path: root/src
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7 files changed, 487 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/ootx_decoder.c b/src/ootx_decoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1815d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ootx_decoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// (C) 2017 Joshua Allen, MIT/x11 License.
+//All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses.
+/* ootx data decoder */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "ootx_decoder.h"
+//#include "crc32.h"
+//char* fmt_str = "L Y HMD %d 5 1 206230 %d\n";
+#define MAX_BUFF_SIZE 64
+void (*ootx_packet_clbk)(ootx_decoder_context * ctx, ootx_packet* packet) = NULL;
+void (*ootx_bad_crc_clbk)(ootx_decoder_context * ctx, ootx_packet* packet, uint32_t crc) = NULL;
+void ootx_pump_bit(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint8_t dbit);
+void ootx_init_decoder_context(ootx_decoder_context *ctx) {
+ ctx->buf_offset = 0;
+ ctx->bits_written = 0;
+ ctx->preamble = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+ ctx->bits_processed = 0;
+ ctx->found_preamble = 0;
+ ctx->buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(MAX_BUFF_SIZE);
+ ctx->payload_size = (uint16_t*)ctx->buffer;
+ *(ctx->payload_size) = 0;
+void ootx_free_decoder_context(ootx_decoder_context *ctx) {
+ free(ctx->buffer);
+ ctx->buffer = NULL;
+ ctx->payload_size = NULL;
+uint8_t ootx_decode_bit(uint32_t length) {
+ uint8_t t = (length - 2750) / 500; //why 2750?
+// return ((t & 0x02)>0)?0xFF:0x00; //easier if we need to bitshift right
+ return ((t & 0x02)>>1);
+uint8_t ootx_detect_preamble(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint8_t dbit) {
+ ctx->preamble <<= 1;
+// ctx->preamble |= (0x01 & dbit);
+ ctx->preamble |= dbit;
+ if ((ctx->preamble & 0x0003ffff) == 0x00000001) return 1;
+ return 0;
+void ootx_reset_buffer(ootx_decoder_context *ctx) {
+ ctx->buf_offset = 0;
+ ctx->buffer[ctx->buf_offset] = 0;
+ ctx->bits_written = 0;
+ *(ctx->payload_size) = 0;
+void ootx_inc_buffer_offset(ootx_decoder_context *ctx) {
+ ++(ctx->buf_offset);
+// assert(ctx->buf_offset<MAX_BUFF_SIZE);
+ /* the buffer is going to overflow, wrap the buffer and don't write more data until the preamble is found again */
+ if(ctx->buf_offset>=MAX_BUFF_SIZE) {
+ ctx->buf_offset = 0;
+ ctx->found_preamble = 0;
+ }
+ ctx->buffer[ctx->buf_offset] = 0;
+void ootx_write_to_buffer(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint8_t dbit) {
+ uint8_t *current_byte = ctx->buffer + ctx->buf_offset;
+ *current_byte <<= 1;
+// *current_byte |= (0x01 & dbit);
+ *current_byte |= dbit;
+ ++(ctx->bits_written);
+ if (ctx->bits_written>7) {
+ ctx->bits_written=0;
+// printf("%d\n", *current_byte);
+ ootx_inc_buffer_offset(ctx);
+ }
+uint8_t ootx_process_bit(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint32_t length) {
+ uint8_t dbit = ootx_decode_bit(length);
+ ootx_pump_bit( ctx, dbit );
+ return dbit;
+void ootx_pump_bit(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint8_t dbit) {
+// uint8_t dbit = ootx_decode_bit(length);
+ ++(ctx->bits_processed);
+ if ( ootx_detect_preamble(ctx, dbit) ) {
+ /* data stream can start over at any time so we must
+ always look for preamble bits */
+ //printf("Preamble found\n");
+ ootx_reset_buffer(ctx);
+ ctx->bits_processed = 0;
+ ctx->found_preamble = 1;
+ }
+ else if(ctx->bits_processed>16) {
+ //every 17th bit needs to be dropped (sync bit)
+// printf("drop %d\n", dbit);
+ if( !dbit )
+ {
+ printf("Bad sync bit\n");
+ ootx_reset_buffer(ctx);
+ }
+ ctx->bits_processed = 0;
+ }
+ else if (ctx->found_preamble > 0)
+ {
+ /* only write to buffer if the preamble is found.
