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authormwturvey <michael.w.turvey@intel.com>2017-03-10 12:44:10 -0700
committermwturvey <michael.w.turvey@intel.com>2017-03-10 12:44:10 -0700
commit1d9db12d7e115f2b8994f014e37f1086c17e90fd (patch)
parent8136850901bd817fdb23842e10febace47e5b18a (diff)
Cleanup & torus updates
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/redist/linmath.c b/redist/linmath.c
index 1c5c25b..dec7d64 100644
--- a/redist/linmath.c
+++ b/redist/linmath.c
@@ -481,150 +481,3 @@ void quatfrom2vectors(FLT *q, const FLT *src, const FLT *dest)
-///////////////////////////////////////Matrix Rotations////////////////////////////////////
-////Originally from Stack Overflow
-////Under cc by-sa 3.0
-//// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23166898/efficient-way-to-calculate-a-3x3-rotation-matrix-from-the-rotation-defined-by-tw
-//// Copyright 2014 by Campbell Barton
-//// Copyright 2017 by Michael Turvey
-//* Calculate a rotation matrix from 2 normalized vectors.
-//* v1 and v2 must be unit length.
-//void rotation_between_vecs_to_mat3(FLT m[3][3], const FLT v1[3], const FLT v2[3])
-// FLT axis[3];
-// /* avoid calculating the angle */
-// FLT angle_sin;
-// FLT angle_cos;
-// cross3d(axis, v1, v2);
-// angle_sin = normalize_v3(axis);
-// angle_cos = dot3d(v1, v2);
-// if (angle_sin > FLT_EPSILON) {
-// axis_calc:
-// axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3_ex(m, axis, angle_sin, angle_cos);
-// }
-// else {
-// /* Degenerate (co-linear) vectors */
-// if (angle_cos > 0.0f) {
-// /* Same vectors, zero rotation... */
-// unit_m3(m);
-// }
-// else {
-// /* Colinear but opposed vectors, 180 rotation... */
-// get_orthogonal_vector(axis, v1);
-// normalize_v3(axis);
-// angle_sin = 0.0f; /* sin(M_PI) */
-// angle_cos = -1.0f; /* cos(M_PI) */
-// goto axis_calc;
-// }
-// }
-//void get_orthogonal_vector(FLT out[3], const FLT in[3])
-//#ifdef USE_DOUBLE
-// const FLT x = fabs(in[0]);
-// const FLT y = fabs(in[1]);
-// const FLT z = fabs(in[2]);
-// const FLT x = fabsf(in[0]);
-// const FLT y = fabsf(in[1]);
-// const FLT z = fabsf(in[2]);
-// if (x > y && x > z)
-// {
-// // x is dominant
-// out[0] = -in[1] - in[2];
-// out[1] = in[0];
-// out[2] = in[0];
-// }
-// else if (y > z)
-// {
-// // y is dominant
-// out[0] = in[1];
-// out[1] = -in[0] - in[2];
-// out[2] = in[1];
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // z is dominant
-// out[0] = in[2];
-// out[1] = in[2];
-// out[2] = -in[0] - in[1];
-// }
-//void unit_m3(FLT mat[3][3])
-// mat[0][0] = 1;
-// mat[0][1] = 0;
-// mat[0][2] = 0;
-// mat[1][0] = 0;
-// mat[1][1] = 1;
-// mat[1][2] = 0;
-// mat[2][0] = 0;
-// mat[2][1] = 0;
-// mat[2][2] = 1;
-//FLT normalize_v3(FLT vect[3])
-// FLT distance = dot3d(vect, vect);
-// if (distance < 1.0e-35f)
-// {
-// // distance is too short, just go to zero.
