#include #include "env.h" #include "exit.h" #include "scan.h" #include "strerr.h" #include "error.h" #include "ip4.h" #include "ip6.h" #include "uint16.h" #include "uint64.h" #include "socket.h" #include "dns.h" #include "taia.h" #include "byte.h" #include "roots.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "iopause.h" #include "query.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "response.h" #include "cache.h" #include "ndelay.h" #include "log.h" #include "okclient.h" #include "droproot.h" long interface; stralloc ignoreip = {0}; static int packetquery(char *buf,unsigned int len,char **q,char qtype[2],char qclass[2],char id[2]) { unsigned int pos; char header[12]; errno = error_proto; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,0,header,12); if (!pos) return 0; if (header[2] & 128) return 0; /* must not respond to responses */ if (!(header[2] & 1)) return 0; /* do not respond to non-recursive queries */ if (header[2] & 120) return 0; if (header[2] & 2) return 0; if (byte_diff(header + 4,2,"\0\1")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,q); if (!pos) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,qtype,2); if (!pos) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,qclass,2); if (!pos) return 0; if (byte_diff(qclass,2,DNS_C_IN) && byte_diff(qclass,2,DNS_C_ANY)) return 0; byte_copy(id,2,header); return 1; } static char myipoutgoing[16]; static char myipincoming[16]; static char buf[1024]; uint64 numqueries = 0; static int udp53; #define MAXUDP 200 static struct udpclient { struct query q; struct taia start; uint64 active; /* query number, if active; otherwise 0 */ iopause_fd *io; char ip[16]; uint16 port; char id[2]; uint32 scope_id; } u[MAXUDP]; int uactive = 0; #define MAXSOA 20 int soaactive = 0; void u_drop(int j) { if (!u[j].active) return; log_querydrop(&u[j].active); u[j].active = 0; --uactive; if (byte_equal(u[j].q.type,2,DNS_T_SOA)) --soaactive; } void u_respond(int j) { if (!u[j].active) return; response_id(u[j].id); if (response_len > 512) response_tc(); socket_send6(udp53,response,response_len,u[j].ip,u[j].port,u[j].scope_id); log_querydone(&u[j].active,response_len); u[j].active = 0; --uactive; if (byte_equal(u[j].q.type,2,DNS_T_SOA)) --soaactive; } void u_new(void) { int j; int i; struct udpclient *x; int len; static char *q = 0; char qtype[2]; char qclass[2]; for (j = 0;j < MAXUDP;++j) if (!u[j].active) break; if (j >= MAXUDP) { j = 0; for (i = 1;i < MAXUDP;++i) if (taia_less(&u[i].start,&u[j].start)) j = i; errno = error_timeout; u_drop(j); } x = u + j; taia_now(&x->start); len = socket_recv6(udp53,buf,sizeof buf,x->ip,&x->port,&x->scope_id); if (len == -1) return; if (len >= sizeof buf) return; if (x->port < 1024) if (x->port != 53) return; if (!okclient(x->ip)) return; if (!packetquery(buf,len,&q,qtype,qclass,x->id)) return; x->active = ++numqueries; ++uactive; log_query(&x->active,x->ip,x->port,x->id,q,qtype); if (byte_equal(qtype,2,DNS_T_SOA)) { if (soaactive >= MAXSOA) { log_querydropmaxsoa(&x->active); x->active = 0; --uactive; return; } ++soaactive; } switch(query_start(&x->q,q,qtype,qclass,myipoutgoing,interface)) { case -1: u_drop(j); return; case 1: u_respond(j); } } static int tcp53; #define MAXTCP 20 struct tcpclient { struct query q; struct taia start; struct taia timeout; uint64 active; /* query number or 1, if active; otherwise 0 */ iopause_fd *io; char ip[16]; /* send response to this address */ uint16 port; /* send response to this port */ char id[2]; int