path: root/src/epnp/opencv_shim.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/epnp/opencv_shim.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/src/epnp/opencv_shim.c b/src/epnp/opencv_shim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df2765b..0000000
--- a/src/epnp/opencv_shim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-//#include "/home/justin/source/CLAPACK/INCLUDE/f2c.h"
-//#include "/home/justin/source/CLAPACK/INCLUDE/clapack.h"
-#include <cblas.h>
-#include <lapacke.h>
-#include "math.h"
-#include "opencv_shim.h"
-#include "stdbool.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-//#define DEBUG_PRINT
-int cvRound(float f) { return roundf(f); }
-#define CV_Error(code, msg) assert(0 && msg); // cv::error( code, msg, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
-const int DECOMP_SVD = 1;
-const int DECOMP_LU = 2;
-#include "shim_types_c.h"
-void print_mat(const CvMat *M);
-void cvCopyTo(const CvMat *srcarr, CvMat *dstarr) {
- memcpy(dstarr->data.db, srcarr->data.db, sizeof(double) * dstarr->rows * dstarr->cols);
-const int CV_64F = 0;
-typedef double doublereal;
-#define F77_FUNC(func) func##_
-void cvGEMM(const CvMat *src1, const CvMat *src2, double alpha, const CvMat *src3, double beta, CvMat *dst, int tABC) {
- lapack_int rows1 = src1->rows;
- lapack_int cols1 = src1->cols;
- lapack_int rows2 = src2->rows;
- lapack_int cols2 = src2->cols;
- lapack_int lda = cols1;
- lapack_int ldb = cols2;
- assert(src1->cols == src2->rows);
- assert(src1->rows == dst->rows);
- assert(src2->cols == dst->cols);
- if (src3)
- cvCopyTo(src3, dst);
- else
- beta = 0;
- cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, (tABC & GEMM_1_T) ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans,
- (tABC & GEMM_2_T) ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans, src1->rows, dst->cols, src1->cols, alpha,
- src1->data.db, lda, src2->data.db, ldb, beta,
- dst->data.db, dst->cols);
-void cvMulTransposed(const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst, int order, const CvMat *delta, double scale) {
- lapack_int rows = src->rows;
- lapack_int cols = src->cols;
- lapack_int drows = dst->rows;
- assert(drows == cols);
- assert(order == 1 ? (dst->cols == src->cols) : (dst->cols == src->rows));
- assert(delta == 0 && "This isn't implemented yet");
- double beta = 0;
- bool isAT = order == 1;
- bool isBT = !isAT;
- lapack_int dstCols = dst->cols;
- cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, isAT ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans, isBT ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans, cols, dstCols, rows,
- scale,
- src->data.db, cols, src->data.db, cols, beta,
- dst->data.db, dstCols);
-void *cvAlloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
-static void icvCheckHuge(CvMat *arr) {
- if ((int64)arr->step * arr->rows > INT_MAX)
- arr->type &= ~CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG;
-CvMat *cvCreateMatHeader(int rows, int cols, int type) {
- type = CV_MAT_TYPE(type);
- assert(!(rows < 0 || cols < 0));
- int min_step = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
- assert(!(min_step <= 0));
- min_step *= cols;
- CvMat *arr = (CvMat *)cvAlloc(sizeof(*arr));
- arr->step = min_step;
- arr->type = CV_MAT_MAGIC_VAL | type | CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG;
- arr->rows = rows;
- arr->cols = cols;
- arr->data.ptr = 0;
- arr->refcount = 0;
- arr->hdr_refcount = 1;
- icvCheckHuge(arr);
- return arr;
-/* the alignment of all the allocated buffers */
-#define CV_MALLOC_ALIGN 16
-/* IEEE754 constants and macros */
-#define CV_TOGGLE_FLT(x) ((x) ^ ((int)(x) < 0 ? 0x7fffffff : 0))
-#define CV_TOGGLE_DBL(x) ((x) ^ ((int64)(x) < 0 ? CV_BIG_INT(0x7fffffffffffffff) : 0))
-#define CV_DbgAssert assert
-static inline void *cvAlignPtr(const void *ptr, int align) {
