path: root/tinydns-sign.pl
diff options
authorHenryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>2014-10-03 20:19:52 +0200
committerHenryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>2014-10-03 20:29:37 +0200
commiteaaa5b4f9301ae2e5a29dd77616d8e29fd3b2c28 (patch)
treec090b31513b85dfca08b878066faf9d2893c7a7a /tinydns-sign.pl
parent898102385f20b06f08dc5fb379e1c9aa261a5700 (diff)
Add tinydnssec-1.05-1.3.tar.bz2
Source was http://www.tinydnssec.org/download/tinydnssec-1.05-1.3.tar.bz2, SHA1 b33d5c3e0de67f6427aad8c00a99580b59804075
Diffstat (limited to 'tinydns-sign.pl')
1 files changed, 1025 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinydns-sign.pl b/tinydns-sign.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd72033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinydns-sign.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# (C) 2012 Peter Conrad <conrad@quisquis.de>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use Fcntl;
+use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex);
+use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
+use MIME::Base64;
+$main::ttl = 432000;
+%main::keys = ();
+%main::names = ();
+@main::zones = ();
+%main::locs = ();
+$main::catchAllLoc = undef;
+while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
+ &usage();
+ # usage does not return
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-t') {
+ if ($#ARGV < 1) { &usage(); }
+ $main::ttl = $ARGV[1];
+ shift @ARGV;
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-g') {
+ if ($#ARGV != 5) { &usage(); }
+ &genkey($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3], $ARGV[4], $ARGV[5]);
+ # genkey does not return
+ exit(0);
+ } else { # keyfile
+ &addKey($ARGV[0]);
+ }
+ shift @ARGV;
+my $now = time();
+while ($_ = <STDIN>) {
+ s/\s+$//s;
+ if (/^:[^:]*:(43|46|48|50|51|6528[12]):/) { next; }
+ if (/^$/ || /^-/ || /^#[^KDP]/) {
+ print "$_\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^\./) {
+ print "# Was: $_\n";
+ while (! /^\.([^:]*):([0-9.]*):([^:]+):(\d*):(\d*):([^:]*)$/) { $_ .= ':'; }
+ my ($dom,$ip,$ns,$ttl,$ts,$lo) = /^\.([^:]*):([0-9.]*):([^:]+):(\d*):(\d*):([^:]*)$/;
+ # &fqdn:ip:x:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ print "\&$dom:$ip:$ns:$ttl:$ts:$lo\n";
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $ns =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if ($ns !~ /\./) { $ns .= ".ns.$dom"; }
+ my $rec = &getOrCreateRRs($dom);
+ $rec->addNS($ns, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ &addA($ns, $ip, $ttl || 259200, $ts, $lo);
+ if (exists($rec->{byType}->{6})) { next; } # don't create more than one SOA per zone
+ # Zfqdn:mname:rname:ser:ref:ret:exp:min:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $_ = "Z$dom:$ns:hostmaster.${dom}:::::$ttl:$ts:$lo\n";
+ }
+ if (/^Z/) {
+ my @fields = split /:/;
+ if ($#fields < 3 || $fields[3] !~ /^00/) {
+ $fields[3] = $now;
+ $_ = join(":", @fields);
+ }
+ }
+ print "$_\n";
+ if (/^%(\w\w?):?/) {
+ $main::locs{$1} = $';
+ if ($' eq "") {
+ $main::catchAllLoc = $1;
+ }
+ } elsif (/^#[KDP]/) {
+ if (/^#K([^:]*):(\d+):(\d*):(\d+):([^:]*):(\d*):(\d*):([^:]*)$/) {
+ # C<#Kname:flags:proto:algorithm:key:ttl:timestamp:lo>
+ my ($dom,$flags,$proto,$alg,$key,$ttl,$ts,$lo) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $pubkey = decode_base64($key);
+ my $rdata = &htons($flags).chr($proto).chr($alg).$pubkey;
+ &makeGenericRecord($dom, 48, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ my $rrs = &getOrCreateRRs($dom);
+ $rrs->addKey($flags, $alg, $pubkey);
+ $rrs->addRecord(48, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ } elsif (/^#D([^:]*):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):([0-9a-fA-F]*):(\d*):(\d*):([^:]*)$/) {
+ # C<#Dname:tag:algorithm:digest:fingerprint:ttl:timestamp:lo>
+ my ($dom,$tag,$alg,$dig,$fp,$ttl,$ts,$lo) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $rdata = &htons($tag).chr($alg).chr($dig).pack("H*", $fp);
+ &makeGenericRecord($dom, 43, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ &getOrCreateRRs($dom)->addRecord(43, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ } elsif (/^#P([^:]*):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d*):([0-9a-fA-F]*):(\d*):(\d*):([^:]*)$/) {
