#include "byte.h" #include "case.h" #include "env.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "strerr.h" #include "ip4.h" #include "uint16.h" #include "ndelay.h" #include "socket.h" #include "droproot.h" #include "qlog.h" #include "response.h" #include "dns.h" extern char *fatal; extern char *starting; extern int respond(char *,char *,char *); extern void initialize(void); static char ip[4]; static uint16 port; static char buf[513]; static int len; static char *q; static int doit(void) { unsigned int pos; char header[12]; char qtype[2]; char qclass[2]; if (len >= sizeof buf) goto NOQ; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,0,header,12); if (!pos) goto NOQ; if (header[2] & 128) goto NOQ; if (header[4]) goto NOQ; if (header[5] != 1) goto NOQ; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&q); if (!pos) goto NOQ; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,qtype,2); if (!pos) goto NOQ; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,qclass,2); if (!pos) goto NOQ; if (!response_query(q,qtype,qclass)) goto NOQ; response_id(header); if (byte_equal(qclass,2,DNS_C_IN)) response[2] |= 4; else if (byte_diff(qclass,2,DNS_C_ANY)) goto WEIRDCLASS; response[3] &= ~128; if (!(header[2] & 1)) response[2] &= ~1; if (header[2] & 126) goto NOTIMP; if (byte_equal(qtype,2,DNS_T_AXFR)) goto NOTIMP; case_lowerb(q,dns_domain_length(q)); if (!respond(q,qtype,ip)) { qlog(ip,port,header,q,qtype," - "); return 0; } qlog(ip,port,header,q,qtype," + "); return 1; NOTIMP: response[3] &= ~15; response[3] |= 4; qlog(ip,port,header,q,qtype," I "); return 1; WEIRDCLASS: response[3] &= ~15; response[3] |= 1; qlog(ip,port,header,q,qtype," C "); return 1; NOQ: qlog(ip,port,"\0\0","","\0\0"," / "); return 0; } int main() { char *x; int udp53; x = env_get("IP"); if (!x) strerr_die2x(111,fatal,"$IP not set"); if (!ip4_scan(x,ip)) strerr_die3x(111,fatal,"unable to parse IP address ",x); udp53 = socket_udp(); if (udp53 == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,fatal,"unable to create UDP socket: "); if (socket_bind4_reuse(udp53,ip,53) == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,fatal,"unable to bind UDP socket: "); droproot(fatal); initialize(); ndelay_off(udp53); socket_tryreservein(udp53,65536); buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,starting); for (;;) { len = socket_recv4(udp53,buf,sizeof buf,ip,&port); if (len < 0) continue; if (!doit()) continue; if (response_len > 512) response_tc(); socket_send4(udp53,response,response_len,ip,port); /* may block for buffer space; if it fails, too bad */ } }