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diff --git a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
index 3e09925..5375d9c 100644
--- a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
+++ b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ typedef struct {
SurvivePose object_pose_at_hit[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
uint8_t sensor_ids[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
-// LinmathPoint3d imuvel;
-// LinmathPoint3d imu_accel_zero;
-// int did_zero_imu;
-// LinmathPoint3d imu_up_correct;
LinmathPoint3d MixingPositions[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2];
LinmathPoint3d mixed_output;
@@ -61,7 +56,6 @@ typedef struct {
int ptsweep;
SurviveIMUTracker tracker;
SurvivePose * lastlhp;
} CharlesPoserData;
@@ -110,7 +104,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
SurvivePose object_pose_out;
memcpy(&object_pose_out, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
memcpy(&dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
- //memcpy(&dd->imu_up_correct, &LinmathQuat_Identity, sizeof(LinmathQuat_Identity) );
+ memcpy(&dd->imu_up_correct, &LinmathPoint3d_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPoint3d_Identity) );
so->PoseConfidence = 0.0;
PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
@@ -125,9 +119,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
LinmathQuat object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct;
LinmathQuat world_space_to_object_space_quat;
- //quatrotateabout( object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
- //quatgetreciprocal(world_space_to_object_space_quat, object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct );
LinmathQuat applygyro;
imuData->gyro[0] *= imu_time;
@@ -138,107 +129,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
EmitPose( so, pd );
-#if 0
- //This will be overwritten by the accelerometer updates.
- //We do this here in case we want to use it later.
- copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos );
- // Do accelerometer based stuff.
- //Step 1: Use the accelerometer's "up" to figure out how we can re-right world space to be the correct "up" vector.
- //Apply a tiny tug to the imu_up_correct with the up vector..
- {
- LinmathVec3d reright = { 0, 0, 1 };
- LinmathVec3d normup;
- normalize3d( normup, imuData->accel );
- LinmathVec3d correct_diff;
- quatrotatevector(reright, world_space_to_object_space_quat, reright);
- sub3d( correct_diff, normup, reright );
- scale3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, -0.001 ); //This is the coefficient applying the drag. XXX THIS MUST CHANGE.
- add3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, reright );
- normalize3d( correct_diff, correct_diff );
- LinmathQuat reright_quat;
- quatfrom2vectors( reright_quat, reright, correct_diff );
- //Push to correct "Up" a little bit.
- //Do this if we want to use the IMU's up to help out the libsurvive estimate of "up"
- // quatrotateabout(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, reright_quat);
- // quatrotateabout(dd->imu_up_correct, dd->imu_up_correct, reright_quat);
- // quatnormalize(dd->imu_up_correct, dd->imu_up_correct);
- }
- //Update position as a function from the IMU...
- if( 1 ) {
- LinmathVec3d acceleration;
- scale3d( acceleration, imuData->accel, 1.0 );
- if( !dd->did_zero_imu )
- {
- copy3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, acceleration );
- dd->did_zero_imu = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- LinmathVec3d recalingval;
- scale3d( recalingval, acceleration, 0.0001 );
- scale3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, dd->imu_accel_zero, 0.9999 );
- add3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, dd->imu_accel_zero, recalingval );
- }
- sub3d( acceleration, acceleration, dd->imu_accel_zero );
- scale3d( acceleration, acceleration, 9.8 * imu_time );
- printf( "ACCEL %f %f %f\n", PFTHREE( acceleration ) );
-#if 0
- LinmathVec3d expected_up = { 0, 0, 1 };
- LinmathVec3d acceleration;
- scale3d( acceleration, imuData->accel, 1.0 );
- //quatrotatevector( acceleration, dd->imu_up_correct, acceleration );
- sub3d( acceleration, acceleration, dd->imu_accel_zero ); //IMU Accel Zero is in object-local space.
- quatrotatevector( acceleration, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, acceleration );
- sub3d( acceleration, acceleration, expected_up );
- LinmathVec3d recalv;
- scale3d( recalv, acceleration, 0.01 );
- LinmathQuat invrr;
- quatgetreciprocal( invrr, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot );
- quatrotatevector( recalv, invrr, recalv );
- add3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, dd->imu_accel_zero, recalv );
- printf( "%s %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", so->codename, dd->imu_accel_zero[0], dd->imu_accel_zero[1], dd->imu_accel_zero[2], acceleration[0], acceleration[1], acceleration[2] );
- scale3d( acceleration, acceleration, 9.8 * imu_time );
- add3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, acceleration );
- //IMUVel is the estimated object motion, in world space, but it will be pulled in the direction of the
- //Faulty IMU bias.
- LinmathVec3d updatepos;
- scale3d( updatepos, dd->imuvel, 1.0 );
- scale3d( updatepos, updatepos, imu_time );
- //Tricky, tug the imuvel toward zero otherwise it will contine to drift.
- scale3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, 0.9999 );
- //Update actual location.
- add3d( dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, updatepos );
- add3d( dd->mixed_output, dd->mixed_output, updatepos );
- }
- }
- quatnormalize(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot);
- quatnormalize(dd->imu_up_correct, dd->imu_up_correct);
- copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, dd->mixed_output );
- quatrotateabout( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
- quatnormalize( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot );
- PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
return 0;
@@ -257,30 +147,18 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
dd->sweeplh = lhid;
- // FOR NOW, drop LH1.