+ # C<#Pname:algorithm:flags:iter:len:salt:ttl:timestamp:lo>
+ my ($dom,$alg,$flag,$iter,$len,$salt,$ttl,$ts,$lo) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if ($salt eq "") {
+ if ($len eq "") { $len = 4; }
+ open(RANDOM, "</dev/urandom") or die("Failed to open /dev/urandom");
+ sysread(RANDOM, $salt, $len);
+ close(RANDOM);
+ $salt = unpack("H*", $salt);
+ } else {
+ $len = length(pack("H*", $salt));
+ }
+ my $rdata = chr($alg).chr($flag).&htons($iter)
+ .chr($len).pack("H*", $salt);
+ &makeGenericRecord($dom, 51, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ my $rrs = &getOrCreateRRs($dom);
+ $rrs->addNS3P($alg, $flag, $iter, $salt, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ $rrs->addRecord(51, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignored incomplete pseudo record '$_'!\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my $type = substr($_, 0, 1);
+ if ($type !~ /^[.\&=+\@'^CZ:36]/) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignored unknown record type '$type'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my @stuff = split(/:/, substr($_, 1));
+ if ($#stuff < 0) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignored empty record '$_'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $dom = shift @stuff;
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $rec = &getOrCreateRRs($dom);
+ if ($type eq '&') {
+ # &fqdn:ip:x:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ my $ns = $stuff[1];
+ if ($ns !~ /\./) { $ns .= ".ns.$dom"; }
+ $rec->addNS($ns, $stuff[2], $stuff[3], $stuff[4]);
+ &addA($ns, $stuff[0], $stuff[2] || 259200, $stuff[3], $stuff[4]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '=') {
+ # =fqdn:ip:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addA($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ &addPTR($stuff[0], $dom, $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '+') {
+ # +fqdn:ip:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addA($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '6') {
+ # =fqdn:ip6:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addAAAA($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ &addPTR($stuff[0], $dom, $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '3') {
+ # +fqdn:ip6:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addAAAA($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '@') {
+ # @fqdn:ip:x:dist:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ my $mx = $stuff[1];
+ if ($mx !~ /\./) { $mx .= ".mx.$dom"; }
+ $rec->addMX($mx, $stuff[2], $stuff[3], $stuff[4], $stuff[5]);
+ &addA($mx, $stuff[0], $stuff[3], $stuff[4], $stuff[5]);
+ } elsif ($type eq "'") {
+ # 'fqdn:s:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addTXT(&parseData($stuff[0]), $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq '^') {
+ # ^fqdn:p:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addPTR($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'C') {
+ # Cfqdn:p:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addCNAME($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3]);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'Z') {
+ # Zfqdn:mname:rname:ser:ref:ret:exp:min:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addSOA($stuff[0], $stuff[1], $stuff[2], $stuff[3], $stuff[4], $stuff[5], $stuff[6], $stuff[7], $stuff[8], $stuff[9]);
+ } elsif ($type eq ':') {
+ # :fqdn:n:rdata:ttl:timestamp:lo
+ $rec->addRecord($stuff[0], &parseData($stuff[1]), $stuff[2], $stuff[3], $stuff[4]);
+ }
+foreach my $rec (values %main::names) {
+ my $dom = $rec->{name};
+ if (exists($rec->{byType}->{48})) {
+ if (!exists($rec->{byType}->{6})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: useless DNSKEY for $dom without SOA!\n";
+ } elsif (!exists($rec->{byType}->{51})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: DNSKEY for $dom without NSEC3PARAM!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } elsif (exists($rec->{byType}->{51})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: useless NSEC3PARAM for $dom without DNSKEY!\n";
