diff options
authorJustin Berger <j.david.berger@gmail.com>2018-03-16 22:10:01 -0600
committerJustin Berger <j.david.berger@gmail.com>2018-03-16 22:10:01 -0600
commit93627f6b89d22e6e2f87df0bd4d809e168958b1d (patch)
parentc9cf2446c5eb18a29119c7dfe90c5b62f6b374c5 (diff)
Removed unneeded prints; fixed memory issue in sba poser
6 files changed, 346 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1ce5778..3e5059a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ all : lib data_recorder test calibrate calibrate_client simple_pose_test
-CFLAGS:=-Iinclude/libsurvive -fPIC -g -O0 -Iredist -flto -DUSE_DOUBLE -std=gnu99 -rdynamic -llapacke -lcblas -lm
+CFLAGS:=-Iinclude/libsurvive -fPIC -g -O0 -Iredist -flto -DUSE_DOUBLE -std=gnu99 -rdynamic -llapacke -lcblas -lm -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined
#LDFLAGS:=-L/usr/local/lib -lpthread -lusb-1.0 -lz -lm -flto -g
LDFLAGS:=-L/usr/local/lib -lpthread -lz -lm -flto -g
diff --git a/redist/json_helpers.c b/redist/json_helpers.c
index 8704a93..ebacd2c 100644
--- a/redist/json_helpers.c
+++ b/redist/json_helpers.c
@@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ void json_load_file(const char* path) {
if (value_t->type == JSMN_ARRAY) {
i += json_load_array(JSON_STRING, tokens+i+2,value_t->size, tag); //look at array children
} else if (value_t->type == JSMN_OBJECT) {
- printf("Begin Object\n");
if (json_begin_object != NULL) json_begin_object(tag);
children = (int16_t)(value_t->size +1); //+1 to account for this loop where we are not yed parsing children
// i += decode_jsmn_object(JSON_STRING, tokens+i+2,value_t->size);
@@ -200,7 +199,6 @@ void json_load_file(const char* path) {
if (children>=0) children--;
if (children == 0) {
children = -1;
- printf("End Object\n");
if (json_end_object!=NULL) json_end_object();
diff --git a/redist/minimal_opencv.c b/redist/minimal_opencv.c
index 3f7bed7..e8a6214 100644
--- a/redist/minimal_opencv.c
+++ b/redist/minimal_opencv.c
@@ -175,10 +175,8 @@ double cvInvert(const CvMat *srcarr, CvMat *dstarr, int method) {
lapack_int *ipiv = malloc(sizeof(lapack_int) * MIN(srcarr->rows, srcarr->cols));
inf = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, rows, cols, a, lda, ipiv);
assert(inf == 0);
- print_mat(dstarr);
inf = LAPACKE_dgetri(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, rows, a, lda, ipiv);
- print_mat(dstarr);
assert(inf >= 0);
if (inf > 0) {
printf("Warning: Singular matrix: \n");
diff --git a/src/poser_epnp.c b/src/poser_epnp.c
index f2d0062..dfe86ff 100644
--- a/src/poser_epnp.c
+++ b/src/poser_epnp.c
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ static SurvivePose solve_correspondence(SurviveObject *so, epnp *pnp, bool camer
cvTranspose(&R, &R);
// Then 'tvec = -R * tvec'
cvGEMM(&R, &Tmp, -1, 0, 0, &T, 0);
- print_mat(&R);
- print_mat(&T);
FLT tmp[4];
diff --git a/src/poser_sba.c b/src/poser_sba.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125c52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poser_sba.c
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#ifndef USE_DOUBLE
+#define FLT double
+#define USE_DOUBLE
+#include <sba/sba.h>
+#include "poser.h"
+#include <survive.h>
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "linmath.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "survive_config.h"
+#include "survive_reproject.h"
+#include "math.h"
+typedef struct {
+ survive_calibration_config calibration_config;
+ PoserData *pdfs;
+ SurviveObject *so;
+} sba_context;
+void metric_function(int j, int i, double *aj, double *xij, void *adata) {
+ sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)(adata);
+ SurviveObject *so = ctx->so;
+ survive_reproject_from_pose_with_config(so->ctx, &ctx->calibration_config, j, (SurvivePose *)aj,
+ &so->sensor_locations[i * 3], xij);
+size_t construct_input(const SurviveObject *so, PoserDataFullScene *pdfs, char *vmask, double *meas) {
+ size_t measCount = 0;
+ size_t size = so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; // One set per lighthouse
+ for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < so->sensor_ct; sensor++) {
+ for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 2; lh++) {
+ FLT *l = pdfs->lengths[sensor][lh];
+ if (l[0] < 0 || l[1] < 0) {
+ vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ double *angles = pdfs->angles[sensor][lh];
+ vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 1;
+ meas[measCount++] = angles[0];
+ meas[measCount++] = angles[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return measCount;
+size_t construct_input_from_scene(const SurviveObject *so, PoserDataLight *pdl, SurviveSensorActivations *scene,
