#include "linmath.h"
#include "survive_cal.h"
#include <dclapack.h>
#include <linmath.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <survive.h>
#include <survive_reproject.h>

// Dave talks about this poser here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSbEltdH9vM&feature=youtu.be&t=2h29m47s

void OrthoSolve(
    FLT T[4][4],               // OUTPUT: 4x4 transformation matrix
    FLT S_out[2][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT],  // OUTPUT:  array of screenspace points
    FLT S_in[2][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT],   // INPUT:  array of screenspace points
    FLT X_in[3][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT],   // INPUT:  array of offsets
    int nPoints);

typedef struct
	int nextaxis;
} DummyData;

int PoserDaveOrtho( SurviveObject * so, PoserData * pd )
	PoserType pt = pd->pt;
	SurviveContext * ctx = so->ctx;
	DummyData * dd = so->PoserData;

	if (!dd)
		so->PoserData = dd = calloc(sizeof(DummyData), 1);

	switch( pt )
		PoserDataIMU * imu = (PoserDataIMU*)pd;
		//printf( "IMU:%s (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)\n", so->codename, imu->accel[0], imu->accel[1], imu->accel[2], imu->gyro[0], imu->gyro[1], imu->gyro[2] );
		PoserDataLight * l = (PoserDataLight*)pd;
		if (l->length > dd->lengths[l->sensor_id][l->lh][dd->nextaxis]) {
			dd->lengths[l->sensor_id][l->lh][dd->nextaxis] = l->length;
			dd->angles[l->sensor_id][l->lh][dd->nextaxis] = l->angle;
		PoserDataLight *l = (PoserDataLight *)pd;
		int lhid = l->lh;

		dd->nextaxis = l->acode & 1;

		if (dd->nextaxis == 0) {
			int i;
			int max_hits = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_OBJECT; i++) {
				// Load all our valid points into something the LHFinder can use.
				if (dd->lengths[i][lhid][0] > 0 && dd->lengths[i][lhid][1] > 0) {
					S_in[0][max_hits] = dd->angles[i][lhid][0];
					S_in[1][max_hits] = dd->angles[i][lhid][1];
					dd->lengths[i][lhid][0] = -1;
					dd->lengths[i][lhid][1] = -1;
					X_in[0][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i * 3 + 0];
					X_in[1][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i * 3 + 1];
					X_in[2][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i * 3 + 2];
			if (max_hits > 2) {
				// if( lhid == 0 ) { printf( "\033[H\033[2J" ); }
				// printf( "%d\n", max_hits );
				FLT tOut[4][4];
				OrthoSolve(tOut, S_out, S_in, X_in, max_hits);

				// Now, we need to solve where we are as a function of where
				// the lighthouses are.

				SurvivePose objpose;
				FLT MT[4][4];

				objpose.Pos[0] = tOut[0][3];
				objpose.Pos[1] = tOut[1][3];
				objpose.Pos[2] = tOut[2][3];

				// matrix44transpose( MT, &tOut[0][0] );
				matrix44copy(&MT[0][0], &tOut[0][0]);

				quatfrommatrix(objpose.Rot, &MT[0][0]);

				// printf( "QUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f\n", quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3], quatmagnitude(quat) );
				// quat[2] -= 0.005; //fixes up lh0 in test data set.

				quatnormalize(objpose.Rot, objpose.Rot);
				SurvivePose lh2world = so->ctx->bsd[lhid].Pose;

				SurvivePose obj2world;
				ApplyPoseToPose(&obj2world, &lh2world, &objpose);
				PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &obj2world);

				if (0) {
					fprintf(stderr,"INQUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f [%f %f %f]\n", objpose.Rot[0], objpose.Rot[1], objpose.Rot[2],
						   objpose.Rot[3], quatmagnitude(objpose.Rot), objpose.Pos[0], objpose.Pos[1], objpose.Pos[2]);
				//	fprintf(stderr,"OUQUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f [%f %f %f]\n", poseout.Rot[0], poseout.Rot[1], poseout.Rot[2],
				//		   poseout.Rot[3], quatmagnitude(poseout.Rot), poseout.Pos[0], poseout.Pos[1], poseout.Pos[2]);