+ }
+ &findControl($rec);
+foreach my $zone (@main::zones) {
+ my $rec = $main::names{$zone};
+ if (!exists($rec->{keys})) {
+ print STDERR "Info: ignore unsigned zone $zone\n";
+ foreach my $dom (keys %{$rec->{zone}}) {
+ delete $main::names{$dom};
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!exists($rec->{nsec3p})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ #
+ # Add NSEC3 RRs to zone
+ my %hashes = ();
+ my $n3p = $rec->{nsec3p}->[0];
+ # Generate hashes
+ foreach my $name (keys %{$rec->{zone}}) {
+ my $rr;
+ LOOP: { do {
+ $rr = &getOrCreateRRs($name);
+ if (exists($rr->{hash})) { last; }
+ $rec->{zone}->{$name} = $rr;
+ my $hash = &nsec3hash($name, $n3p->{iterations}, $n3p->{salt});
+ if (exists($hashes{$hash})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: hash collision on $name!?\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ $hashes{$hash} = { hash => $hash, name => &base32hex($hash).".".$zone,
+ generator => $name, zone => $zone };
+ $rr->{hash} = $hash;
+ if ($name eq $zone) { last; }
+ if ($name =~ /^[^.]*\./) { $name = $'; }
+ } while ($rr->{name} ne $zone); }
+ }
+ # Find next hash in hash sort order
+ my ($first, $prev);
+ my @byNibble = ();
+ my $prevNib = -1;
+ foreach my $hash (sort keys %hashes) {
+ my $nib = ord($hash) >> 4;
+ if (!defined($byNibble[$nib])) {
+ while ($prevNib < $nib) {
+ $byNibble[++$prevNib] = defined($prev) ? [$prev->{hash}] : [];
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$byNibble[$nib]}, $hash;
+ if (!$first) {
+ $first = $prev = $hashes{$hash};
+ next;
+ }
+ $prev->{next} = $hash;
+ $prev = $hashes{$hash};
+ }
+ $prev->{next} = $first->{hash};
+ unshift @{$byNibble[0]}, $prev->{hash};
+ for (my $nib = 1; $#{$byNibble[$nib]} < 0; $nib++) {
+ unshift @{$byNibble[$nib]}, $prev->{hash};
+ }
+ for (my $nib = $#byNibble + 1; $nib < 16; $nib++) {
+ $byNibble[$nib] = [$prev->{hash}];
+ }
+ # Generate records
+ foreach my $hash (values %hashes) {
+ my $rRec = &getOrCreateRRs($hash->{name});
+ my $gRec = &getOrCreateRRs($hash->{generator});
+ $rec->{zone}->{$hash->{name}} = $rRec;
+ my $rdata = chr($n3p->{alg}).chr($n3p->{flags})
+ .&htons($n3p->{iterations})
+ .chr(length($n3p->{salt})).$n3p->{salt}
+ .chr(length($hash->{next})).$hash->{next}
+ .&genTypeBitmaps(keys %{$gRec->{byType}});
+ print "# NSEC3: ".$hash->{name}." - ".&base32hex($hash->{next})." ("
+ .join(" ", sort keys %{$gRec->{byType}}).")\n";
+ $rRec->addRecord(50, $rdata, $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ &makeGenericRecord($hash->{name}, 50, $rdata, $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ print "# H(".$hash->{generator}.") -> ".$hash->{name}."\n";
+ #$gRec->addRecord(65281, &wireName($hash->{name}), $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ &makeGenericRecord($hash->{generator}, 65281, &wireName($hash->{name}), $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ }
+ for (my $nib = 0; $nib < 16; $nib++) {
+ my $name = sprintf("%x", $nib).".$zone";
+ my $rec = &getOrCreateRRs($name);
+ $rec->addRecord(65282, join("", @{$byNibble[$nib]}), $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ &makeGenericRecord($name, 65282, join("", @{$byNibble[$nib]}), $n3p->{ttl}, $n3p->{ts}, $n3p->{lo});
+ }
+ # Add RRSIGs to zone
+ my (@zsks, @ksks);
+ if (!$rec->{haveSEP} || !$rec->{haveZSK}) {
+ @zsks = @ksks = @{$rec->{keys}};
+ } else {
+ @ksks = grep { $_->{flags} & 1 } @{$rec->{keys}};
+ @zsks = grep { !($_->{flags} & 1) } @{$rec->{keys}};
+ }
+ my $validFrom = $now - 3600;
+ my $validUntil = $now + $main::ttl;
+ foreach my $owner (values %{$rec->{zone}}) {
+ my $name = $owner->{name};
+ my $isCutpoint = exists($owner->{byType}->{2}) && $name ne $zone;
+ foreach my $type (keys %{$owner->{byType}}) {
+ if ($isCutpoint && $type != 43 && $type != 50) { next; }
+ my $labels = $name;
+ $labels =~ s/^\*\.//;
+ $labels =~ s/[^.]+//g;
+ $labels = length($labels) + 1;
+ my $ttl = $owner->{byType}->{$type}->[0]->{ttl} || 86400;
+ foreach my $key ($type == 48 ? @ksks : @zsks) {
