path: root/src
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authorcnlohr <lohr85@gmail.com>2018-06-23 16:28:35 -0400
committercnlohr <lohr85@gmail.com>2018-06-23 16:28:35 -0400
commite21c1f96ad67015d7051eeeaf5e1e9183626922a (patch)
tree2013d7a150745d39ad1e130d63e327135df1948a /src
parentb2151e0c8917258f5a9659296b6df5381645428e (diff)
Significant improvements to the CharlesRefine trcker, to consider confidence of tracking solution.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
index 7cd27e3..1b392a3 100644
--- a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
+++ b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ typedef struct {
int sweeplh;
FLT normal_at_errors[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP][3]; // Value is actually normalized, not just normal to sweep plane.
- FLT quantity_errors[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
+ FLT quantity_errors[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP]; //Dot product of error offset.
FLT angles_at_pts[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
SurvivePose object_pose_at_hit[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
uint8_t sensor_ids[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ typedef struct {
int ptsweep;
SurviveIMUTracker tracker;
+ SurvivePose * lastlhp;
} CharlesPoserData;
int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
SurvivePose object_pose_out;
memcpy(&object_pose_out, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
memcpy(&dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
- so->PoseConfidence = 1.0;
+ so->PoseConfidence = 0.0;
PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
BaseStationData *bsd = &so->ctx->bsd[ld->lh];
if (!bsd->PositionSet)
- SurvivePose *lhp = &bsd->Pose;
+ SurvivePose *lhp = dd->lastlhp = &bsd->Pose;
FLT inangle = ld->angle;
int sensor_id = ld->sensor_id;
int axis = dd->sweepaxis;
@@ -195,10 +197,11 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
PoserDataLight *l = (PoserDataLight *)pd;
int lhid = l->lh;
// you can get sweepaxis and sweeplh.
if (dd->ptsweep) {
int i;
+ int applied_corrections = 0;
+ int normal_faults = 0;
int lhid = dd->sweeplh;
int axis = dd->sweepaxis;
int pts = dd->ptsweep;
@@ -224,6 +227,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
0.2 // This starts to fall apart above 5.0, but for good reason. It is amplified by the number of points seen.
// Step 1: Determine standard of deviation, and average in order to
// drop points that are likely in error.
@@ -260,6 +264,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
// Step 2: Determine average lateral error.
// We can actually always perform this operation. Even with only one point.
FLT avg_err[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // Positional error.
for (i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
@@ -284,15 +289,24 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
// two points to make sure the error on this isn't unusually high?
// If calculated error is unexpectedly high, then we should probably
// Not apply the transform.
- scale3d(avg_err, avg_err, -CORRECT_LATERAL_POSITION_COEFFICIENT);
- add3d(vec_correct, vec_correct, avg_err);
+ if( ( magnitude3d( avg_err ) < 0.4 || so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 ) )
+ {
+ scale3d(avg_err, avg_err, -CORRECT_LATERAL_POSITION_COEFFICIENT);
+ add3d(vec_correct, vec_correct, avg_err);
+ applied_corrections++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ so->PoseConfidence *= 0.9;
+ }
// Step 3: Control telecoption from lighthouse.
// we need to find out what the weighting is to determine "zoom"
- if (validpoints > 1) // Can't correct "zoom" with only one point.
+ if (validpoints > 1 && so->PoseConfidence > MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE_TO_CORRECT_POSITION ) // Can't correct "zoom" with only one point.
FLT zoom = 0.0;
FLT rmsang = 0.0;
@@ -315,11 +329,20 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
- FLT veccamalong[3];
- sub3d(veccamalong, lh_pose->Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
- normalize3d(veccamalong, veccamalong);
- scale3d(veccamalong, veccamalong, zoom);
- add3d(vec_correct, veccamalong, vec_correct);
+ //Don't apply completely wild zoom's unless our confidence is awful.