		// if( so->codename[0] == 'H' ) printf( "LIG:%s %d @ %d rad, %f s (AX %d) (TC %d)\n", so->codename,
		// l->sensor_id, l->lh, l->length, dd->nextaxis, l->timecode );

		PoserDataFullScene * fs = (PoserDataFullScene*)pd;
		int LH_ID;

		SurvivePose alignLh0ToXAxis = {0};
		for( LH_ID = 0; LH_ID < 2; LH_ID++ )
			int i;
			int max_hits = 0;
			for( i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_OBJECT; i++ )
				//Load all our valid points into something the LHFinder can use.
				if( fs->lengths[i][LH_ID][0] > 0 )
					FLT out[2];
					survive_apply_bsd_calibration(ctx, LH_ID, fs->angles[i][LH_ID], out);
					S_in[0][max_hits] = out[0];
					S_in[1][max_hits] = out[1];
					X_in[0][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i*3+0];
					X_in[1][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i*3+1];
					X_in[2][max_hits] = so->sensor_locations[i*3+2];

			FLT tOut[4][4];
			OrthoSolve( tOut, S_out, S_in, X_in, max_hits );

						//Now, we need to solve where we are as a function of where
			//the lighthouses are.
			// FLT quat[4];
			// FLT posoff[3] = { tOut[0][3], tOut[1][3], tOut[2][3] };
			SurvivePose objpose;
			FLT MT[4][4];

			objpose.Pos[0] = tOut[0][3];
			objpose.Pos[1] = tOut[1][3];
			objpose.Pos[2] = tOut[2][3];

			//matrix44transpose( MT, &tOut[0][0] );
			matrix44copy( &MT[0][0], &tOut[0][0] );

			quatfrommatrix(objpose.Rot, &MT[0][0]);

			//printf( "QUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f\n", quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3], quatmagnitude(quat) );
			//quat[2] -= 0.005; //fixes up lh0 in test data set.
			quatnormalize(objpose.Rot, objpose.Rot);
			printf("QUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f [%f %f %f]\n", objpose.Rot[0], objpose.Rot[1], objpose.Rot[2],
				   objpose.Rot[3], quatmagnitude(objpose.Rot), objpose.Pos[0], objpose.Pos[1], objpose.Pos[2]);

			if (0)
			for (i = 0; i < max_hits; i++) {
				FLT pt[3] = {X_in[0][i], X_in[1][i], X_in[2][i]};
				quatrotatevector(pt, objpose.Rot, pt);
				add3d(pt, pt, objpose.Pos);
				printf("OUT %f %f %f ANGLE %f %f AOUT %f %f\n", pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], S_in[0][i], S_in[1][i],
					   atan2(pt[0], pt[1]), atan2(pt[2], pt[1]));

				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Pos[0] = objpose.Pos[0];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Pos[1] = objpose.Pos[1];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Pos[2] = objpose.Pos[2];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Rot[0] = objpose.Rot[0];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Rot[1] = objpose.Rot[1];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Rot[2] = objpose.Rot[2];
				so->FromLHPose[LH_ID].Rot[3] = objpose.Rot[3];

			SurvivePose poseout;
			InvertPose(&poseout, &objpose);
			printf("INQUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f [%f %f %f]\n", objpose.Rot[0], objpose.Rot[1], objpose.Rot[2],
				   objpose.Rot[3], quatmagnitude(objpose.Rot), objpose.Pos[0], objpose.Pos[1], objpose.Pos[2]);

			PoserData_lighthouse_pose_func(&fs->hdr, so, LH_ID, &alignLh0ToXAxis, &poseout, 0);

			printf("OUQUAT: %f %f %f %f = %f [%f %f %f]\n", poseout.Rot[0], poseout.Rot[1], poseout.Rot[2],
				   poseout.Rot[3], quatmagnitude(poseout.Rot), poseout.Pos[0], poseout.Pos[1], poseout.Pos[2]);

		free( dd );
		so->PoserData = 0;
		//printf( "Need to disassociate.\n" );
	return 0;