+ if the buffer overflows, found_preamble will be cleared
+ and writing will stop. data would be corrupted, so there is no point in continuing
+ */
+ ootx_write_to_buffer(ctx, dbit);
+ uint16_t padded_length = *(ctx->payload_size);
+ padded_length += (padded_length&0x01); //extra null byte if odd
+/* int k;
+ printf( ":" );
+ for( k = 0; k < 36; k++ )
+ {
+ printf( "%02x ", ctx->buffer[k] );
+ }
+ printf( "\n" );*/
+ if (ctx->buf_offset >= (padded_length+6)) {
+ /* once we have a complete ootx packet, send it out in the callback */
+ ootx_packet op;
+ op.length = *(ctx->payload_size);
+ op.data = ctx->buffer+2;
+ op.crc32 = *(uint32_t*)(op.data+padded_length);
+ uint32_t crc = crc32( 0L, Z_NULL, 0 );
+ crc = crc32( crc, op.data,op.length);
+ if (crc != op.crc32) {
+ if (ootx_bad_crc_clbk != NULL) ootx_bad_crc_clbk(ctx, &op,crc);
+ }
+ else if (ootx_packet_clbk != NULL) {
+ ootx_packet_clbk(ctx,&op);
+ }
+ ootx_reset_buffer(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+uint8_t* get_ptr(uint8_t* data, uint8_t bytes, uint16_t* idx) {
+ uint8_t* x = data + *idx;
+ *idx += bytes;
+ return x;
+float _half_to_float(uint8_t* data) {
+ //this will not handle infinity, NaN, or denormalized floats
+ uint16_t x = *(uint16_t*)data;
+ float f = 0;
+ uint32_t *ftmp = (uint32_t*)&f; //use the allocated floating point memory
+ if ((x & 0x7FFF) == 0) return f; //zero
+ //sign
+ *ftmp = x & 0x8000;
+ *ftmp <<= 16;
+ *ftmp += ((((uint32_t)(x & 0x7fff)) + 0x1c000) << 13);
+ return f;
+void init_lighthouse_info_v6(lighthouse_info_v6* lhi, uint8_t* data) {
+ uint16_t idx = 0;
+ /*
+ uint16_t fw_version;//Firmware version (bit 15..6), protocol version (bit 5..0)
+ uint32_t id; //Unique identifier of the base station
+ float fcal_0_phase; //"phase" for rotor 0
+ float fcal_1_phase; //"phase" for rotor 1
+ float fcal_0_tilt; //"tilt" for rotor 0
+ float fcal_1_tilt; //"tilt" for rotor 1
+ uint8_t sys_unlock_count; //Lowest 8 bits of the rotor desynchronization counter
+ uint8_t hw_version; //Hardware version
+ float fcal_0_curve; //"curve" for rotor 0
+ float fcal_1_curve; //"curve" for rotor 1
+ int8_t accel_dir_x; //"orientation vector"
+ int8_t accel_dir_y; //"orientation vector"
+ int8_t accel_dir_z; //"orientation vector"
+ float fcal_0_gibphase; //"gibbous phase" for rotor 0 (normalized angle)
+ float fcal_1_gibphase; //"gibbous phase" for rotor 1 (normalized angle)
+ float fcal_0_gibmag; //"gibbous magnitude" for rotor 0
+ float fcal_1_gibmag; //"gibbous magnitude" for rotor 1
+ uint8_t mode_current; //Currently selected mode (default: 0=A, 1=B, 2=C)
+ uint8_t sys_faults; //"fault detect flags" (should be 0)
+ */
+ lhi->fw_version = *(uint16_t*)get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx);
+ lhi->id = *(uint32_t*)get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint32_t),&idx);
+ lhi->fcal_0_phase = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_1_phase = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_0_tilt = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_1_tilt = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->sys_unlock_count = *get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->hw_version = *get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->fcal_0_curve = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_1_curve = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->accel_dir_x = *(int8_t*)get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->accel_dir_y = *(int8_t*)get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->accel_dir_z = *(int8_t*)get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->fcal_0_gibphase = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_1_gibphase = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_0_gibmag = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->fcal_1_gibmag = _half_to_float( get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint16_t),&idx) );