-// vect[0] = 0;
-// vect[1] = 0;
-// vect[2] = 0;
-// distance = 0;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// distance = FLT_SQRT((FLT)distance);
-// scale3d(vect, vect, 1.0f / distance);
-// }
-// return distance;
-///* axis must be unit length */
-//void axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3_ex(
-// FLT mat[3][3], const FLT axis[3],
-// const FLT angle_sin, const FLT angle_cos)
-// FLT nsi[3], ico;
-// FLT n_00, n_01, n_11, n_02, n_12, n_22;
-// ico = (1.0f - angle_cos);
-// nsi[0] = axis[0] * angle_sin;
-// nsi[1] = axis[1] * angle_sin;
-// nsi[2] = axis[2] * angle_sin;
-// n_00 = (axis[0] * axis[0]) * ico;
-// n_01 = (axis[0] * axis[1]) * ico;
-// n_11 = (axis[1] * axis[1]) * ico;
-// n_02 = (axis[0] * axis[2]) * ico;
-// n_12 = (axis[1] * axis[2]) * ico;
-// n_22 = (axis[2] * axis[2]) * ico;
-// mat[0][0] = n_00 + angle_cos;
-// mat[0][1] = n_01 + nsi[2];
-// mat[0][2] = n_02 - nsi[1];
-// mat[1][0] = n_01 - nsi[2];
-// mat[1][1] = n_11 + angle_cos;
-// mat[1][2] = n_12 + nsi[0];
-// mat[2][0] = n_02 + nsi[1];
-// mat[2][1] = n_12 - nsi[0];
-// mat[2][2] = n_22 + angle_cos;
diff --git a/tools/lighthousefind_tori/torus_localizer.c b/tools/lighthousefind_tori/torus_localizer.c
index fd74b22..894bbce 100644
--- a/tools/lighthousefind_tori/torus_localizer.c
+++ b/tools/lighthousefind_tori/torus_localizer.c
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
#include "visualization.h"
-static double distance(Point a, Point b)
+static FLT distance(Point a, Point b)
- double x = a.x - b.x;
- double y = a.y - b.y;
- double z = a.z - b.z;
- return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
+ FLT x = a.x - b.x;
+ FLT y = a.y - b.y;
+ FLT z = a.z - b.z;
+ return FLT_SQRT(x*x + y*y + z*z);
Matrix3x3 GetRotationMatrixForTorus(Point a, Point b)
@@ -457,6 +457,137 @@ static Point RefineEstimateUsingModifiedGradientDescent1(Point initialEstimate,
+// interesting-- this is one place where we could use any sensors that are only hit by
+// just an x or y axis to make our estimate better. TODO: bring that data to this fn.
+FLT RotationEstimateFitness(Point lhPoint, FLT *quaternion, TrackedObject *obj)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < obj->numSensors; i++)
+ {
+ // first, get the normal of the plane for the horizonal sweep
+ FLT theta = obj->sensor[i].theta;
+ // make two vectors that lie on the plane
+ FLT t1[3] = { 1, tan(theta), 0 };
+ FLT t2[3] = { 1, tan(theta), 1 };
+ FLT tNorm[3];
+ // the normal is the cross of two vectors on the plane.
+ cross3d(tNorm, t1, t2);
+ // distance for this plane is d= fabs(A*x + B*y)/sqrt(A^2+B^2) (z term goes away since this plane is "vertical")
+ // where A is
+ //FLT d =
+ }
+static Point RefineRotationEstimate(Point initialEstimate, PointsAndAngle *pna, size_t pnaCount, FILE *logFile)
+ int i = 0;
+ FLT lastMatchFitness = getPointFitness(initialEstimate, pna, pnaCount);
+ Point lastPoint = initialEstimate;
+ // The values below are somewhat magic, and definitely tunable
+ // The initial vlue of g will represent the biggest step that the gradient descent can take at first.
+ // bigger values may be faster, especially when the initial guess is wildly off.
+ // The downside to a bigger starting guess is that if we've picked a good guess at the local minima
+ // if there are other local minima, we may accidentally jump to such a local minima and get stuck there.