+ char *vmask, double *meas) {
+ size_t rtn = 0;
+ for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < so->sensor_ct; sensor++) {
+ for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 2; lh++) {
+ if (SurviveSensorActivations_isPairValid(scene, SurviveSensorActivations_default_tolerance, pdl->timecode,
+ sensor, lh)) {
+ double *a = scene->angles[sensor][lh];
+ vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 1;
+ meas[rtn++] = a[0];
+ meas[rtn++] = a[1];
+ } else {
+ vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rtn;
+void sba_set_cameras(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *pose, void *user) {
+ SurvivePose *poses = (SurvivePose *)(user);
+ poses[lighthouse] = *pose;
+typedef struct {
+ bool hasInfo;
+ SurvivePose poses;
+} sba_set_position_t;
+void sba_set_position(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *new_pose, void *_user) {
+ sba_set_position_t *user = _user;
+ assert(user->hasInfo == false);
+ user->hasInfo = 1;
+ user->poses = *new_pose;
+void *GetDriver(const char *name);
+void str_metric_function(int j, int i, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata) {
+ SurvivePose obj = *(SurvivePose *)bi;
+ int sensor_idx = j >> 1;
+ int lh = j & 1;
+ sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)(adata);
+ SurviveObject *so = ctx->so;
+ assert(lh < 2);
+ assert(sensor_idx < so->sensor_ct);
+ quatnormalize(obj.Rot, obj.Rot);
+ FLT xyz[3];
+ ApplyPoseToPoint(xyz, obj.Pos, &so->sensor_locations[sensor_idx * 3]);
+ // std::cerr << "Processing " << sensor_idx << ", " << lh << std::endl;
+ SurvivePose *camera = &so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose;
+ survive_reproject_from_pose_with_config(so->ctx, &ctx->calibration_config, lh, camera, xyz, xij);
+static double run_sba_find_3d_structure(survive_calibration_config options, PoserDataLight *pdl, SurviveObject *so,
+ SurviveSensorActivations *scene, int max_iterations /* = 50*/,
+ double max_reproj_error /* = 0.005*/) {
+ double *covx = 0;
+ char *vmask = malloc(sizeof(char) * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES);
+ double *meas = malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES);
+ size_t meas_size = construct_input_from_scene(so, pdl, scene, vmask, meas);
+ static int failure_count = 500;
+ if (so->ctx->bsd[0].PositionSet == 0 || so->ctx->bsd[1].PositionSet == 0 || meas_size < 7) {
+ if (meas_size < 7 && failure_count++ == 500) {
+ SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx;
+ SV_INFO("Can't solve for position with just %lu measurements", meas_size);
+ failure_count = 0;
+ }
+ free(vmask);
+ free(meas);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ failure_count = 0;
+ SurvivePose soLocation = so->OutPose;
+ bool currentPositionValid = quatmagnitude(&soLocation.Rot[0]);
+ {
+ const char *subposer = config_read_str(so->ctx->global_config_values, "SBASeedPoser", "PoserEPNP");
+ PoserCB driver = (PoserCB)GetDriver(subposer);
+ SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx;
+ if (driver) {
+ PoserData hdr = pdl->hdr;
+ memset(&pdl->hdr, 0, sizeof(pdl->hdr)); // Clear callback functions
+ pdl->hdr.pt = hdr.pt;
+ pdl->hdr.rawposeproc = sba_set_position;
+ sba_set_position_t locations = {};
+ pdl->hdr.userdata = &locations;
+ driver(so, &pdl->hdr);
+ pdl->hdr = hdr;
+ if (locations.hasInfo == false) {
+ free(vmask);
+ free(meas);
+ return -1;
+ } else if (locations.hasInfo) {
+ soLocation = locations.poses;
+ }
+ } else {
+ SV_INFO("Not using a seed poser for SBA; results will likely be way off");
+ }
+ }
+ double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ] = {};
+ double info[SBA_INFOSZ] = {};
+ sba_context ctx = {options, &pdl->hdr, so};
+ opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU;
+ opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; // max_reproj_error * meas.size();
+ opts[4] = 0.0;
+ int status = sba_str_levmar(1, // Number of 3d points
+ 0, // Number of 3d points to fix in spot
+ NUM_LIGHTHOUSES * so->sensor_ct, vmask,
+ soLocation.Pos, // Reads as the full pose though
+ 7, // pnp -- SurvivePose
+ meas, // x* -- measurement data
+ 0, // cov data
+ 2, // mnp -- 2 points per image
+ str_metric_function,
+ 0, // jacobia of metric_func
+ &ctx, // user data
+ max_iterations, // Max iterations
+ 0, // verbosity
+ opts, // options
+ info); // info
+ if (status > 0) {
+ quatnormalize(soLocation.Rot, soLocation.Rot);
+ PoserData_poser_raw_pose_func(&pdl->hdr, so, 1, &soLocation);
+ }
+ {
+ SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx;
+ // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really...