+ lhi->mode_current = *get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+ lhi->sys_faults = *get_ptr(data,sizeof(uint8_t),&idx);
+void print_lighthouse_info_v6(lighthouse_info_v6* lhi) {
+ printf("\t%X\n\t%X\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%d\n\t%d\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%d\n\t%d\n\t%d\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%f\n\t%d\n\t%d\n",
+ lhi->fw_version,
+ lhi->id,
+ lhi->fcal_0_phase,
+ lhi->fcal_1_phase,
+ lhi->fcal_0_tilt,
+ lhi->fcal_1_tilt,
+ lhi->sys_unlock_count,
+ lhi->hw_version,
+ lhi->fcal_0_curve,
+ lhi->fcal_1_curve,
+ lhi->accel_dir_x,
+ lhi->accel_dir_y,
+ lhi->accel_dir_z,
+ lhi->fcal_0_gibphase,
+ lhi->fcal_1_gibphase,
+ lhi->fcal_0_gibmag,
+ lhi->fcal_1_gibmag,
+ lhi->mode_current,
+ lhi->sys_faults);
diff --git a/src/ootx_decoder.h b/src/ootx_decoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ddf527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ootx_decoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// (C) 2017 Joshua Allen, MIT/x11 License.
+//All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef struct {
+ uint16_t length;
+ uint8_t* data;
+ uint32_t crc32;
+} ootx_packet;
+typedef struct {
+ uint8_t* buffer;
+ uint16_t buf_offset;
+ uint8_t bits_written;
+ uint16_t* payload_size;
+ uint32_t preamble;
+ uint8_t bits_processed;
+ uint8_t found_preamble;
+ uint8_t bit_count[2];
+ void * user;
+ int user1;
+} ootx_decoder_context;
+typedef float float16;
+typedef struct {
+ uint16_t fw_version;//Firmware version (bit 15..6), protocol version (bit 5..0)
+ uint32_t id; //Unique identifier of the base station
+ float16 fcal_0_phase; //"phase" for rotor 0
+ float16 fcal_1_phase; //"phase" for rotor 1
+ float16 fcal_0_tilt; //"tilt" for rotor 0
+ float16 fcal_1_tilt; //"tilt" for rotor 1
+ uint8_t sys_unlock_count; //Lowest 8 bits of the rotor desynchronization counter
+ uint8_t hw_version; //Hardware version
+ float16 fcal_0_curve; //"curve" for rotor 0
+ float16 fcal_1_curve; //"curve" for rotor 1
+ int8_t accel_dir_x; //"orientation vector"
+ int8_t accel_dir_y; //"orientation vector"
+ int8_t accel_dir_z; //"orientation vector"
+ float16 fcal_0_gibphase; //"gibbous phase" for rotor 0 (normalized angle)
+ float16 fcal_1_gibphase; //"gibbous phase" for rotor 1 (normalized angle)
+ float16 fcal_0_gibmag; //"gibbous magnitude" for rotor 0
+ float16 fcal_1_gibmag; //"gibbous magnitude" for rotor 1
+ uint8_t mode_current; //Currently selected mode (default: 0=A, 1=B, 2=C)
+ uint8_t sys_faults; //"fault detect flags" (should be 0)
+} lighthouse_info_v6;
+void init_lighthouse_info_v6(lighthouse_info_v6* lhi, uint8_t* data);
+void print_lighthouse_info_v6(lighthouse_info_v6* lhi);
+void ootx_init_decoder_context(ootx_decoder_context *ctx);
+void ootx_free_decoder_context(ootx_decoder_context *ctx);
+uint8_t ootx_process_bit(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint32_t length);
+void ootx_pump_bit(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, uint8_t dbit);
+uint8_t ootx_decode_bit(uint32_t length);
+extern void (*ootx_packet_clbk)(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, ootx_packet* packet);
+extern void (*ootx_bad_crc_clbk)(ootx_decoder_context *ctx, ootx_packet* packet, uint32_t crc);
diff --git a/src/survive_cal.c b/src/survive_cal.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adcb7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/survive_cal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// (C) 2016, 2017 Joshua Allen, MIT/x11 License.