+ // That's fairly unlikely with the lighthouse problem, from expereince.
+ // The other downside is that if it's too big, we may have to spend a few iterations before it gets down
+ // to a size that doesn't jump us out of our minima.
+ // The terminal value of g represents how close we want to get to the local minima before we're "done"
+ // The change in value of g for each iteration is intentionally very close to 1.
+ // in fact, it probably could probably be 1 without any issue. The main place where g is decremented
+ // is in the block below when we've made a jump that results in a worse fitness than we're starting at.
+ // In those cases, we don't take the jump, and instead lower the value of g and try again.
+ for (FLT g = 0.2; g > 0.00001; g *= 0.99)
+ {
+ i++;
+ Point point1 = lastPoint;
+ // let's get 3 iterations of gradient descent here.
+ Point gradient1 = getGradient(point1, pna, pnaCount, g / 1000 /*somewhat arbitrary*/);
+ Point gradientN1 = getNormalizedVector(gradient1, g);
+ Point point2;
+ point2.x = point1.x + gradientN1.x;
+ point2.y = point1.y + gradientN1.y;
+ point2.z = point1.z + gradientN1.z;
+ Point gradient2 = getGradient(point2, pna, pnaCount, g / 1000 /*somewhat arbitrary*/);
+ Point gradientN2 = getNormalizedVector(gradient2, g);
+ Point point3;
+ point3.x = point2.x + gradientN2.x;
+ point3.y = point2.y + gradientN2.y;
+ point3.z = point2.z + gradientN2.z;
+ // remember that gradient descent has a tendency to zig-zag when it encounters a narrow valley?
+ // Well, solving the lighthouse problem presents a very narrow valley, and the zig-zag of a basic
+ // gradient descent is kinda horrible here. Instead, think about the shape that a zig-zagging
+ // converging gradient descent makes. Instead of using the gradient as the best indicator of
+ // the direction we should follow, we're looking at one side of the zig-zag pattern, and specifically
+ // following *that* vector. As it turns out, this works *amazingly* well.
+ Point specialGradient = { .x = point3.x - point1.x, .y = point3.y - point1.y, .z = point3.y - point1.y };
+ // The second parameter to this function is very much a tunable parameter. Different values will result
+ // in a different number of iterations before we get to the minimum. Numbers between 3-10 seem to work well
+ // It's not clear what would be optimum here.
+ specialGradient = getNormalizedVector(specialGradient, g / 4);
+ Point point4;
+ point4.x = point3.x + specialGradient.x;
+ point4.y = point3.y + specialGradient.y;
+ point4.z = point3.z + specialGradient.z;
+ FLT newMatchFitness = getPointFitness(point4, pna, pnaCount);
+ if (newMatchFitness > lastMatchFitness)
+ {
+ if (logFile)
+ {
+ writePoint(logFile, lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y, lastPoint.z, 0xFFFFFF);
+ }
+ lastMatchFitness = newMatchFitness;
+ lastPoint = point4;
+#ifdef TORI_DEBUG
+ printf("+");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef TORI_DEBUG
+ printf("-");
+ g *= 0.7;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\ni=%d\n", i);
+ return lastPoint;
+void SolveForRotation(FLT rotOut[4], TrackedObject *obj, Point lh)
+ // Step 1, create initial quaternion for guess.
+ // This should have the lighthouse directly facing the tracked object.
+ Point trackedObjRelativeToLh = { .x = -lh.x, .y = -lh.y, .z = -lh.z };
+ FLT theta = atan2(-lh.x, -lh.y);
+ FLT zAxis[3] = { 0, 0, 1 };
+ FLT quat1[4];
+ quatfromaxisangle(quat1, zAxis, theta);
+ // not correcting for phi, but that's less important.
+ // Step 2, optimize the quaternion to match the data.
Point SolveForLighthouse(TrackedObject *obj, char doLogOutput)
PointsAndAngle pna[MAX_POINT_PAIRS];