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diff --git a/src/poser_turveytori.c b/src/poser_turveytori.c
index 4398b66..b6661d7 100644
--- a/src/poser_turveytori.c
+++ b/src/poser_turveytori.c
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ FLT RotationEstimateFitnessAxisAngle(Point lh, FLT *AxisAngle, TrackedObject *ob
// let's see... we need to figure out where this sensor should be in the LH reference frame.
- FLT sensorLocation[3] = {obj->sensor[i].point.x-lh.x, obj->sensor[i].point.y-lh.y, obj->sensor[i].point.z-lh.z};
+ FLT sensorLocation[3] = { obj->sensor[i].point.x - lh.x, obj->sensor[i].point.y - lh.y, obj->sensor[i].point.z - lh.z };
// And this puppy needs to be rotated...
@@ -691,6 +691,8 @@ FLT RotationEstimateFitnessAxisAngle(Point lh, FLT *AxisAngle, TrackedObject *ob
// and the vector we're calculating given the rotation passed in is the same as the sensor location:
FLT calcVectFromLh[3] = {sensorLocation[0], sensorLocation[1], sensorLocation[2]};
FLT angleBetween = anglebetween3d( realVectFromLh, calcVectFromLh );
fitness += SQUARED(angleBetween);
@@ -1325,16 +1327,19 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
// arbitrarily picking a value of 8 meters out to start from.
// intentionally picking the direction of the average normal vector of the sensors that see the lighthouse
- // since this is least likely to pick the incorrect "mirror" point that would send us
- // back into the search for the correct point (see "if (a1 > M_PI / 2)" below)
+ // since this is least likely to converge to the incorrect "mirror" point
+ // If we inadvertently pick that, we would incur the added expense of coming
+ // back into the search a second time to get the correct location (see "if (a1 > M_PI / 2)" below)
Point p1 = getNormalizedAndScaledVector(avgNorm, 8);
// if the last lighthouse position has been populated (extremely rare it would be 0)
+ // use that instead.
if (toriData->lastLhPos[lh].x != 0)
p1.x = toriData->lastLhPos[lh].x;
p1.y = toriData->lastLhPos[lh].y;
p1.z = toriData->lastLhPos[lh].z;
+ // TODO: If we're in here, we probably didn't need to do the getNormalizedAndScaledVector above...
// refinedEstimateGd is the estimate for the location of the lighthouse in the tracked
@@ -1367,7 +1372,7 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
if (ttDebug) printf(" la(% 04.4f) SnsrCnt(%2d) LhPos:(% 04.4f, % 04.4f, % 04.4f) Dist: % 08.8f ", largestAngle, (int)obj->numSensors, refinedEstimateGd.x, refinedEstimateGd.y, refinedEstimateGd.z, distance);
//printf("Distance is %f, Fitness is %f\n", distance, fitGd);
- FLT rot[4]; // this is axis/ angle rotation, not a quaternion!
+// FLT rot[4]; // this is axis/ angle rotation, not a quaternion!
FLT rotQuat[4]; // this is a quaternion!
// if we've already guessed at the rotation of the lighthouse,
@@ -1395,7 +1400,7 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
// TODO: I believe this could be radically improved
// using an SVD.
SolveForRotationQuat(rotQuat, obj, refinedEstimateGd);
- SolveForRotation(rot, obj, refinedEstimateGd);
+// SolveForRotation(rot, obj, refinedEstimateGd);
FLT objPos[3];
//FLT objPos2[3];
@@ -1408,10 +1413,11 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
- FLT rotQuat2[4];
+// FLT rotQuat2[4];
FLT rot2[4];
- quatfromaxisangle(rotQuat2, rot, rot[3]);
+// quatfromaxisangle(rotQuat2, rot, rot[3]);
axisanglefromquat(&(rot2[3]), rot2, rotQuat);
@@ -1419,13 +1425,15 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
WhereIsTheTrackedObjectAxisAngle(objPos, rot2, refinedEstimateGd); // this one is axis angle, but using data derived by quaternions.
// WhereIsTheTrackedObjectQuaternion(objPos, rotQuat, refinedEstimateGd); <--------------This is hte one we need to use, might need to be fixed.
- //{
- //FLT tmpPos[3] = {refinedEstimateGd.x, refinedEstimateGd.y, refinedEstimateGd.z};
- //quatrotatevector(tmpPos, rotQuat, tmpPos);
- //}
- //static int foo = 0;
+ // Apply a rotation of the lighthouse here to get things consistent with the other posers.
+// FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0.7071,0,-0.7071,0 };
+// FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0.7071,0,0, -0.7071 };
+// FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0, -0.7071, 0.7071, 0 };
+ // FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0,1,0,0 };
+// FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 1,0,0,0 };
+// FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5 };
+ FLT saneLHPoseAdjustment[4] = { 0.5,0.5,-0.5,-0.5 };
//if (0 == foo)
if (setLhCalibration)
@@ -1437,7 +1445,14 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
FLT invRot[4];
- quatgetreciprocal(invRot, rotQuat);
+ FLT invSaneLHPoseAdjustment[4];
+ quatgetreciprocal(invSaneLHPoseAdjustment, saneLHPoseAdjustment);
+ quatrotateabout(invRot, invSaneLHPoseAdjustment, rotQuat);
+ quatgetreciprocal(invRot, invRot);
+// quatgetreciprocal(invRot, rotQuat);
so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Pos[0] = refinedEstimateGd.x;
so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Pos[1] = refinedEstimateGd.y;
@@ -1460,14 +1475,25 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
// in the world reference frame.
// The result is the position of the tracked object
// in the world reference frame.
- quatrotatevector(wcPos, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot, objPos);
+ FLT lhQuat[4] = {
+ so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot[0],
+ so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot[1],
+ so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot[2],
+ so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot[3]
+ };
+ quatrotateabout(lhQuat, saneLHPoseAdjustment, lhQuat);
+ quatrotatevector(wcPos, lhQuat, objPos);
+ //quatrotatevector(wcPos, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot, objPos);
wcPos[0] += so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Pos[0];
wcPos[1] += so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Pos[1];
wcPos[2] += so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Pos[2];
FLT newOrientation[4];
//quatrotateabout(newOrientation, rotQuat, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot); // turns the wrong way
- quatrotateabout(newOrientation, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot, rotQuat); // turns the wrong way
+ quatrotateabout(newOrientation, lhQuat, rotQuat); // turns the wrong way
FLT invRot[4];
quatgetreciprocal(invRot, rotQuat);
@@ -1475,7 +1501,7 @@ static Point SolveForLighthouse(FLT posOut[3], FLT quatOut[4], TrackedObject *ob
//quatrotateabout(newOrientation, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot, invRot); // turns correctly, rotations not aligned
FLT invPoseRot[4];
- quatgetreciprocal(invPoseRot, so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose.Rot);
+ quatgetreciprocal(invPoseRot, lhQuat);
//quatrotateabout(newOrientation, rotQuat, invPoseRot); // turns the wrong way, rotations not aligned
//quatrotateabout(newOrientation, invPoseRot, rotQuat); // turns the wrong way, rotations not aligned