+ my $keytag = $key->{key}->{basetag} + $key->{alg} + $key->{flags};
+ $keytag = ($keytag + ($keytag >> 16)) & 0xffff;
+ my $rdata = &htons($type).chr($key->{alg}).chr($labels)
+ .&htonl($ttl).&htonl($validUntil)
+ .&htonl($validFrom)
+ .&htons($keytag).&wireName($zone);
+ my $toSign = $rdata;
+ foreach my $rr (sort { $a->{rdata} cmp $b->{rdata} } @{$owner->{byType}->{$type}}) {
+ $toSign .= &wireName($name).&htons($type)."\0\1".&htonl($ttl)
+ .&htons(length($rr->{rdata})).$rr->{rdata};
+ }
+ $key->{key}->{key}->use_pkcs1_padding();
+ if ($key->{alg} == 7) {
+ $key->{key}->{key}->use_sha1_hash();
+ } elsif ($key->{alg} == 8) {
+ $key->{key}->{key}->use_sha256_hash();
+ } elsif ($key->{alg} == 10) {
+ $key->{key}->{key}->use_sha512_hash();
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unsupported key type ".$key->{alg}."\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $sig = $key->{key}->{key}->sign($toSign);
+ if (!$sig || !$key->{key}->{key}->verify($toSign, $sig)) {
+ print STDERR "Failed to sign $name ($type)!?\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ #$key->{key}->{key}->use_no_padding();
+ #print "# ".unpack("H*", $key->{key}->{key}->public_decrypt($sig))."\n";
+ $rdata .= $sig;
+ print "# RRSIG $type ".$key->{alg}." $labels $ttl $validUntil $validFrom "
+ ."$keytag $name\n";
+ &makeGenericRecord($name, 46, $rdata, $ttl, "", "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+package Records;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $dom) = @_;
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $self = { name => $dom, byType => {}, haveSEP => 0, haveZSK => 0,
+ locs => {}, zone => {} };
+ $self->{zone}->{$dom} = $self;
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub addKey {
+my ($self, $flags, $alg, $key) = @_;
+ if (!($flags & 0x100)) { return; }
+ if (!exists($main::keys{$key})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: encountered DNSKEY pseudo record without a matching key:\n";
+ print STDERR "$_\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if ($alg != 7 && $alg != 8 && $alg != 10) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignoring DNSKEY with unsupported algorithm $alg\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $entry = { flags => $flags, alg => $alg, pubkey => $key,
+ key => $main::keys{$key} };
+ if (exists($self->{keys})) {
+ foreach my $other (@{$self->{keys}}) {
+ if ($other->{flags} == $flags && $other->{alg} == $alg
+ && $other->{pubkey} eq $key) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$self->{keys}}, $entry;
+ } else {
+ $self->{keys} = [$entry];
+ }
+ if ($flags & 1) {
+ $self->{haveSEP} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $self->{haveZSK} = 1;
+ }
+sub addNS3P {
+my ($self, $alg, $flag, $iter, $salt, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ if ($flag ne "0") {
+ print STDERR "Warning: don't know about NSEC3 flags values != 0, ignoring\n";
+ }
+ if ($iter > 150) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: large iteration count $iter may lead to problems\n";
+ }
+ if ($alg ne "1") {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: NSEC3 algorithm $alg unknown. Please use algorithm 1.\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $entry = { flags => $flag, alg => $alg, iterations => $iter,
+ salt => pack("H*", $salt), ttl => $ttl, ts => $ts, lo => $lo };
+ if (exists($self->{nsec3p})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignoring additional NSEC3PARAM for ".$self->{name}."\n";
+# foreach my $other (@$self->{nsec3p}) {
+# if ($other->{flags} == $flag && $other->{alg} == $alg
+# && $other->{iterations} == $iter
+# && $other->{salt} eq $entry->{salt}) {
+# return;
+# }
+# }
+# push @$self->{nsec3p}, $entry;
+ } else {
+ $self->{nsec3p} = [$entry];
+ }
+sub addRecord {
+my ($self, $type, $data, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ if (!defined($lo)) { $lo = ""; }
+ if (!defined($ttl) || $ttl eq "") { $ttl = 86400; }
+ $self->{locs}->{$lo} = 1;
+ my $entry = { type => $type, rdata => $data, ttl => $ttl, ts => $ts, lo => $lo };
+ if (!exists($self->{byType}->{$type})) {
+ $self->{byType}->{$type} = [$entry];
