diff options
2 files changed, 303 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 62ed5e8..dcef7ba 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ REDISTS:=redist/json_helpers.o redist/linmath.o redist/jsmn.o redist/minimal_ope
ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
REDISTS:=$(REDISTS) redist/hid-osx.c
-LIBSURVIVE_CORE:=src/survive.o src/survive_usb.o src/survive_charlesbiguator.o src/survive_process.o src/ootx_decoder.o src/survive_driverman.o src/survive_default_devices.o src/survive_vive.o src/survive_playback.o src/survive_config.o src/survive_cal.o src/survive_reproject.o src/poser.o src/epnp/epnp.o src/survive_sensor_activations.o src/survive_turveybiguator.o src/survive_disambiguator.o src/survive_statebased_disambiguator.o
+LIBSURVIVE_CORE:=src/survive.o src/survive_usb.o src/survive_charlesbiguator.o src/survive_process.o src/ootx_decoder.o src/survive_driverman.o src/survive_default_devices.o src/survive_vive.o src/survive_playback.o src/survive_config.o src/survive_cal.o src/survive_reproject.o src/poser.o src/epnp/epnp.o src/survive_sensor_activations.o src/survive_turveybiguator.o src/survive_disambiguator.o src/survive_statebased_disambiguator.o src/poser_charlesrefine.o
#If you want to use HIDAPI on Linux.
diff --git a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d44722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#include <poser.h>
+#include <survive.h>
+#include <survive_reproject.h>
+#include "epnp/epnp.h"
+#include "linmath.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP 32
+typedef struct
+ int sweepaxis;
+ int sweeplh;
+ FLT normal_at_errors[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP][3];
+ FLT quantity_errors[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP]
+ uint8_t sensor_ids[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
+ int ptsweep;
+} CharlesPoserData;
+int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
+ CharlesPoserData * dd = so->PoserData;
+ if( !dd ) so->PoserData = dd = calloc( sizeof(CharlesPoserData), 1 );
+ SurviveSensorActivations *scene = &so->activations;
+ switch (pd->pt) {
+ // Really should use this...
+ PoserDataIMU *imuData = (PoserDataIMU *)pd;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int i;
+ PoserDataLight *ld = (PoserDataLight *)pd;
+ int lhid = ld->lh;
+ int senid = ld->sensor_id;
+ BaseStationData * bsd = &so->ctx->bsd[ld->lh];
+ if( !bsd->PositionSet ) break;
+ SurvivePose * lhp = &bsd->Pose;
+ FLT angle = ld->angle;
+ int sensor_id = ld->sensor_id;
+ int axis = dd->sweepaxis;
+ const SurvivePose * object_pose = &so->OutPose;
+ dd->sweeplh = lhid;
+ //FOR NOW, drop LH1.
+ if( lhid == 1 ) break;
+// const FLT * sensor_normal = &so->sensor_normals[senid*3];
+// FLT sensor_normal_worldspace[3];
+// ApplyPoseToPoint(sensor_normal_worldspace, object_pose, sensor_inpos);
+ const FLT * sensor_inpos = &so->sensor_locations[senid*3];
+ FLT sensor_position_worldspace[3];
+ ApplyPoseToPoint(sensor_position_worldspace, object_pose, sensor_inpos);
+ //printf( "%f %f %f == > %f %f %f\n", sensor_inpos[0], sensor_inpos[1], sensor_inpos[2], sensor_position_worldspace[0], sensor_position_worldspace[1], sensor_position_worldspace[2] );
+ // = sensor position, relative to lighthouse center.
+ FLT sensorpos_rel_lh[3];
+ sub3d( sensorpos_rel_lh, sensor_position_worldspace, lhp->Pos );
+ //Next, define a normal in global space of the plane created by the sweep hit.
+ //Careful that this must be normalized.
+ FLT sweep_normal[3];
+ //If 1, the "y" axis. //XXX Check me.