#define PRINT_MAT(A,M,N) { \
    int m,n; \
    printf(#A "\n"); \
    for (m=0; m<M; m++) { \
        for (n=0; n<N; n++) { \
            printf("%f\t", A[m][n]); \
        } \
        printf("\n"); \
    } \

#define CrossProduct(ox,oy,oz,a,b,c,x,y,z) { \
    ox=(b)*(z)-(c)*(y); \
    oy=(c)*(x)-(a)*(z); \
    oz=(a)*(y)-(b)*(x); }

void OrthoSolve(FLT T[4][4],					  // OUTPUT: 4x4 transformation matrix
				FLT S_out[2][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT], // OUTPUT:  array of screenspace points  (May not be populated!!!)
				FLT S_in[2][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT],  // INPUT:  array of screenspace points
				FLT X_in[3][SENSORS_PER_OBJECT],  // INPUT:  array of offsets
				int nPoints) {
	int i,j,k;
    FLT R[3][3];           // OUTPUT: 3x3 rotation matrix
    FLT trans[3];          // INPUT:  x,y,z translation vector

    // Remove the center of the HMD offsets, and the screen space
    FLT xbar[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    FLT sbar[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
    FLT inv_nPoints = 1.0 / nPoints;
    for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
        xbar[0] += X_in[0][i];
        xbar[1] += X_in[1][i];
        xbar[2] += X_in[2][i];
        sbar[0] += S_in[0][i];
        sbar[1] += S_in[1][i];        
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) { xbar[j] *= inv_nPoints; }
    for (j=0; j<2; j++) { sbar[j] *= inv_nPoints; }
    for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
        X[0][i] = X_in[0][i] - xbar[0];
        X[1][i] = X_in[1][i] - xbar[1];
        X[2][i] = X_in[2][i] - xbar[2];
        S[0][i] = S_in[0][i] - sbar[0];
        S[1][i] = S_in[1][i] - sbar[1];
    // Solve for the morph matrix
    //  S = M X
    // thus
    // (SX^t)(XX^t)^-1 = M
    FLT XXt[3][3];
    FLT invXXt[3][3];
    FLT SXt[2][3];
    FLT M[2][3];           // Morph matrix! (2 by 3)
	TRANSP(Xt, X, 3, nPoints);
	MUL(XXt, X, Xt, 3, nPoints, 3);
	MUL(SXt, S, Xt, 2, nPoints, 3);
	INV(invXXt, XXt, 3, 3);
	MUL(M, SXt, invXXt, 2, 3, 3);
	// PRINT(M,2,3);

	// Double checking work
	MUL(S_morph, M, X, 2, 3, nPoints);
	for (i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
		S_morph[0][i] += sbar[0];
		S_morph[1][i] += sbar[1]; }

    // Solve for the non-trivial vector
    //  uf -- vector that goes into the camera
    FLT uM[3][3] = {
        { M[0][0], M[0][1], M[0][2] },
        { M[1][0], M[1][1], M[1][2] },
        { 3.14567, -1.2345, 4.32567 } };      // Morph matrix with appended row
// ToDo: Pick a number for the bottom that is NOT linearly separable with M[0] and M[1]
    FLT B[3][1] = { {0.0}, {0.0}, {1.0} };
    FLT inv_uM[3][3];
    FLT uf[3][1];
	INV(inv_uM, uM, 3, 3);
	MUL(uf, inv_uM, B, 3, 3, 1);

    // Solve for unit length vector
    //  f that goes into the camera
    FLT uf_len = sqrt( uf[0][0]*uf[0][0] + uf[1][0]*uf[1][0] + uf[2][0]*uf[2][0] );
    FLT f[3][1] = { {uf[0][0]/uf_len}, {uf[1][0]/uf_len}, {uf[2][0]/uf_len} };

//FLT check[3][1];

    // take cross products to get vectors u,r
    FLT u[3][1], r[3][1];
    FLT inv_ulen = 1.0 / sqrt( u[0][0]*u[0][0] + u[1][0]*u[1][0] + u[2][0]*u[2][0] );
    u[0][0]*=inv_ulen; u[1][0]*=inv_ulen; u[2][0]*=inv_ulen;