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach my $other (@{$self->{byType}->{$type}}) {
+ if ($other->{rdata} eq $data
+ && ($other->{lo} eq $lo || $lo eq "" || $other->{lo} eq "")
+ && (($other->{ttl} eq "0") != ($ttl eq "0"))) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: duplicate record ".$self->{name}.":$type:...\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (($other->{lo} eq $lo || $lo eq "" || $other->{lo} eq "")
+ && (($other->{ttl} eq "0") == ($ttl eq "0"))
+ && $other->{ttl} ne $ttl) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ttl mismatch for ".$self->{name}.":$type:...\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$self->{byType}->{$type}}, $entry;
+sub addA {
+my ($self, $ip, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ if ($ip !~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignoring unparsable IPv4 address '$ip'\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->addRecord(1, pack("C*", $1, $2, $3, $4), $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addNS {
+my ($self, $ns, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ $self->addRecord(2, &toDomain($ns), $ttl || 259200, $ts, $lo);
+sub addCNAME {
+my ($self, $nm, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ $self->addRecord(5, &toDomain($nm), $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addSOA {
+my ($self, $ns, $hm, $ser, $ref, $ret, $exp, $min, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ $self->addRecord(6, &toDomain($ns).&toDomain($hm)
+ .pack("N*", $ser || 1, $ref || 16384, $ret || 2048,
+ $exp || 1048576, $min || 2560),
+ $ttl || 2560, $ts, $lo);
+sub addPTR {
+my ($self, $nm, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ $self->addRecord(12, &toDomain($nm), $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addMX {
+my ($self, $mx, $dist, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ $self->addRecord(15, pack("n", $dist || 0).&toDomain($mx), $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addTXT {
+my ($self, $txt, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ my $cstr = "";
+ while ((my $l = length($txt)) > 0) {
+ if ($l > 255) { $l = 255; }
+ $cstr .= chr($l).substr($txt, 0, $l);
+ $txt = substr($txt, $l);
+ }
+ $self->addRecord(16, $cstr, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addAAAA {
+my ($self, $ip, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ if ($ip !~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}$/i) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignoring unparsable IPv6 address '$ip'\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->addRecord(28, pack("H*", $ip), $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub toDomain {
+my $name = shift;
+ $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $res = "";
+ while ($name =~ /^([^.]*)\./) {
+ $name = $';
+ $res .= chr(length($1)).$1;
+ }
+ return $res.chr(length($name)).$name."\0";
+package main;
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR "$0 -g <bits> <flags> <algorithm> <domain> <keyfile>\n";
+ print STDERR " or\n";
+ print STDERR "$0 [-t <ttl>] [<keyfile> ...] <input >output\n";
+ exit(1);
+sub findControl {
+my $rec = shift;
+ if (exists($rec->{control})) { return; }
+ my $dom = $rec->{name};
+ my $soa = exists($rec->{byType}->{6});
+ if ($soa) {
+ $rec->{control} = $dom;
+ $rec->{zone}->{$dom} = $rec;
+ push @main::zones, $dom;
+ return;
+ }
+ my $anc = $dom;
+ while ($anc =~ /^[^.]*\./) {
+ $anc = $';
+ if ($dom !~ /^\*\./ && exists($main::names{"*.$anc"})
+ && !exists($main::names{"*.$dom"})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: wildcard *.$anc shadowed by $dom (see RFC-1034 sect. 4.3.3)!\n";
+ }
+ if (exists($main::names{$anc})) {
+ my $ctl_rec = $main::names{$anc};
+ &findControl($ctl_rec);
+ if (!exists($ctl_rec->{control})) {
+ if (!$soa) { print STDERR "Warning: Out-of-bailiwick name '$dom' (oob parent)\n"; }
+ return;
+ }
+ my $control = $ctl_rec->{control};
+ if ($ctl_rec->{byType}->{2}) { $control = $anc; }
+ $ctl_rec = $main::names{$control};
+ if (!$ctl_rec->{byType}->{6}) {
+ # Most likely glue...