+ if( axis ) //XXX Just FYI this should include account for skew
+ {
+ sweep_normal[0] = 0;
+ sweep_normal[1] = cos(angle );
+ sweep_normal[2] = sin( angle );
+ //printf( "+" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sweep_normal[0] = cos( angle );
+ sweep_normal[1] = 0;
+ sweep_normal[2] = -sin( angle );
+ //printf( "-" );
+ }
+ //Need to apply the lighthouse's transformation to the sweep's normal.
+ quatrotatevector( sweep_normal, lhp->Rot, sweep_normal);
+ //Compute point-line distance between sensorpos_rel_lh and the plane defined by sweep_normal.
+ //Do this by projecting sensorpos_rel_lh (w) onto sweep_normal (v).
+ //You can do this by |v dot w| / |v| ... But we know |v| is 1. So...
+ FLT dist = dot3d( sensorpos_rel_lh, sweep_normal );
+ if( (i = dd->ptsweep) < MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP )
+ {
+ dd->normal_at_errors[i] = sweep_normal;
+ dd->quantity_errors[i] = dist;
+ dd->sensor_ids[i] = sensor_id;
+ dd->ptsweep++:
+ }
+#if 0
+ printf( "D %d %d: %f [%f %f %f]\n", lhid, axis, dist, sweep_normal[0], sweep_normal[1], sweep_normal[2] );
+ //Naieve approach... Push it in the right direction
+ SurvivePose object_pose_out;
+ quatcopy( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose->Rot );
+ scale3d(sweep_normal, sweep_normal, -0.1*dist);
+ add3d(object_pose_out.Pos, sweep_normal, object_pose->Pos);
+ if( so->PoseConfidence < .01 )
+ {
+ dd->average_nudge[0] = 0;
+ dd->average_nudge[1] = 0;
+ dd->average_nudge[2] = 0;
+ memcpy( &object_pose_out, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof( LinmathPose_Identity ) );
+ object_pose_out.Pos[1] = 2.5;
+ object_pose_out.Pos[2] = 1.8;
+ so->PoseConfidence = 1.0;
+ }
+// printf( "%f %f %f %f\n", object_pose->Rot[0], object_pose->Rot[1], object_pose->Rot[2], object_pose->Rot[3] );
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, lhid, &object_pose_out);
+#if 0
+// = {
+ axis?0.0:sin(angle),
+ axis?sin(angle):0.0,
+ cos(angle) };
+ = sensor_locations;
+ LinmathPoint3d
+ int8_t sensor_ct; // sensor count
+ FLT *sensor_locations; // size is sensor_ct*3. Contains x,y,z values for each sensor
+ FLT *sensor_normals; // size is nrlocations*3. cointains normal vector for each sensor
+ // This is the quat equivalent of 'pout = pose * pin' if pose were a 4x4 matrix in homogenous space
+void ApplyPoseToPoint(LinmathPoint3d pout, const LinmathPose *pose, const LinmathPoint3d pin);
+ SurvivePose obj2world;
+// ApplyPoseToPose(&obj2world, &lh2world, &objpose);
+ memcpy( &obj2world, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof( obj2world ) );
+ obj2world.Pos[1] = 1;
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, lhid, &obj2world);
+// PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, ld->lh, &posers[lightData->lh]);
+ // Pose Information, also "poser" field.
+ ///from SurviveObject
+ // FLT PoseConfidence; // 0..1
+ // SurvivePose OutPose; // Final pose? (some day, one can dream!)
+ // SurvivePose FromLHPose[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; // Filled out by poser, contains computed position from each lighthouse.
+ // void *PoserData; // Initialized to zero, configured by poser, can be anything the poser wants.
+ // PoserCB PoserFn;
+ // printf( "%d %d %f\n", ld->sensor_id, ld->lh, ld->angle );
+ SurvivePose *object_pose, void *user);
+typedef struct
+ PoserType pt;
+ poser_raw_pose_func rawposeproc;
+ poser_lighthouse_pose_func lighthouseposeproc;
+ void *userdata;
+} PoserData;
+ PoserData hdr;
+ int sensor_id;
+ int acode; //OOTX Code associated with this sweep. bit 1 indicates vertical(1) or horizontal(0) sweep
+ int lh; //Lighthouse making this sweep
+ uint32_t timecode; //In object-local ticks.