tcp; /* open TCP socket, if active */ int state; char *buf; /* 0, or dynamically allocated of length len */ unsigned int len; unsigned int pos; uint32 scope_id; } t[MAXTCP]; int tactive = 0; /* state 1: buf 0; normal state at beginning of TCP connection state 2: buf 0; have read 1 byte of query packet length into len state 3: buf allocated; have read pos bytes of buf state 0: buf 0; handling query in q state -1: buf allocated; have written pos bytes */ void t_free(int j) { if (!t[j].buf) return; alloc_free(t[j].buf); t[j].buf = 0; } void t_timeout(int j) { struct taia now; if (!t[j].active) return; taia_now(&now); taia_uint(&t[j].timeout,10); taia_add(&t[j].timeout,&t[j].timeout,&now); } void t_close(int j) { if (!t[j].active) return; t_free(j); log_tcpclose(t[j].ip,t[j].port); close(t[j].tcp); t[j].active = 0; --tactive; } void t_drop(int j) { log_querydrop(&t[j].active); errno = error_pipe; t_close(j); } void t_respond(int j) { if (!t[j].active) return; log_querydone(&t[j].active,response_len); response_id(t[j].id); t[j].len = response_len + 2; t_free(j); t[j].buf = alloc(response_len + 2); if (!t[j].buf) { t_close(j); return; } uint16_pack_big(t[j].buf,response_len); byte_copy(t[j].buf + 2,response_len,response); t[j].pos = 0; t[j].state = -1; } void t_rw(int j) { struct tcpclient *x; char ch; static char *q = 0; char qtype[2]; char qclass[2]; int r; x = t + j; if (x->state == -1) { r = write(x->tcp,x->buf + x->pos,x->len - x->pos); if (r <= 0) { t_close(j); return; } x->pos += r; if (x->pos == x->len) { t_free(j); x->state = 1; /* could drop connection immediately */ } return; } r = read(x->tcp,&ch,1); if (r == 0) { errno = error_pipe; t_close(j); return; } if (r < 0) { t_close(j); return; } if (x->state == 1) { x->len = (unsigned char) ch; x->len <<= 8; x->state = 2; return; } if (x->state == 2) { x->len += (unsigned char) ch; if (!x->len) { errno = error_proto; t_close(j); return; } x->buf = alloc(x->len); if (!x->buf) { t_close(j); return; } x->pos = 0; x->state = 3; return; } if (x->state != 3) return; /* impossible */ x->buf[x->pos++] = ch; if (x->pos < x->len) return; if (!packetquery(x->buf,x->len,&q,qtype,qclass,x->id)) { t_close(j); return; } x->active = ++numqueries; log_query(&x->active,x->ip,x->port,x->id,q,qtype); switch(query_start(&x->q,q,qtype,qclass,myipoutgoing,interface)) { case -1: t_drop(j); return; case 1: t_respond(j); return; } t_free(j); x->state = 0; } void t_new(void) { int i; int j; struct tcpclient *x; for (j = 0;j < MAXTCP;++j) if (!t[j].active) break; if (j >= MAXTCP) { j = 0; for (i = 1;i < MAXTCP;++i) if (taia_less(&t[i].start,&t[j].start)) j = i; errno = error_timeout; if (t[j].state == 0) t_drop(j); else t_close(j); } x = t + j; taia_now(&x->start); x->tcp = socket_accept6(tcp53,x->ip,&x->port,&x->scope_id); if (x->tcp == -1) return; if (x->port < 1024) if (x->port != 53) { close(x->tcp); return; } if (!okclient(x->ip)) { close(x->tcp); return; } if (ndelay_on(x->tcp) == -1) { close(x->tcp); return; } /* Linux bug */ x->active = 1; ++tactive; x->state = 1; t_timeout(j); log_tcpopen(x->ip,x->port); } iopause_fd io[3 + MAXUDP + MAXTCP]; iopause_fd *udp53io; iopause_fd *tcp53io; static void doit(void) { int j; struct taia deadline; struct taia stamp; int iolen; int r; for (;;) { taia_now(&stamp); taia_uint(&deadline,120); taia_add(&deadline,&deadline,&stamp); iolen = 0; udp53io = io + iolen++; udp53io->fd = udp53; udp53io->events = IOPAUSE_READ; tcp53io = io + iolen++; tcp53io->fd = tcp53; tcp53io->events = IOPAUSE_READ; for (j = 0;j < MAXUDP;++j) if (u[j].active) { u[j].io = io + iolen++; query_io(&u[j].q,u[j].io,&deadline); } for (j = 0;j < MAXTCP;++j) if (t[j].active) { t[j].io = io + iolen++; if (t[j].state == 0) query_io(&t[j].q,t[j].io,&deadline); else { if (taia_less(&t[j].timeout,&deadline)) deadline = t[j].timeout; t[j].io->fd = t[j].tcp; t[j].io->events = (t[j].state > 0) ? IOPAUSE_READ : IOPAUSE_WRITE; } } iopause(io,iolen,&deadline,&stamp); for (j = 0;j < MAXUDP;++j) if (u[j].active) { r = query_get(&u[j].q,u[j].io,&stamp); if (r == -1) u_drop(j); if (r == 1) u_respond(j); } for (j = 0;j < MAXTCP;++j) if (t[j].active) { if (t[j].io->revents) t_timeout(j); if (t[j].state == 0) { r = query_get(&t[j].q,t[j].io,&stamp); if (r == -1) t_drop(j); if (r == 1) t_respond(j); } else if (t[j].io->revents || taia_less(&t[j].timeout,&stamp)) t_rw(j); } if (udp53io) if (udp53io->revents) u_new(); if (tcp53io) if (tcp53io->revents) t_new(); } } #define FATAL "dnscache: fatal: " char seed[128]; int main() { char *x; unsigned int i, j, k; unsigned long cachesize; static stralloc sa = {0}; x = env_get("INTERFACE"); if (x) scan_ulong(x,&interface); x = env_get("IP"); if (!x) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"$IP not set"); if (!ip6_scan(x,myipincoming)) strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"unable to parse IP address ",x); #if 0 /* if if IP is a mapped-IPv4 address, disable IPv6 functionality */ /* this is actually a bad idea */ if (ip6_isv4mapped(myipincoming)) noipv6 = 1; #endif udp53 = socket_udp6(); if (udp53 == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to create UDP socket: "); if (socket_bind6_reuse(udp53,myipincoming,53,interface) == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to bind UDP socket: "); tcp53 = socket_tcp6(); if (tcp53 == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to create TCP socket: "); if (socket_bind6_reuse(tcp53,myipincoming,53,interface) == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to bind TCP socket: "); droproot(FATAL); socket_tryreservein(udp53,131072); byte_zero(seed,sizeof seed); read(0,seed,sizeof seed); dns_random_init(seed); close(0); x = env_get("IPSEND"); if (!x) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"$IPSEND not set"); if (!ip6_scan(x,myipoutgoing)) strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"unable to parse IP address ",x); x = env_get("CACHESIZE"); if (!x) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"$CACHESIZE not set"); scan_ulong(x,&cachesize); if (!cache_init(cachesize)) strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"not enough memory for cache of size ",x); if (openreadclose("ignoreip",&sa,64) < 0) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"trouble reading ignoreip"); for(j = k = i = 0; i < sa.len; i++) if (sa.s[i] == '\n') { sa.s[i] = '\0'; if (!stralloc_readyplus(&ignoreip,16)) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"out of memory parsing ignoreip"); if (!ip6_scan(sa.s+k,ignoreip.s+j)) strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"unable to parse address in ignoreip ",ignoreip.s+k); j += 16; k = i + 1; } ignoreip.len = j; if (env_get("HIDETTL")) response_hidettl(); if (env_get("FORWARDONLY")) query_forwardonly(); if (!roots_init()) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to read servers: "); if (socket_listen(tcp53,20) == -1) strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to listen on TCP socket: "); log_startup(); doit(); }