+ if (!exists($rec->{byType}->{1})
+ && !exists($rec->{byType}->{28})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: Out-of-bailiwick name '$dom' (below subdelegation)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rec->{control} = $control;
+ $ctl_rec->{zone}->{$dom} = $rec;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "Warning: Out-of-bailiwick name '$dom' (no parent)\n";
+sub parseData {
+my $in = shift;
+ my $res = "";
+ while ($in =~ /^(.*?)\\(\d\d\d)/) {
+ $in = $';
+ $res .= $1.chr(oct($2));
+ }
+ return $res.$in;
+sub makeGenericRecord {
+my ($dom, $type, $rdata, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ print ":$dom:$type:";
+ while (length($rdata)) {
+ my $char = substr($rdata, 0, 1);
+ $rdata = substr($rdata, 1);
+ if ($char =~ /[0-9a-zA-Z +*.,\/=<>\@\$-]/) {
+ print $char;
+ } else {
+ printf "\\%03o", ord($char);
+ }
+ }
+ print ":$ttl:$ts:$lo\n";
+sub getOrCreateRRs {
+my $dom = shift;
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if (!exists($main::names{$dom})) {
+ $main::names{$dom} = new Records($dom);
+ }
+ return $main::names{$dom};
+sub htons {
+my $n = shift;
+ return chr($n >> 8).chr($n & 0xff);
+sub htonl {
+my $n = shift;
+ return &htons($n >> 16).&htons($n & 0xffff);
+sub wireName {
+my $name = shift;
+ my $wire = "";
+ while ($name =~ /^([^.]+)/) {
+ $wire .= chr(length($1)).$1;
+ $name = ($name eq $1) ? "" : substr($name, length($1) + 1);
+ }
+ return $wire."\0";
+sub nsec3hash {
+my ($name, $iter, $salt) = @_;
+ my $dig = &wireName($name);
+ while ($iter-- >= 0) {
+ $dig = sha1($dig.$salt);
+ }
+ return $dig;
+sub base32hex {
+my $data = shift;
+ my $buf = 0;
+ my $bits = 0;
+ my $res = "";
+ while (length($data) > 0) {
+ $buf = ($buf << 8) | ord($data);
+ $data = substr($data, 1);
+ $bits += 8;
+ while ($bits >= 5) {
+ my $dig = ($buf >> ($bits-5)) & 0x1f;
+ $bits -= 5;
+ if ($dig < 10) {
+ $res .= $dig;
+ } else {
+ $res .= chr($dig + 87);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bits > 0) {
+ $buf <<= (5 - $bits);
+ $buf &= 0x1f;
+ if ($buf < 10) {
+ $res .= $buf;
+ } else {
+ $res .= chr($buf + 87);
+ }
+ $bits += 3;
+ while ($bits > 0) {
+ if ($bits < 5) { $bits += 8; }
+ else { $res .= "="; $bits -= 5; }
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+sub tai2unix {
+my $ts = shift;
+ $ts =~ s/^40*//;
+ return "0x$ts" - 10;
+sub genTypeBitmaps {
+ my %windows = ();
+ if ($#_ > 0 || $#_ == 0 && $_[0] != 2) {
+ # The type bitmaps includes all types except those contributed by NSEC3
+ # itself, including the signature for the NSEC3. I. e. if there's at
+ # least one record here (except for a single NS delegation), there'll
+ # also be an RRSIG here, eventually.
