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diff --git a/tools/findoptimalconfig/findoptimalconfig.cc b/tools/findoptimalconfig/findoptimalconfig.cc
index 88a43eb..b94590f 100644
--- a/tools/findoptimalconfig/findoptimalconfig.cc
+++ b/tools/findoptimalconfig/findoptimalconfig.cc
@@ -200,35 +200,36 @@ double sba_opt(SurviveContext *ctx, const survive_calibration_config &config, Pl
struct optimal_cal_ctx {
std::vector<double> sensors;
+ std::vector<int> lighthouses;
SurviveContext *ctx;
- survive_calibration_config config;
static void metric_function(int j, int i, double *aj, double *xij, void *adata) {
optimal_cal_ctx *ctx = (optimal_cal_ctx *)(adata);
FLT sensorInWorld[3] = {ctx->sensors[i * 3 + 0], ctx->sensors[i * 3 + 1], ctx->sensors[i * 3 + 2]};
+ int lh = ctx->lighthouses[i];
+ BaseStationData bsd = ctx->ctx->bsd[lh];
+ survive_calibration_config cfg = *(survive_calibration_config *)aj;
- BaseStationData bsd = ctx->ctx->bsd[j];
- bsd.fcal = *(BaseStationCal *)aj;
- survive_reproject_from_pose_with_bsd(&bsd, &ctx->config, &ctx->ctx->bsd[j].Pose, sensorInWorld, xij);
+ survive_reproject_from_pose_with_bsd(&bsd, &cfg, &ctx->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose, sensorInWorld, xij);
-double find_optimal_cal(SurviveContext *ctx, const survive_calibration_config &config, PlaybackData &data) {
+double find_optimal_cal(SurviveContext *ctx, PlaybackData &data) {
optimal_cal_ctx _ctx;
std::vector<char> vmask;
std::vector<double> cov, meas;
_ctx.ctx = ctx;
- _ctx.config = config;
for (auto &in : data.inputs) {
for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < in.so->sensor_ct; sensor++) {
FLT p[3];
ApplyPoseToPoint(p, &in.position, &data.so->sensor_locations[sensor * 3]);
- _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[0]);
- _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[1]);
- _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[2]);
- for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 1; lh++) {
+ for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 2; lh++) {
+ _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[0]);
+ _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[1]);
+ _ctx.sensors.emplace_back(p[2]);
+ _ctx.lighthouses.emplace_back(lh);
auto scene = &in.activations;
if (SurviveSensorActivations_isPairValid(scene, settings.sensor_time_window, in.timestamp, sensor,
lh)) {
@@ -250,22 +251,25 @@ double find_optimal_cal(SurviveContext *ctx, const survive_calibration_config &c
double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ] = {0};
double info[SBA_INFOSZ] = {0};
- survive_calibration_config opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU;
+ survive_calibration_config config = {0};
+ config.use_flag = SVCal_All;
+ opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU;
opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; // max_reproj_error * meas.size();
opts[4] = 0.0;
- int status = sba_mot_levmar(data.inputs.size() * so->sensor_ct, // number of 3d points
- 1, // Number of cameras -- 2 lighthouses
- 0, // Number of cameras to not modify
- &vmask[0], // boolean vis mask
- (double *)cal, // camera parameters
- 2, // sizeof(BaseStationCal) / sizeof(FLT),
- &meas[0], // 2d points for 3d objs
- covx, // covariance of measurement. Null sets to identity
- 2, // 2 points per image
+ int status = sba_mot_levmar(data.inputs.size() * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES, // number of 3d points
+ 1, // Number of cameras -- 2 lighthouses
+ 0, // Number of cameras to not modify
+ &vmask[0], // boolean vis mask
+ (double *)&config, // camera parameters
+ 4, // sizeof(BaseStationCal) / sizeof(FLT),
+ &meas[0], // 2d points for 3d objs
+ covx, // covariance of measurement. Null sets to identity
+ 2, // 2 points per image
0, // jacobia of metric_func
&_ctx, // user data
@@ -295,10 +299,6 @@ double find_optimal_cal(SurviveContext *ctx, const survive_calibration_config &c
std::cerr << "Used " << meas_size << " measurements" << std::endl;
- double *_cal = (double *)cal;
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(BaseStationCal) / sizeof(FLT); i++)
- std::cerr << _cal[2 * i] << ", " << _cal[2 * i + 1] << " = " << (info[1] / meas_size * 2) << std::endl;
return info[1] / meas_size * 2;
double find_avg_reproj_error(SurviveContext *ctx, const survive_calibration_config &config, PlaybackDataInput &data) {
@@ -371,9 +371,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
while (survive_poll(ctx) == 0) {
- survive_calibration_config config = survive_calibration_config_ctor();
- find_optimal_cal(ctx, config, data);
+ find_optimal_cal(ctx, data);