+ static int cnt = 0;
+ if (cnt++ > 1000 || meas_size < 8) {
+ SV_INFO("%f original reproj error for %lu meas", (info[0] / meas_size * 2), meas_size);
+ SV_INFO("%f cur reproj error", (info[1] / meas_size * 2));
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ free(vmask);
+ free(meas);
+ return info[1] / meas_size * 2;
+static double run_sba(survive_calibration_config options, PoserDataFullScene *pdfs, SurviveObject *so,
+ int max_iterations /* = 50*/, double max_reproj_error /* = 0.005*/) {
+ double *covx = 0;
+ char *vmask = malloc(sizeof(char) * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES);
+ double *meas = malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES);
+ size_t meas_size = construct_input(so, pdfs, vmask, meas);
+ SurvivePose camera_params[2] = {so->ctx->bsd[0].Pose, so->ctx->bsd[1].Pose};
+ if (true || so->ctx->bsd[0].PositionSet == 0 || so->ctx->bsd[1].PositionSet == 0) {
+ const char *subposer = config_read_str(so->ctx->global_config_values, "SBASeedPoser", "PoserEPNP");
+ PoserCB driver = (PoserCB)GetDriver(subposer);
+ SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx;
+ if (driver) {
+ SV_INFO("Using %s seed poser for SBA", subposer);
+ PoserData hdr = pdfs->hdr;
+ memset(&pdfs->hdr, 0, sizeof(pdfs->hdr)); // Clear callback functions
+ pdfs->hdr.pt = hdr.pt;
+ pdfs->hdr.lighthouseposeproc = sba_set_cameras;
+ pdfs->hdr.userdata = camera_params;
+ driver(so, &pdfs->hdr);
+ pdfs->hdr = hdr;
+ } else {
+ SV_INFO("Not using a seed poser for SBA; results will likely be way off");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ so->ctx->bsd[i].Pose = (SurvivePose){};
+ so->ctx->bsd[i].Pose.Rot[0] = 1.;
+ }
+ }
+ // opencv_solver_poser_cb(so, (PoserData *)pdfs);
+ // PoserCharlesSlow(so, (PoserData *)pdfs);
+ }
+ double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ] = {};
+ double info[SBA_INFOSZ] = {};
+ sba_context ctx = {options, &pdfs->hdr, so};
+ opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU;
+ opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
+ opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; // max_reproj_error * meas.size();
+ opts[4] = 0.0;
+ int status = sba_mot_levmar(so->sensor_ct, // number of 3d points
+ NUM_LIGHTHOUSES, // Number of cameras -- 2 lighthouses
+ 0, // Number of cameras to not modify
+ vmask, // boolean vis mask
+ (double *)&camera_params[0], // camera parameters
+ sizeof(SurvivePose) / sizeof(double), // The number of floats that are in a camera param
+ meas, // 2d points for 3d objs
+ covx, // covariance of measurement. Null sets to identity
+ 2, // 2 points per image
+ metric_function,
+ 0, // jacobia of metric_func
+ &ctx, // user data
+ max_iterations, // Max iterations
+ 0, // verbosity
+ opts, // options
+ info); // info
+ if (status >= 0) {
+ PoserData_lighthouse_pose_func(&pdfs->hdr, so, 0, &camera_params[0]);
+ PoserData_lighthouse_pose_func(&pdfs->hdr, so, 1, &camera_params[1]);
+ }
+ // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really...
+ // std::cerr << info[0] / meas.size() * 2 << " original reproj error" << std::endl;
+ free(vmask);
+ free(meas);
+ {
+ SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx;
+ // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really...
+ SV_INFO("%f original reproj error for %lu meas", (info[0] / meas_size * 2), meas_size);
+ SV_INFO("%f cur reproj error", (info[1] / meas_size * 2));
+ }
+ return info[1] / meas_size * 2;
+int PoserSBA(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
+ switch (pd->pt) {
+ SurviveSensorActivations *scene = &so->activations;
+ PoserDataLight *lightData = (PoserDataLight *)pd;
+ survive_calibration_config config = *survive_calibration_default_config();
+ FLT error = run_sba_find_3d_structure(config, lightData, so, scene, 50, .5);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PoserDataFullScene *pdfs = (PoserDataFullScene *)(pd);
+ survive_calibration_config config = *survive_calibration_default_config();
+ // std::cerr << "Running sba with " << config << std::endl;
+ double error = run_sba(config, pdfs, so, 50, .005);
+ // std::cerr << "Average reproj error: " << error << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ default: {
+ const char *subposer = config_read_str(so->ctx->global_config_values, "SBASeedPoser", "PoserEPNP");
+ PoserCB driver = (PoserCB)GetDriver(subposer);
+ if (driver) {
+ return driver(so, pd);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
diff --git a/src/poser_sba.h b/src/poser_sba.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a49122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/poser_sba.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#pragma once
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define FLT double
+#include "survive_reproject.h"
+#include <libsurvive/poser.h>
+#include <ostream>
+struct SurviveObject;
+int sba_bruteforce_config_solver_cb(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd);
+int sba_solver_poser_cb(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd);
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const survive_calibration_options_config &self);
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const survive_calibration_config &self); \ No newline at end of file