    // Use morph matrix to get screen space
    //  uhat,rhat
    FLT uhat[2][1], rhat[2][1], fhat[2][1];
	MUL(fhat, M, f, 2, 3, 1);
	MUL(uhat, M, u, 2, 3, 1);
	MUL(rhat, M, r, 2, 3, 1);
	FLT fhat_len = sqrt( fhat[0][0]*fhat[0][0] + fhat[1][0]*fhat[1][0] );
    FLT uhat_len = sqrt( uhat[0][0]*uhat[0][0] + uhat[1][0]*uhat[1][0] );
    FLT rhat_len = sqrt( rhat[0][0]*rhat[0][0] + rhat[1][0]*rhat[1][0] );
    FLT urhat_len = 0.5 * (uhat_len + rhat_len);
printf("fhat %f %f (len %f)\n", fhat[0][0], fhat[1][0], fhat_len);
printf("uhat %f %f (len %f)\n", uhat[0][0], uhat[1][0], uhat_len);
printf("rhat %f %f (len %f)\n", rhat[0][0], rhat[1][0], rhat_len);
//    FLT ydist1 = 1.0 /  uhat_len; //0.25*PI / uhat_len;
//    FLT ydist2 = 1.0 /  rhat_len; //0.25*PI / rhat_len;
	FLT ydist = 1.0 / urhat_len; // TRICKY XXX Dave operates with "y forward" for some reason...
	//    printf("ydist %f\n", ydist);
	//    printf("ydist1 %f ydist2 %f ydist %f\n", ydist1, ydist2, ydist);

    // Rescale the axies to be of the proper length
    FLT x[3][1] = { {M[0][0]*ydist}, {0.0}, {M[1][0]*ydist} };
    FLT y[3][1] = { {M[0][1]*ydist}, {0.0}, {M[1][1]*ydist} };
    FLT z[3][1] = { {M[0][2]*ydist}, {0.0}, {M[1][2]*ydist} };
    // we know the distance into (or out of) the camera for the z axis,
    //  but we don't know which direction . . .
    FLT x_y = sqrt(1.0 - x[0][0]*x[0][0] - x[2][0]*x[2][0]);
    FLT y_y = sqrt(1.0 - y[0][0]*y[0][0] - y[2][0]*y[2][0]);
    FLT z_y = sqrt(1.0 - z[0][0]*z[0][0] - z[2][0]*z[2][0]);

	if( x_y != x_y ) x_y = 0;
	if( y_y != y_y ) y_y = 0;
	if( z_y != z_y ) z_y = 0;

    // Exhaustively flip the minus sign of the z axis until we find the right one . . .
    FLT bestErr = 9999.0;
    FLT xy_dot2 = x[0][0]*y[0][0] + x[2][0]*y[2][0];
    FLT yz_dot2 = y[0][0]*z[0][0] + y[2][0]*z[2][0];
    FLT zx_dot2 = z[0][0]*x[0][0] + z[2][0]*x[2][0];
    for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
        for (j=0;j<2;j++) {
            for(k=0;k<2;k++) {
                // Calculate the error term
                FLT xy_dot = xy_dot2 + x_y*y_y;
                FLT yz_dot = yz_dot2 + y_y*z_y;
                FLT zx_dot = zx_dot2 + z_y*x_y;
                FLT err = _ABS(xy_dot) + _ABS(yz_dot) + _ABS(zx_dot);
                // Calculate the handedness
                FLT cx,cy,cz;
                FLT hand = cx*z[0][0] + cy*z_y + cz*z[2][0];
//                printf("err %f hand %f\n", err, hand);
                // If we are the best right-handed frame so far
				if (hand > 0 && err < bestErr) {
					x[1][0] = x_y;
					y[1][0] = y_y;
					z[1][0] = z_y;
					bestErr = err;
				// if ( i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0) { x[1][0]=x_y; y[1][0]=y_y; z[1][0]=z_y; bestErr=err; }
				z_y = -z_y;
            y_y = -y_y;
        x_y = -x_y;
//    printf("bestErr %f\n", bestErr);

