path: root/tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage
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authorCNLohr <charles@cnlohr.com>2018-04-15 20:41:22 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-04-15 20:41:22 -0400
commit69b31d3c3b1957e59d7962722a4145bfb0db16f9 (patch)
tree927d843a553ef53217c283f19f16728b0ca51c50 /tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage
parentc73823e20c9ed2f2f8f6a13c2031971d8b7d7be2 (diff)
parent39a63badbb5864314a9d9e18c0871718ac5d2912 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into tcc_build
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage b/tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff5c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/generate_reprojection_functions/reprojection_functions.sage
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+from sympy.utilities.codegen import codegen
+from sympy.printing import print_ccode
+from sympy import cse, sqrt, sin, pprint, ccode
+import types
+import sys
+phase_0,phase_1=var('phase_0, phase_1')
+tilt_0,tilt_1=var('tilt_0, tilt_1')
+curve_0,curve_1=var('curve_0, curve_1')
+gibPhase_0,gibPhase_1=var('gibPhase_0, gibPhase_1')
+gibMag_0,gibMag_1=var('gibMag_0, gibMag_1')
+def quatmagnitude(q):
+ qw,qi,qj,qk = q
+ return sqrt(qw*qw+qi*qi+qj*qj+qk*qk)
+def quatrotationmatrix(q):
+ qw,qi,qj,qk = q
+ s = quatmagnitude(q)
+ return matrix(SR,
+ [ [ 1 - 2 * s * (qj*qj + qk*qk), 2 * s*(qi*qj - qk*qw), 2*s*(qi*qk + qj*qw)],
+ [ 2*s*(qi*qj + qk*qw), 1 - 2*s*(qi*qi+qk*qk), 2*s*(qj*qk-qi*qw)],
+ [ 2*s*(qi*qk-qj*qw), 2*s*(qj*qk+qi*qw), 1-2*s*(qi*qi+qj*qj)]
+ ])
+def quatrotatevector(q, pt):
+ qw,qi,qj,qk = q
+ x,y,z = pt
+ return quatrotationmatrix(q) * vector((x,y,z))
+def quatgetreciprocal(q):
+ return [ q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3] ]
+def apply_pose_to_pt(p, pt):
+ px,py,pz = p[0]
+ return quatrotatevector(p[1], pt) + vector((px,py,pz))
+def invert_pose(p):
+ r = quatgetreciprocal(p[1])
+ return ( -1 * quatrotatevector(r, p[0]), r)
+def reproject(p, pt,
+ lh_p,
+ phase_scale, phase_0, phase_1,
+ tilt_scale, tilt_0, tilt_1,
+ curve_scale, curve_0, curve_1,
+ gib_scale, gibPhase_0, gibPhase_1, gibMag_0, gibMag_1):
+ pt_in_world = apply_pose_to_pt( p, pt )
+ pt_in_lh = apply_pose_to_pt( invert_pose(lh_p), pt_in_world)
+ xy = vector((pt_in_lh[0] / pt_in_lh[2], pt_in_lh[1] / -pt_in_lh[2]))
+ ang = vector((atan(xy[0]), atan(xy[1])))
+ return vector((
+ ang[0] - phase_scale * phase_0 - tan(tilt_scale * tilt_0) * xy[1] - curve_scale * curve_0 * xy[1] * xy[1] - gib_scale * sin(gibPhase_0 + ang[0]) * gibMag_0,
+ ang[1] - phase_scale * phase_1 - tan(tilt_scale * tilt_1) * xy[0] - curve_scale * curve_1 * xy[0] * xy[0] - gib_scale * sin(gibPhase_1 + ang[1]) * gibMag_1
+ ))
+obj_rot = (obj_qw,obj_qi,obj_qj,obj_qk)
+obj_p = ((obj_px, obj_py, obj_pz), (obj_qw,obj_qi,obj_qj,obj_qk))
+lh_p = ((lh_px, lh_py, lh_pz), (lh_qw,lh_qi,lh_qj,lh_qk))
+sensor_pt = (sensor_x,sensor_y,sensor_z)
+#print( quatrotationmatrix(obj_rot) )
+reproject_params = (obj_p, sensor_pt, lh_p, phase_scale, phase_0, phase_1,
+ tilt_scale, tilt_0, tilt_1,
+ curve_scale, curve_0, curve_1,
+ gib_scale, gibPhase_0, gibPhase_1, gibMag_0, gibMag_1)
+def flatten_args(bla):
+ output = []
+ for item in bla:
+ output += flatten_args(item) if hasattr (item, "__iter__") else [item]
+ return output
+def generate_ccode(name, args, expressions):
+ flatten = []
+ if isinstance(expressions, types.FunctionType):
+ expressions = expressions(*args)
+ for col in expressions:
+ if hasattr(col, '_sympy_'):
+ flatten.append(col._sympy_())
+ else:
+ for cell in col:
+ flatten.append(cell._sympy_())
+ cse_output = cse( flatten )
+ cnt = 0
+ arg_str = lambda (idx, a): ("const FLT *%s" % str(flatten_args(a)[0]).split('_', 1)[0] ) if isinstance(a, tuple) else ("FLT " + str(a))
+ print("static inline void gen_%s(FLT* out, %s) {" % (name, ", ".join( map(arg_str, enumerate(args)) )))
+ for idx, a in enumerate(args):
+ if isinstance(a, tuple):
+ name = str(flatten_args(a)[0]).split('_', 1)[0]
+ for v in flatten_args(a):
+ print("\tFLT %s = *(%s++);" % (str(v), name))
+ for item in cse_output[0]:
+ if isinstance(item, tuple):
+ print("\tFLT %s = %s;" % (ccode(item[0]), ccode(item[1])))
+ for item in cse_output[1]:
+ print("\t*(out++) = %s;" % ccode(item))
+ print "}"
+ print ""
+print(" // NOTE: Auto-generated code; see tools/generate_reprojection_functions ")
+print("#include <math.h>")
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--full":
+ generate_ccode("quat_rotate_vector", [obj_rot, sensor_pt], quatrotatevector)
+ generate_ccode("invert_pose", [obj_p], invert_pose)
+ generate_ccode("reproject", reproject_params, reproject)
+generate_ccode("reproject_jac_obj_p", reproject_params, jacobian(reproject(*reproject_params), (obj_px, obj_py, obj_pz, obj_qw,obj_qi,obj_qj,obj_qk)))