+ if( ( zoom < 0.4 || so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 ) && ( so->PoseConfidence > 0.3 ) )
+ {
+ FLT veccamalong[3];
+ sub3d(veccamalong, lh_pose->Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
+ normalize3d(veccamalong, veccamalong);
+ scale3d(veccamalong, veccamalong, zoom);
+ add3d(vec_correct, veccamalong, vec_correct);
+ applied_corrections++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ so->PoseConfidence *= 0.9;
+ }
@@ -343,9 +366,8 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
add3d(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, vec_correct, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
- //quatcopy(object_pose_out.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot);
+ // ?: Fuse accelerometer.
// Stage 4: "Tug" on the rotation of the object, from all of the sensor's pov.
// If we were able to determine likliehood of a hit in the sweep instead of afterward
@@ -356,53 +378,84 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
for (i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
if (!ptvalid[i])
- FLT dist = dd->quantity_errors[i] - avgerr;
+ FLT dist = dd->quantity_errors[i] - avgerr; //Relative dot-product error.
FLT angle = dd->angles_at_pts[i];
int sensor_id = dd->sensor_ids[i];
- FLT *normal = dd->normal_at_errors[i];
- const SurvivePose *object_pose_at_hit = &dd->object_pose_at_hit[i];
- const FLT *sensor_inpos = &so->sensor_locations[sensor_id * 3];
+ FLT * normal = dd->normal_at_errors[i];
+ FLT * sensornormal = &so->sensor_normals[sensor_id*3];
+ SurvivePose * lhp = dd->lastlhp;
+ const SurvivePose * object_pose_at_hit = &dd->object_pose_at_hit[i];
+ const FLT * sensor_inpos = &so->sensor_locations[sensor_id * 3];
LinmathQuat world_to_object_space;
quatgetreciprocal(world_to_object_space, object_pose_at_hit->Rot);
- FLT correction_in_object_space[3]; // The amount across the surface of the object the rotation
- // should happen.
- quatrotatevector(correction_in_object_space, world_to_object_space, normal);
- // Now, we have a "tug" vector in object-local space. Need to apply the torque.
- FLT vector_from_center_of_object[3];
- normalize3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos);
- // scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos, 10.0 );
- // vector_from_center_of_object[2]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object[1]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object[0]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object
- scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, vector_from_center_of_object, 1);
- FLT new_vector_in_object_space[3];
- // printf( "%f %f %f %f\n", object_pose_at_hit->Rot[0], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[1],
- // object_pose_at_hit->Rot[2], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[3] );
- // printf( "%f %f %f // %f %f %f // %f\n", vector_from_center_of_object[0],
- // vector_from_center_of_object[1], vector_from_center_of_object[2], correction_in_object_space[0],
- // correction_in_object_space[1], correction_in_object_space[2], dist );
- scale3d(correction_in_object_space, correction_in_object_space, -dist);
- add3d(new_vector_in_object_space, vector_from_center_of_object, correction_in_object_space);
- normalize3d(new_vector_in_object_space, new_vector_in_object_space);
- LinmathQuat corrective_quaternion;
- quatfrom2vectors(corrective_quaternion, vector_from_center_of_object, new_vector_in_object_space);
- quatrotateabout(correction, correction, corrective_quaternion);
- // printf( "%f -> %f %f %f => %f %f %f [%f %f %f %f]\n", dist, vector_from_center_of_object[0],
- // vector_from_center_of_object[1], vector_from_center_of_object[2],
- // correction_in_object_space[0], correction_in_object_space[1], correction_in_object_space[2],
- // corrective_quaternion[0],corrective_quaternion[1],corrective_quaternion[1],corrective_quaternion[3]);
+ //First, check to see if this hit is a sensor that is facing the lighthouse.
+ {
+ LinmathPoint3d vector_to_lighthouse;
+ sub3d( vector_to_lighthouse, lhp->Pos, object_pose_at_hit->Pos ); //Get vector in world space.