+// (C) 2016, 2017 <>< C. N. Lohr, Under MIT/x11 License.
+// All OOTX code was written by J. Allen. Rest of the code is probably mostly CNLohr.
+#include "survive_cal.h"
+#include "survive_internal.h"
+void ootx_packet_clbk_d(ootx_decoder_context *ct, ootx_packet* packet)
+ struct SurviveContext * ctx = (struct SurviveContext*)(ct->user);
+ struct SurviveCalData * cd = ctx->calptr;
+ int id = ct->user1;
+ printf( "Got OOTX packet %d %p\n", id, cd );
+ lighthouse_info_v6 v6;
+ init_lighthouse_info_v6(&v6, packet->data);
+ print_lighthouse_info_v6(&v6);
+void survive_cal_install( struct SurviveContext * ctx )
+ int i;
+ struct SurviveCalData * cd = ctx->calptr = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct SurviveCalData ) );
+ for( i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; i++ )
+ {
+ ootx_init_decoder_context(&cd->ootx_decoders[i]);
+ cd->ootx_decoders[i].user = ctx;
+ cd->ootx_decoders[i].user1 = i;
+ }
+ cd->stage = 1;
+ ootx_packet_clbk = ootx_packet_clbk_d;
+ ctx->calptr = cd;
+void survive_cal_light( struct SurviveObject * so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, uint32_t timecode, uint32_t length )
+ struct SurviveContext * ctx = so->ctx;
+ struct SurviveCalData * cd = ctx->calptr;
+ if( !cd ) return;
+ switch( cd->stage )
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0: //Default, inactive.
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ //Collecting OOTX data.
+ if( sensor_id < 0 )
+ {
+ int lhid = -sensor_id-1;
+ if( lhid < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES && so->codename[0] == 'H' )
+ {
+ uint8_t dbit = (acode & 2)>>1;
+ //printf( "%s %d %d %d\n", so->codename, lhid, acode, dbit );
+ ootx_pump_bit( &cd->ootx_decoders[lhid], dbit );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/src/survive_cal.h b/src/survive_cal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74bf95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/survive_cal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// (C) 2016, 2017 <>< C. N. Lohr, Under MIT/x11 License.
+// All OOTX code was written by J. Allen. Rest of the code is probably mostly CNLohr.
+#ifndef _SURVIVE_CAL_H
+#define _SURVIVE_CAL_H
+//This is a file that is intended for use with capturing vive data during the
+//setup phase. This and survive_cal.c/.h should not be included on embedded
+//uses of libsurvive.
+//This file handles the following:
+// 1: Decoding the OOTX data from the lighthouses.
+// 2: Setting OOTX props in the survive context.
+// 3: Collect a bunch of data with the vive pointed up and the watchment to either side.
+// 4: Running the code to find the lighthouses.
+// 5: Setting the information needed to develop the worldspace model in the SurviveContext.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "ootx_decoder.h"
+#include "survive_internal.h"
+void survive_cal_install( struct SurviveContext * ctx );
+int survive_cal_get_status( struct SurviveContext * ctx, char * description, int max_data );
+//void survive_cal_teardown( struct SurviveContext * ctx );
+//Called from survive_default_light_process
+void survive_cal_light( struct SurviveObject * so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, uint32_t timecode, uint32_t length );
+struct SurviveCalData
+ //Stage:
+ // 0: Idle
+ // 1: Collecting OOTX data.