- CV_DbgAssert((align & (align - 1)) == 0);
- return (void *)(((size_t)ptr + align - 1) & ~(size_t)(align - 1));
-static inline int cvAlign(int size, int align) {
- CV_DbgAssert((align & (align - 1)) == 0 && size < INT_MAX);
- return (size + align - 1) & -align;
-void cvCreateData(CvArr *arr) {
- if (CV_IS_MAT_HDR_Z(arr)) {
- size_t step, total_size;
- CvMat *mat = (CvMat *)arr;
- step = mat->step;
- if (mat->rows == 0 || mat->cols == 0)
- return;
- if (mat->data.ptr != 0)
- CV_Error(CV_StsError, "Data is already allocated");
- if (step == 0)
- step = CV_ELEM_SIZE(mat->type) * mat->cols;
- int64 _total_size = (int64)step * mat->rows + sizeof(int) + CV_MALLOC_ALIGN;
- total_size = (size_t)_total_size;
- if (_total_size != (int64)total_size)
- CV_Error(CV_StsNoMem, "Too big buffer is allocated");
- mat->refcount = (int *)cvAlloc((size_t)total_size);
- mat->data.ptr = (uchar *)cvAlignPtr(mat->refcount + 1, CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
- *mat->refcount = 1;
- } else if (CV_IS_MATND_HDR(arr)) {
- CvMatND *mat = (CvMatND *)arr;
- size_t total_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(mat->type);
- if (mat->dim[0].size == 0)
- return;
- if (mat->data.ptr != 0)
- CV_Error(CV_StsError, "Data is already allocated");
- if (CV_IS_MAT_CONT(mat->type)) {
- total_size = (size_t)mat->dim[0].size * (mat->dim[0].step != 0 ? (size_t)mat->dim[0].step : total_size);
- } else {
- int i;
- for (i = mat->dims - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- size_t size = (size_t)mat->dim[i].step * mat->dim[i].size;
- if (total_size < size)
- total_size = size;
- }
- }
- mat->refcount = (int *)cvAlloc(total_size + sizeof(int) + CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
- mat->data.ptr = (uchar *)cvAlignPtr(mat->refcount + 1, CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
- *mat->refcount = 1;
- } else
- CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unrecognized or unsupported array type");
-CvMat *cvCreateMat(int height, int width, int type) {
- CvMat *arr = cvCreateMatHeader(height, width, type);
- cvCreateData(arr);
- return arr;
-double cvInvert(const CvMat *srcarr, CvMat *dstarr, int method) {
- lapack_int inf;
- lapack_int rows = srcarr->rows;
- lapack_int cols = srcarr->cols;
- lapack_int lda = srcarr->cols;
- cvCopyTo(srcarr, dstarr);
- double *a = dstarr->data.db;
- printf("a: \n");
- print_mat(srcarr);
- if (method == DECOMP_LU) {
- lapack_int *ipiv = malloc(sizeof(lapack_int) * MIN(srcarr->rows, srcarr->cols));
- inf = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, rows, cols, a, lda, ipiv);
- assert(inf == 0);
- print_mat(dstarr);
- inf = LAPACKE_dgetri(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, rows, a, lda, ipiv);
- print_mat(dstarr);
- assert(inf >= 0);
- if (inf > 0) {
- printf("Warning: Singular matrix: \n");
- print_mat(srcarr);
- }
- free(ipiv);
- } else if (method == DECOMP_SVD) {
- // TODO: There is no way this needs this many allocations,
- // but in my defense I was very tired when I wrote this code
- CvMat *w = cvCreateMat(1, MIN(dstarr->rows, dstarr->cols), dstarr->type);
- CvMat *u = cvCreateMat(dstarr->cols, dstarr->cols, dstarr->type);
- CvMat *v = cvCreateMat(dstarr->rows, dstarr->rows, dstarr->type);
- CvMat *um = cvCreateMat(w->cols, w->cols, w->type);
- cvSVD(dstarr, w, u, v, 0);
- cvSetZero(um);
- for (int i = 0; i < w->cols; i++) {
- cvmSet(um, i, i, 1. / w->data.db[i]);
- }
- CvMat *tmp = cvCreateMat(dstarr->cols, dstarr->rows, dstarr->type);
- cvGEMM(v, um, 1, 0, 0, tmp, GEMM_1_T);
- cvGEMM(tmp, u, 1, 0, 0, dstarr, GEMM_2_T);
- cvReleaseMat(&tmp);
- cvReleaseMat(&w);
- cvReleaseMat(&u);
- cvReleaseMat(&v);
- cvReleaseMat(&um);
- }
- return 0;
-CvMat *cvCloneMat(const CvMat *mat) {
- CvMat *rtn = cvCreateMat(mat->rows, mat->cols, mat->type);
- cvCopyTo(mat, rtn);
