UInt32 lh);
+ public delegate void button_process_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, byte eventType, byte buttonId, byte axis1Id, UInt16 axis1Val, byte axis2Id, UInt16 axis2Val);
+ public delegate void raw_pose_func(SurviveObjectPtr so, byte lighthouse, ref SurvivePose pose);
+ public delegate void lighthouse_pose_func(SurviveContextPtr ctx, byte lighthouse, ref SurvivePose lighthouse_pose,
+ ref SurvivePose object_pose);