+ int stage;
+ //OOTX Data is sync'd off of
+ ootx_decoder_context ootx_decoders[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES];
diff --git a/src/survive_data.c b/src/survive_data.c
index b79f96e..c557951 100644
--- a/src/survive_data.c
+++ b/src/survive_data.c
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static void handle_lightcap( struct SurviveObject * so, struct LightcapElement *
ssn = ++so->sync_set_number;
- if( so->sync_set_number > 1 )
+ if( so->sync_set_number >= NUM_LIGHTHOUSES )
SV_INFO( "Warning. Received an extra, unassociated sync pulse." );
ssn = so->sync_set_number = -1;
@@ -106,12 +106,20 @@ static void handle_lightcap( struct SurviveObject * so, struct LightcapElement *
//See if this is a valid actual pulse.
else if( le->length < 1800 && le->length > 40 && delta > 30000 && ssn >= 0 )
int32_t dl = so->last_time[0];
int32_t tpco = so->last_length[0];
+ #error You are going to have to fix the code around here to allow for something other than two base stations.
//Adding length
//Long pulse-code from IR flood.
//Make sure it fits nicely into a divisible-by-500 time.
@@ -128,6 +136,7 @@ static void handle_lightcap( struct SurviveObject * so, struct LightcapElement *
acode_array[0] = (acode_array[0]>>1) - 6;
acode_array[1] = (acode_array[1]>>1) - 6;
int acode = acode_array[0];
if( !so->did_handle_ootx )
@@ -135,7 +144,6 @@ static void handle_lightcap( struct SurviveObject * so, struct LightcapElement *
int32_t delta1 = so->last_time[0] - so->recent_sync_time;
int32_t delta2 = so->last_time[1] - so->last_time[0];
- //XXX Axlecrusher -> Add your code here!!!
ctx->lightproc( so, -1, acode_array[0], delta1, so->last_time[0], so->last_length[0] );
ctx->lightproc( so, -2, acode_array[1], delta2, so->last_time[1], so->last_length[1] );
diff --git a/src/survive_internal.h b/src/survive_internal.h
index 446f3c0..11c9d89 100644
--- a/src/survive_internal.h
+++ b/src/survive_internal.h
@@ -62,6 +62,22 @@ struct SurviveUSBInterface
//This is defined in survive.h
struct SurviveObject;
+struct SurviveCalData;
+struct BaseStationData
+ uint8_t PositionSet:1;
+ float Position[3];
+ float Quaternion[4];
+ uint8_t OOTXSet:1;
+ uint32_t BaseStationID;
+ float fcalphase[2];
+ float fcaltilt[2];
+ float fcalcurve[2];
+ float fcalgibpha[2];
+ float fcalgibmag[2];
struct SurviveContext
@@ -75,9 +91,15 @@ struct SurviveContext
light_process_func lightproc;
imu_process_func imuproc;
- //Data Subsystem
+ //Calibration data:
+ struct BaseStationData bsd[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES];
+ struct SurviveCalData * calptr; //If and only if the calibration subsystem is attached.
+ //Data Subsystem. These should be last, as there may be additional surviveobjects.
struct SurviveObject headset;
- struct SurviveObject watchman[2];
+ struct SurviveObject watchman[2]; //Currently only two supported watchmen.
diff --git a/src/survive_process.c b/src/survive_process.c
index d3a8c4a..184532b 100644
--- a/src/survive_process.c
+++ b/src/survive_process.c
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
//<>< (C) 2016 C. N. Lohr, FULLY Under MIT/x11 License.
//All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses.
-#include "survive_internal.h"
+#include "survive_cal.h"
-int bufferpts[32*2];
-char buffermts[32*128];
-int buffertimeto[32];
+//XXX TODO: Once data is avialble in the context, use the stuff here to handle converting from time codes to
+//proper angles, then from there perform the rest of the solution.
void survive_default_light_process( struct SurviveObject * so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, uint32_t timecode, uint32_t length )
+ if( so->ctx->calptr )
+ {
+ survive_cal_light( so, sensor_id, acode, timeinsweep, timecode, length );
+ }
//TODO: Writeme!
@@ -18,4 +22,3 @@ void survive_default_imu_process( struct SurviveObject * so, int16_t * accelgyro
//TODO: Writeme!