- return rtn;
-int cvSolve(const CvMat *Aarr, const CvMat *xarr, CvMat *Barr, int method) {
- lapack_int inf;
- lapack_int arows = Aarr->rows;
- lapack_int acols = Aarr->cols;
- lapack_int xcols = xarr->cols;
- lapack_int xrows = xarr->rows;
- lapack_int lda = acols; // Aarr->step / sizeof(double);
- lapack_int type = CV_MAT_TYPE(Aarr->type);
- if (method == DECOMP_LU) {
- assert(Aarr->cols == Barr->rows);
- assert(xarr->rows == Aarr->rows);
- assert(Barr->cols == xarr->cols);
- assert(type == CV_MAT_TYPE(Barr->type) && (type == CV_32F || type == CV_64F));
- cvCopyTo(xarr, Barr);
- CvMat *a_ws = cvCloneMat(Aarr);
- lapack_int brows = Barr->rows;
- lapack_int bcols = Barr->cols;
- lapack_int ldb = bcols; // Barr->step / sizeof(double);
- lapack_int *ipiv = malloc(sizeof(lapack_int) * MIN(Aarr->rows, Aarr->cols));
- inf = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, arows, acols, a_ws->data.db, lda, ipiv);
- assert(inf >= 0);
- if (inf > 0) {
- printf("Warning: Singular matrix: \n");
- print_mat(a_ws);
- }
- printf("Solve A * x = B:\n");
- print_mat(a_ws);
- print_mat(Barr);
- inf =
- LAPACKE_dgetrs(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, CblasNoTrans, arows, bcols, a_ws->data.db, lda, ipiv, Barr->data.db, ldb);
- assert(inf == 0);
- free(ipiv);
- cvReleaseMat(&a_ws);
- } else if (method == DECOMP_SVD) {
- printf("Solve |b - A * x|:\n");
- print_mat(Aarr);
- print_mat(xarr);
- CvMat *aCpy = cvCloneMat(Aarr);
- CvMat *xCpy = cvCloneMat(xarr);
- double *S = malloc(sizeof(double) * MIN(arows, acols));
- double rcond = -1;
- lapack_int *rank = malloc(sizeof(lapack_int) * MIN(arows, acols));
- lapack_int inf = LAPACKE_dgelss(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, arows, acols, xcols, aCpy->data.db, acols, xCpy->data.db,
- xcols, S, rcond, rank);
- free(rank);
- free(S);
- assert(Barr->rows == acols);
- assert(Barr->cols == xCpy->cols);
- xCpy->rows = acols;
- cvCopyTo(xCpy, Barr);
- cvReleaseMat(&aCpy);
- cvReleaseMat(&xCpy);
- print_mat(Barr);
- assert(inf == 0);
- }
- return 0;
-void cvTranspose(const CvMat *M, CvMat *dst) {
- bool inPlace = M == dst || M->data.db == dst->data.db;
- double *src = M->data.db;
- CvMat *tmp = 0;
- if (inPlace) {
- tmp = cvCloneMat(dst);
- src = tmp->data.db;
- }
- assert(M->rows == dst->cols);
- assert(M->cols == dst->rows);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < M->rows; i++) {
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < M->cols; j++) {
- dst->data.db[j * M->rows + i] = src[i * M->cols + j];
- }
- }
- if (inPlace) {
- cvReleaseMat(&tmp);
- }
-void cvSVD(CvMat *aarr, CvMat *warr, CvMat *uarr, CvMat *varr, int flags) {
- char jobu = 'A';
- char jobvt = 'A';
- lapack_int inf;
- if ((flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) == 0) {
- aarr = cvCloneMat(aarr);
- }
- if (uarr == 0)
- jobu = 'N';
- if (varr == 0)
- jobvt = 'N';
- lapack_int arows = aarr->rows, acols = aarr->cols;
- lapack_int ulda = uarr ? uarr->cols : 1;
- lapack_int plda = varr ? varr->cols : acols;
- double *superb = malloc(sizeof(double) * MIN(arows, acols));
- inf = LAPACKE_dgesvd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, jobu, jobvt, arows, acols, aarr->data.db, acols, warr ? warr->data.db : 0,
- uarr ? uarr->data.db : 0, ulda, varr ? varr->data.db : 0, plda, superb);
- free(superb);
- assert(inf == 0);
- if (uarr && (flags & CV_SVD_U_T)) {
- cvTranspose(uarr, uarr);
- }
- if (varr && (flags & CV_SVD_V_T) == 0) {
- cvTranspose(varr, varr);
- }
- if ((flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) == 0) {
- cvReleaseMat(&aarr);
- }
-void cvSetZero(CvMat *arr) {
- for (int i = 0; i < arr->rows; i++)
- for (int j = 0; j < arr->cols; j++)
- arr->data.db[i * arr->cols + j] = 0;
-void cvReleaseMat(CvMat **mat) {
- assert(*(*mat)->refcount == 1);
- free((*mat)->refcount);
- free(*mat);
- *mat = 0;