path: root/redist/sba/sba.h
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diff --git a/redist/sba/sba.h b/redist/sba/sba.h
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index 0000000..dd7b2b8
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+//// Prototypes and definitions for sparse bundle adjustment
+//// Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr)
+//// Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas
+//// Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
+//// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//// (at your option) any later version.
+//// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//// GNU General Public License for more details.
+#ifndef _SBA_H_
+#define _SBA_H_
+/**************************** Start of configuration options ****************************/
+/* define the following if a trailing underscore should be appended to lapack functions names */
+#define SBA_APPEND_UNDERSCORE_SUFFIX // undef this for AIX
+/* define this to make linear solver routines use the minimum amount of memory
+ * possible. This lowers the memory requirements of large BA problems but will
+ * most likely induce a penalty on performance
+ */
+/*#define SBA_LS_SCARCE_MEMORY */
+/* define this to save some memory by storing the weight matrices for the image
+ * projections (i.e. wght in the expert drivers) into the memory containing their
+ * covariances (i.e. covx arg). Note that this overwrites covx, making changes
+ * noticeable by the caller
+ */
+/*#define SBA_DESTROY_COVS */
+/********* End of configuration options, no changes necessary beyond this point *********/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define SBA_MIN_DELTA 1E-06 // finite differentiation minimum delta
+#define SBA_DELTA_SCALE 1E-04 // finite differentiation delta scale
+#define SBA_OPTSSZ 5
+#define SBA_INFOSZ 10
+#define SBA_ERROR -1
+#define SBA_INIT_MU 1E-03
+#define SBA_STOP_THRESH 1E-12
+#define SBA_CG_NOPREC 0
+#define SBA_CG_JACOBI 1
+#define SBA_CG_SSOR 2
+#define SBA_VERSION "1.6 (Aug. 2009)"
+/* Sparse matrix representation using Compressed Row Storage (CRS) format.
+ * See http://www.netlib.org/linalg/html_templates/node91.html#SECTION00931100000000000000
+ */
+struct sba_crsm {
+ int nr, nc; /* #rows, #cols for the sparse matrix */
+ int nnz; /* number of nonzero array elements */
+ int *val; /* storage for nonzero array elements. size: nnz */
+ int *colidx; /* column indexes of nonzero elements. size: nnz */
+ int *rowptr; /* locations in val that start a row. size: nr+1.
+ * By convention, rowptr[nr]=nnz
+ */
+/* sparse LM */
+/* simple drivers */
+extern int sba_motstr_levmar(const int n, const int ncon, const int m, const int mcon, char *vmask, double *p,
+ const int cnp, const int pnp, double *x, double *covx, const int mnp,
+ void (*proj)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata),
+ void (*projac)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *bi, double *Aij, double *Bij,
+ void *adata),
+ void *adata, const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ],
+ double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+extern int sba_mot_levmar(const int n, const int m, const int mcon, char *vmask, double *p, const int cnp, double *x,
+ double *covx, const int mnp, void (*proj)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *xij, void *adata),
+ void (*projac)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *Aij, void *adata), void *adata,
+ const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ], double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+extern int sba_str_levmar(const int n, const int ncon, const int m, char *vmask, double *p, const int pnp, double *x,
+ double *covx, const int mnp, void (*proj)(int j, int i, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata),
+ void (*projac)(int j, int i, double *bi, double *Bij, void *adata), void *adata,
+ const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ], double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+/* expert drivers */
+extern int
+sba_motstr_levmar_x(const int n, const int ncon, const int m, const int mcon, char *vmask, double *p, const int cnp,
+ const int pnp, double *x, double *covx, const int mnp,
+ void (*func)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *hx, void *adata),
+ void (*fjac)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *jac, void *adata),
+ void *adata, const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ],
+ double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+extern int sba_mot_levmar_x(
+ const int n, const int m, const int mcon, char *vmask, double *p, const int cnp, double *x, double *covx,
+ const int mnp, void (*func)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *hx, void *adata),
+ void (*fjac)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *jac, void *adata), void *adata,
+ const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ], double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+extern int sba_str_levmar_x(
+ const int n, const int ncon, const int m, char *vmask, double *p, const int pnp, double *x, double *covx,
+ const int mnp, void (*func)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *hx, void *adata),
+ void (*fjac)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *jac, void *adata), void *adata,
+ const int itmax, const int verbose, const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ], double info[SBA_INFOSZ]);
+/* interfaces to LAPACK routines: solution of linear systems, matrix inversion, cholesky of inverse */
+extern int sba_Axb_QR(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_QRnoQ(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_Chol(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_LDLt(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_LU(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_SVD(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_BK(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_Axb_CG(double *A, double *B, double *x, int m, int niter, double eps, int prec, int iscolmaj);
+extern int sba_symat_invert_LU(double *A, int m);
+extern int sba_symat_invert_Chol(double *A, int m);
+extern int sba_symat_invert_BK(double *A, int m);
+extern int sba_mat_cholinv(double *A, double *B, int m);
+/* CRS sparse matrices manipulation routines */
+extern void sba_crsm_alloc(struct sba_crsm *sm, int nr, int nc, int nnz);
+extern void sba_crsm_free(struct sba_crsm *sm);
+extern int sba_crsm_elmidx(struct sba_crsm *sm, int i, int j);
+extern int sba_crsm_elmidxp(struct sba_crsm *sm, int i, int j, int jp, int jpidx);
+extern int sba_crsm_row_elmidxs(struct sba_crsm *sm, int i, int *vidxs, int *jidxs);
+extern int sba_crsm_col_elmidxs(struct sba_crsm *sm, int j, int *vidxs, int *iidxs);
+/* extern int sba_crsm_common_row(struct sba_crsm *sm, int j, int k); */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _SBA_H_ */