    // A test version of the rescaling to the proper length
    FLT ydist2 = ydist;
    FLT bestBestErr = 9999.0;
    FLT bestYdist = 0;
    for (ydist2=ydist-0.1; ydist2<ydist+0.1; ydist2+=0.0001)
        FLT x2[3][1] = { {M[0][0]*ydist2}, {0.0}, {M[1][0]*ydist2} };
        FLT y2[3][1] = { {M[0][1]*ydist2}, {0.0}, {M[1][1]*ydist2} };
        FLT z2[3][1] = { {M[0][2]*ydist2}, {0.0}, {M[1][2]*ydist2} };

        // we know the distance into (or out of) the camera for the z axis,
        //  but we don't know which direction . . .
        FLT x_y = sqrt(1.0 - x2[0][0]*x2[0][0] - x2[2][0]*x2[2][0]);
        FLT y_y = sqrt(1.0 - y2[0][0]*y2[0][0] - y2[2][0]*y2[2][0]);
        FLT z_y = sqrt(1.0 - z2[0][0]*z2[0][0] - z2[2][0]*z2[2][0]);

		if( x_y != x_y ) x_y = 0;
		if( y_y != y_y ) y_y = 0;
		if( z_y != z_y ) z_y = 0;

//		printf( "---> %f %f %f\n", x_y, y_y, z_y );

        // Exhaustively flip the minus sign of the z axis until we find the right one . . .
        FLT bestErr = 9999.0;
        FLT xy_dot2 = x2[0][0]*y2[0][0] + x2[2][0]*y2[2][0];
        FLT yz_dot2 = y2[0][0]*z2[0][0] + y2[2][0]*z2[2][0];
        FLT zx_dot2 = z2[0][0]*x2[0][0] + z2[2][0]*x2[2][0];
        for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
            for (j=0;j<2;j++) {
                for(k=0;k<2;k++) {
                    // Calculate the error term
                    FLT xy_dot = xy_dot2 + x_y*y_y;
                    FLT yz_dot = yz_dot2 + y_y*z_y;
                    FLT zx_dot = zx_dot2 + z_y*x_y;
                    FLT err = _ABS(xy_dot) + _ABS(yz_dot) + _ABS(zx_dot);
                    // Calculate the handedness
                    FLT cx,cy,cz;
                    FLT hand = cx*z2[0][0] + cy*z_y + cz*z2[2][0];
                  //printf("err %f hand %f\n", err, hand);
                    // If we are the best right-handed frame so far
                    if (hand > 0 && err < bestErr) { x2[1][0]=x_y; y2[1][0]=y_y; z2[1][0]=z_y; bestErr=err; }
                    z_y = -z_y;
                y_y = -y_y;
            x_y = -x_y;
        printf("ydist2 %f bestErr %f\n",ydist2,bestErr);
        if (bestErr < bestBestErr) {
            bestBestErr = bestErr;
            bestYdist = ydist2;
    ydist = bestYdist;
    for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
        FLT x1 = x[0][0]*X[0][i] + y[0][0]*X[1][i] + z[0][0]*X[2][i];
        FLT y1 = x[1][0]*X[0][i] + y[1][0]*X[1][i] + z[1][0]*X[2][i];
        FLT z1 = x[2][0]*X[0][i] + y[2][0]*X[1][i] + z[2][0]*X[2][i];
        printf("x1z1 %f %f y1 %f\n", x1, z1, y1);
    // Combine uhat and rhat to figure out the unit x-vector
    FLT xhat[2][1]  = { {0.0}, {1.0} };
    FLT urhat[2][2] = {
        {uhat[0][0], uhat[1][0]},
        {rhat[0][0], rhat[1][0]} };
    FLT inv_urhat[2][2];
    FLT ab[2][1];
    FLT a = ab[0][0], b = ab[1][0];