+ FLT length; //In seconds
+ FLT angle; //In radians from center of lighthouse.
+} PoserDataLight;
+#if 0
+ SurvivePose posers[2];
+ int meas[2] = {0, 0};
+ for (int lh = 0; lh < so->ctx->activeLighthouses; lh++) {
+ if (so->ctx->bsd[lh].PositionSet) {
+ epnp pnp = {.fu = 1, .fv = 1};
+ epnp_set_maximum_number_of_correspondences(&pnp, so->sensor_ct);
+ add_correspondences(so, &pnp, scene, lightData->timecode, lh);
+ static int required_meas = -1;
+ if (required_meas == -1)
+ required_meas = survive_configi(so->ctx, "epnp-required-meas", SC_GET, 4);
+ if (pnp.number_of_correspondences > required_meas) {
+ SurvivePose objInLh = solve_correspondence(so, &pnp, false);
+ if (quatmagnitude(objInLh.Rot) != 0) {
+ SurvivePose *lh2world = &so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose;
+ SurvivePose txPose = {.Rot = {1}};
+ ApplyPoseToPose(&txPose, lh2world, &objInLh);
+ posers[lh] = txPose;
+ meas[lh] = pnp.number_of_correspondences;
+ }
+ }
+ epnp_dtor(&pnp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (meas[0] > 0 && meas[1] > 0) {
+ SurvivePose interpolate = {0};
+ bool winnerTakesAll = true; // Not convinced slerp does the right thing, will change this when i am
+ if (winnerTakesAll) {
+ int winner = meas[0] > meas[1] ? 0 : 1;
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, winner, &posers[winner]);
+ } else {
+ double a, b;
+ a = meas[0] * meas[0];
+ b = meas[1] * meas[1];
+ double t = a + b;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ interpolate.Pos[i] = (posers[0].Pos[i] * a + posers[1].Pos[i] * b) / (t);
+ }
+ quatslerp(interpolate.Rot, posers[0].Rot, posers[1].Rot, b / (t));
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, lightData->lh, &interpolate);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (meas[lightData->lh])
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, lightData->lh, &posers[lightData->lh]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PoserDataLight *l = (PoserDataLight *)pd;
+ int lhid = l->lh;
+ //you can get sweepaxis and sweeplh.
+ if( dd->ptsweep )
+ {
+ int i;
+ int lhid = dd->lhid;
+ int pts = dd->ptsweep;
+ const SurvivePose * object_pose = &so->OutPose;
+ FLT avg_err[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ FLT avgtot = 0.0;
+ for( i = 0; i < pts; i++ )
+ {
+ FLT * nrm = dd->normal_at_errors[pts];
+ FLT qty = quantity_errors[pts];
+ avgtot += qty;
+ avg_err[0] = avg_err[0] + nrm[0] * qty;
+ avg_err[1] = avg_err[1] + nrm[1] * qty;
+ avg_err[2] = avg_err[2] + nrm[2] * qty;
+ }
+ scale3d(avg_err, avg_err, 1./pts);
+ //We have "Average error" now. This is a world space value.
+ //This can correct for lateral error, but not distance from camera.
+ //Next we need to find out what the weighting is to determine "zoom"
+ //How do we do this? ??? Too tired to math.
+ FLT weight = 0.0;
+ for( i = 0; i < pts; i++ )
+ {
+ //??!?!? Sturfff
+ }
+ dd->ptsweep = 0;
+ //Update PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(pd, so, lhid, &object_pose_out);
+ }
+ dd->nextaxis = l->acode & 1;
+ printf( "SYNC %d %p\n", l->acode, dd );
+ break;
+ }
+ //return opencv_solver_fullscene(so, (PoserDataFullScene *)(pd));
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;