- // if( lhid == 1 ) break;
- // const FLT * sensor_normal = &so->sensor_normals[senid*3];
- // FLT sensor_normal_worldspace[3];
- // ApplyPoseToPoint(sensor_normal_worldspace, object_pose, sensor_inpos);
const FLT *sensor_inpos = &so->sensor_locations[senid * 3];
FLT sensor_position_worldspace[3];
// XXX Once I saw this get pretty wild (When in playback)
// I had to invert the values of sensor_inpos. Not sure why.
ApplyPoseToPoint(sensor_position_worldspace, &dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc, sensor_inpos);
- // printf( "%f %f %f == > %f %f %f\n", sensor_inpos[0], sensor_inpos[1], sensor_inpos[2],
- // sensor_position_worldspace[0], sensor_position_worldspace[1], sensor_position_worldspace[2] );
- // = sensor position, relative to lighthouse center.
FLT sensorpos_rel_lh[3];
sub3d(sensorpos_rel_lh, sensor_position_worldspace, lhp->Pos);
// Next, define a normal in global space of the plane created by the sweep hit.
// Careful that this must be normalized.
FLT sweep_normal[3];
FLT inangles[2];
FLT outangles[2];
inangles[axis] = inangle;
@@ -482,25 +360,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
-#if 0
- //Tricky: Update position here, and back-correct imuvel based on correction.
- if( 0 ) { //XXX XXX TODO Position update
- LinmathPoint3d vecc;
- scale3d( vecc, vec_correct, 0.01 );
- add3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, vecc );
- {
- scale3d( vecc, vec_correct, .01 );
- LinmathQuat world_to_object_space;
- quatgetreciprocal(world_to_object_space, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot);
- quatrotatevector( vecc, world_to_object_space, vecc );
- //add3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, dd->imu_accel_zero, vecc );
- //printf( "ACCELV: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", vecc[0], vecc[1], vecc[2], dd->imu_accel_zero[0], dd->imu_accel_zero[1], dd->imu_accel_zero[2] );
- }
- }
// Stage 4: "Tug" on the rotation of the object, from all of the sensor's pov.
// If we were able to determine likliehood of a hit in the sweep instead of afterward
@@ -566,20 +425,9 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
// Now, we have a "tug" vector in object-local space. Need to apply the torque.
FLT vector_from_center_of_object[3];
- normalize3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos);
- // scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, sensor_inpos, 10.0 );
- // vector_from_center_of_object[2]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object[1]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object[0]*=-1;
- // vector_from_center_of_object
scale3d(vector_from_center_of_object, vector_from_center_of_object, 1);
FLT new_vector_in_object_space[3];
- // printf( "%f %f %f %f\n", object_pose_at_hit->Rot[0], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[1],
- // object_pose_at_hit->Rot[2], object_pose_at_hit->Rot[3] );
- // printf( "%f %f %f // %f %f %f // %f\n", vector_from_center_of_object[0],
- // vector_from_center_of_object[1], vector_from_center_of_object[2], correction_in_object_space[0],
- // correction_in_object_space[1], correction_in_object_space[2], dist );
scale3d(correction_in_object_space, correction_in_object_space, -dist);
add3d(new_vector_in_object_space, vector_from_center_of_object, correction_in_object_space);
@@ -591,7 +439,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
- // printf( "Applying: %f %f %f %f\n", correction[0], correction[1], correction[2], correction[3] );
// Apply our corrective quaternion to the output.
AdjustRotation( so, correction, 0, 0 );
@@ -616,37 +463,8 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
//printf( "%f ", Confidence );
scale3d( dd->mixed_output, MixedPosition, 1./MixedAmount );
-#if 0
- printf( "Reprojection disagreements:" );
- for( l = 0; l < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; l++ ) for( a = 0; a < 2; a++ )
- {
- printf( "%f ", dist3d( dd->MixingPositions[l][a], MixedPosition ) );
- }
- printf( "\n" );
EmitPose( so, pd );
- //printf( "%f\n", MixedAmount );
- // SurvivePose object_pose_out;
- // quatcopy(object_pose_out.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot );
- // copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, MixedPosition );
- // copy3d( dd->mixed_output, object_pose_out.Pos );
- // quatrotateabout( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
- // quatnormalize( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot );
- // PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
- // FLT var_meters = 0.5;
- // FLT error = 0.00001;
- // FLT var_quat = error + .05;
- // FLT var[7] = {error * var_meters, error * var_meters, error * var_meters, error * var_quat,
- // error * var_quat, error * var_quat, error * var_quat};
- //
- // survive_imu_tracker_integrate_observation(so, l->timecode, &dd->tracker, &object_pose_out, var);
- // PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &dd->tracker.pose);
dd->ptsweep = 0;
if( validpoints > 1 && applied_corrections > 1 && !normal_faults)
@@ -660,7 +478,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
dd->sweepaxis = l->acode & 1;
- // printf( "SYNC %d %p\n", l->acode, dd );