    // calculate the xyz coordinate system
    FLT y[3][1] = { {f[0][0]}, {f[1][0]}, {f[2][0]} };
    FLT x[3][1] = { {a*u[0][0] + b*r[0][0]}, {a*u[1][0] + b*r[1][0]}, {a*u[2][0] + b*r[2][0]} };
    FLT inv_xlen = 1.0 / sqrt( x[0][0]*x[0][0] + x[1][0]*x[1][0] + x[2][0]*x[2][0] );
    x[0][0]*=inv_xlen; x[1][0]*=inv_xlen; x[2][0]*=inv_xlen;
    FLT z[3][1];
    // Store into the rotation matrix
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) { R[i][0] = x[i][0]; R[i][1] = y[i][0]; R[i][2] = z[i][0]; }

    // Calculate the translation of the centroid
    trans[0]=tan(sbar[0]);  trans[1]=1.0;  trans[2]=tan(sbar[1]);
    FLT inv_translen = ydist / sqrt( trans[0]*trans[0] + trans[1]*trans[1] + trans[2]*trans[2] );
    trans[0]*=inv_translen; trans[1]*=inv_translen; trans[2]*=inv_translen;

    // Add in the centroid point
    trans[0] -= xbar[0]*R[0][0] + xbar[1]*R[0][1] + xbar[2]*R[0][2];
    trans[1] -= xbar[0]*R[1][0] + xbar[1]*R[1][1] + xbar[2]*R[1][2];
    trans[2] -= xbar[0]*R[2][0] + xbar[1]*R[2][1] + xbar[2]*R[2][2];
    FLT transdist = sqrt( trans[0]*trans[0] + trans[1]*trans[1] + trans[2]*trans[2] );

// Pack into the 4x4 transformation matrix, and put into correct "world"-space. I.e. where is the object, relative to
// the lighthouse.

#if 0
	//Don't do any transformation to the correct space.
    T[0][0]=R[0][0]; T[0][1]=R[0][1]; T[0][2]=R[0][2]; T[0][3]=trans[0];
    T[1][0]=R[1][0]; T[1][1]=R[1][1]; T[1][2]=R[1][2]; T[1][3]=trans[1];
    T[2][0]=R[2][0]; T[2][1]=R[2][1]; T[2][2]=R[2][2]; T[2][3]=trans[2];
    T[3][0]=0.0;     T[3][1]=0.0;     T[3][2]=0.0;     T[3][3]=1.0;

	/* WRONG: This transposes.
		T[0][0]=-R[0][0]; T[0][1]=-R[0][1]; T[0][2]=-R[0][2]; T[0][3]=-trans[0];
		T[2][0]= R[1][0]; T[2][1]= R[1][1]; T[2][2]= R[1][2]; T[2][3]=-trans[1];
		T[1][0]= R[2][0]; T[1][1]= R[2][1]; T[1][2]= R[2][2]; T[1][3]=trans[2];
		T[3][0]=0.0;     T[3][1]=0.0;     T[3][2]=0.0;     T[3][3]=1.0;


	/** This is probably all wonky and backwards  but "looks" right except with multiple transforms, perhaps it's
		T[0][0]=-R[0][0]; T[0][1]= R[0][1]; T[0][2]= R[0][2]; T[0][3]=-trans[0];
		T[2][0]=-R[1][0]; T[2][1]=-R[1][1]; T[2][2]= R[1][2]; T[2][3]=-trans[1];//This Z axis has problems with getting
	   magnitudes. We can re=make it from the other two axes.
		T[1][0]=-R[2][0]; T[1][1]= R[2][1]; T[1][2]=-R[2][2]; T[1][3]= trans[2];
		T[3][0]=0.0;     T[3][1]=0.0;     T[3][2]=0.0;     T[3][3]=1.0;
	T[0][0] = -R[0][0];
	T[0][1] = -R[0][1];
	T[0][2] = -R[0][2];
	T[0][3] = -trans[0];
	T[1][0] = R[2][0];
	T[1][1] = R[2][1];
	T[1][2] = R[2][2];
	T[2][3] = -trans[1];
	T[2][0] = R[1][0];
	T[2][1] = R[1][1];
	T[2][2] = R[1][2];
	T[1][3] = trans[2];
	T[3][0] = 0.0;
	T[3][1] = 0.0;
	T[3][2] = 0.0;
	T[3][3] = 1.0;


	// Orthogonalize the matrix
	// FLT temp[4][4];
	// FLT quat[4], quatNorm[4];
	// FLT euler[3];

	// Orthogonalize the matrix

	cross3d(&T[2][0], &T[0][0], &T[1][0]); // Generate Z from X/Y because Z is kinda rekt.