+ normalize3d( vector_to_lighthouse, vector_to_lighthouse );
+ quatrotatevector( vector_to_lighthouse, world_to_object_space, vector_to_lighthouse );
+ float facingness = dot3d( sensornormal, vector_to_lighthouse );
+ if( facingness < 0 )
+ {
+ //This is an impossible sensor hit.
+ so->PoseConfidence *= 0.8;
+ //If our pose confidence is low, apply a torque.
+ if( so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 )
+ {
+ LinmathPoint3d rotateaxis;
+ cross3d( rotateaxis, vector_to_lighthouse, sensornormal );
+ LinmathQuat correction;
+ quatfromaxisangle(correction, rotateaxis, facingness*.2 );
+ quatrotateabout(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, correction);
+ quatnormalize(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot);
+ normal_faults ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Apply the normal tug.
+ {
+ FLT correction_in_object_space[3]; // The amount across the surface of the object the rotation
+ // should happen.
+ quatrotatevector(correction_in_object_space, world_to_object_space, normal);
+ // Now, we have a "tug" vector in object-local space. Need to apply the torque.
+ FLT vector_from_center_of_object[3];
+ normalize3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos);
+ // scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos, 10.0 );
+ // vector_from_center_of_object[2]*=-1;
+ // vector_from_center_of_object[1]*=-1;
+ // vector_from_center_of_object[0]*=-1;
+ // vector_from_center_of_object
+ scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, vector_from_center_of_object, 1);
+ FLT new_vector_in_object_space[3];
+ // printf( "%f %f %f %f\n", object_pose_at_hit->Rot[0], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[1],
+ // object_pose_at_hit->Rot[2], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[3] );
+ // printf( "%f %f %f // %f %f %f // %f\n", vector_from_center_of_object[0],
+ // vector_from_center_of_object[1], vector_from_center_of_object[2], correction_in_object_space[0],
+ // correction_in_object_space[1], correction_in_object_space[2], dist );
+ scale3d(correction_in_object_space, correction_in_object_space, -dist);
+ add3d(new_vector_in_object_space, vector_from_center_of_object, correction_in_object_space);
+ normalize3d(new_vector_in_object_space, new_vector_in_object_space);
+ LinmathQuat corrective_quaternion;
+ quatfrom2vectors(corrective_quaternion, vector_from_center_of_object, new_vector_in_object_space);
+ quatrotateabout(correction, correction, corrective_quaternion);
+ }
// printf( "Applying: %f %f %f %f\n", correction[0], correction[1], correction[2], correction[3] );
// Apply our corrective quaternion to the output.
@@ -420,8 +473,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
LinmathPoint3d MixedPosition = { 0, 0, 0 };
int l = 0, a = 0;
if( lhid == 0 && axis == 0 ) for( l = 0; l < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; l++ ) for( a = 0; a < 2; a++ ) dd->MixingConfidence[l][a] -= 0.1;
-#if 0
for( l = 0; l < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; l++ ) for( a = 0; a < 2; a++ )
LinmathPoint3d MixThis = { 0, 0, 0 };
@@ -433,13 +484,14 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
//printf( "%f ", Confidence );
scale3d( MixedPosition, MixedPosition, 1./MixedAmount );
+#if 0
printf( "Reprojection disagreements:" );
for( l = 0; l < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; l++ ) for( a = 0; a < 2; a++ )
printf( "%f ", dist3d( dd->MixingPositions[l][a], MixedPosition ) );
printf( "\n" );
//printf( "%f\n", MixedAmount );
SurvivePose object_pose_out;
@@ -457,6 +509,15 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
// PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &dd->tracker.pose);
dd->ptsweep = 0;
+ if( validpoints > 1 && applied_corrections > 1 && !normal_faults)
+ {
+ so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.05;
+ }
+ else if( validpoints > 1 && so->PoseConfidence < 0.5 && !normal_faults )
+ {
+ so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.05;
+ }
dd->sweepaxis = l->acode & 1;