///XXX TODO: Characterize how important these last two steps are.  The matrix definitely is not normalized.
#if 1
	cross3d(&T[1][0], &T[2][0], &T[0][0] );	//Renormalize rotations...
	cross3d(&T[0][0], &T[1][0], &T[2][0] );	//Renormalize rotations...

	normalize3d( &T[0][0], &T[0][0] );
	normalize3d( &T[1][0], &T[1][0] );
	normalize3d( &T[2][0], &T[2][0] );

//	printf( "      In Axis on headset      \n" );
//	printf( "    x                  y                   z\n" );
//	PRINT_MAT(T,4,4);

//	PRINT_MAT(T,4,4);

//	PRINT_MAT(T,4,4);

// Fix handedness for rotations...
//	T[1][0]*=-1;
//	T[1][1]*=-1;
//	T[1][2]*=-1;

//	PRINT_MAT(T,4,4);
#if 0

#if 1


	quatfrommatrix( quat, &T2[0][0] );
	printf( "QM: %f\n", quatmagnitude( quat ) );
	quattomatrix( &T2[0][0], quatNorm );

	printf("rot %f %f %f len %f\n", euler[0], euler[1], euler[2], quatmagnitude(quat));
//	PRINT(T,4,4);

//	matrix44copy(temp,T2);

//	matrix44transpose(T2, temp);
//	memcpy(T2,temp,16*sizeof(float));
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
			T[i][j] = temp[i][j];

/*	PRINT(T2,4,4); */


    CrossProduct(T[0][2],T[1][2],T[2][2],  T[0][0],T[1][0],T[2][0],  T[0][1],T[1][1],T[2][1]);
    CrossProduct(T[0][0],T[1][0],T[2][0],  T[0][1],T[1][1],T[2][1],  T[0][2],T[1][2],T[2][2]);
    CrossProduct(T[0][1],T[1][1],T[2][1],  T[0][2],T[1][2],T[2][2],  T[0][0],T[1][0],T[2][0]);
	float xlen = sqrt(T[0][0]*T[0][0] + T[1][0]*T[1][0] + T[2][0]*T[2][0]);
	float ylen = sqrt(T[0][1]*T[0][1] + T[1][1]*T[1][1] + T[2][1]*T[2][1]);
	float zlen = sqrt(T[0][2]*T[0][2] + T[1][0]*T[1][2] + T[2][2]*T[2][2]);
	T[0][0]/=xlen; T[1][0]/=xlen; T[2][0]/=xlen;
	T[0][1]/=ylen; T[1][1]/=ylen; T[2][1]/=ylen;
	T[0][2]/=zlen; T[1][2]/=zlen; T[2][2]/=zlen;

 //   PRINT_MAT(T,4,4);
    // Plot the output points
    for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
        FLT Tx = T[0][0]*X_in[0][i] + T[0][1]*X_in[1][i] + T[0][2]*X_in[2][i] + T[0][3];
        FLT Ty = T[1][0]*X_in[0][i] + T[1][1]*X_in[1][i] + T[1][2]*X_in[2][i] + T[1][3];
        FLT Tz = T[2][0]*X_in[0][i] + T[2][1]*X_in[1][i] + T[2][2]*X_in[2][i] + T[2][3];
        S_out[0][i] = atan2(Tx, Ty);   // horiz
        S_out[1][i] = atan2(Tz, Ty);   // vert
        //S_out[0][i] = Tx;
        //S_out[1][i] = Tz;
//        printf("point %i Txyz %f %f %f in %f %f out %f %f morph %f %f\n", i, Tx,Ty,Tz, S_in[0][i], S_in[1][i], S_out[0][i], S_out[1][i], S_morph[0][i], S_morph[1][i]);