+ push @_, 46;
+ @_ = sort @_;
+ }
+ foreach my $type (@_) {
+ my $window = $type >> 8;
+ $type &= 0xff;
+ if (exists($windows{$window})) {
+ push @{$windows{$window}}, $type;
+ } else {
+ $windows{$window} = [$type];
+ }
+ }
+ my $tbm = "";
+ foreach my $window (sort keys %windows) {
+ my $wbm = "\0" x 32;
+ foreach my $type (@{$windows{$window}}) {
+ substr($wbm, $type >> 3, 1) = chr(ord(substr($wbm, $type >> 3, 1)) | 1 << (7 - ($type & 7)));
+ }
+ $wbm =~ s/\0+$//;
+ $tbm .= chr($window).chr(length($wbm)).$wbm;
+ }
+ return $tbm;
+sub gen_pubkey_data {
+my ($n, $e, $flags, $alg, $dom) = @_;
+ my $e_bin = $e->to_bin();
+ $e_bin =~ s/^\0+//;
+ my $n_bin = $n->to_bin();
+ $n_bin =~ s/^\0+//;
+ my $pubkey = chr(length($e_bin)).$e_bin.$n_bin;
+ my $keytag = $flags + $alg + 3 * 256; # protocol is always 3
+ for (my $i = length($pubkey) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ $keytag += ord(substr($pubkey, $i)) * (($i & 1) ? 1 : 256);
+ }
+ if ($alg > 0) {
+ $keytag += $keytag >> 16;
+ $keytag &= 0xffff;
+ }
+ $dom =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $digest = sha1_hex(&wireName($dom).&htons($flags).chr(3).chr($alg).$pubkey);
+ return ($keytag, $pubkey, $digest);
+sub addA {
+my ($dom, $ip, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ if ($ip eq "") { return; }
+ my $rec = &getOrCreateRRs($dom);
+ $rec->addA($ip, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addPTR {
+my ($ip, $dom, $ttl, $ts, $lo) = @_;
+ my $arpa;
+ if ($ip =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ $arpa = "$4.$3.$2.$1.in-addr.arpa";
+ } elsif ($ip =~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}$/i) {
+ $ip =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $arpa = "ip6.arpa";
+ while ($ip =~ /^./) {
+ $ip = $';
+ $arpa = "$&.$arpa";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Warning: ignoring unparsable IP address '$ip'\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $rec = getOrCreateRRs($arpa);
+ $rec->addPTR($dom, $ttl, $ts, $lo);
+sub addKey {
+my ($file) = @_;
+ open(KEYFILE, "<$file") or die("Can't read $file either:");
+ my $rsa = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key(join("", <KEYFILE>));
+ close KEYFILE;
+ if (!$rsa) {
+ print STDERR "Failed to read key from $file!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ my ($n, $e, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6) = $rsa->get_key_parameters();
+ $x1 = $x2 = $x3 = $x4 = $x5 = $x6 = 0; # get rid of private stuff
+ my ($keytag, $keydata, $fp) = &gen_pubkey_data($n, $e, 0, 0, "");
+ $main::keys{$keydata} = { key => $rsa, basetag => $keytag };
+sub genkey {
+my ($bits, $flags, $alg, $dom, $file) = @_;
+ if ($bits < 1024 || $bits > 4096) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Keys of less than 1024 or more than 4096 bits are not supported!\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if ($alg != 7 && $alg != 8 && $alg != 10) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $0 only supports algorithms 7 (RSA-SHA1), 8 (RSA-SHA256)\nand 10 (RSA-SHA512).\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if (sysopen(KEYFILE, $file, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0600)) {
+ my $rsa = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->generate_key($bits);
+ print KEYFILE $rsa->get_private_key_string();
+ my ($n, $e, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6) = $rsa->get_key_parameters();
+ $x1 = $x2 = $x3 = $x4 = $x5 = $x6 = 0; # get rid of private stuff
+ my ($keytag, $keydata, $fp) = &gen_pubkey_data($n, $e, $flags, $alg, $dom);
+ print KEYFILE "#K$dom:$flags:3:$alg:".encode_base64($keydata, "").":::\n";
+ print KEYFILE "#D$dom:$keytag:$alg:1:${fp}:::\n";
+ close KEYFILE;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Warning: couldn't create $file: $!\n";
+ print STDERR "Attempting to read key...\n";
+ open(KEYFILE, "<$file") or die("Can't read $file either:");
+ my $rsa = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key(join("", <KEYFILE>));
+ close KEYFILE;
+ if (!$rsa) {
+ print STDERR "Failed to read key from $file!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ my ($n, $e, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6) = $rsa->get_key_parameters();
+ $x1 = $x2 = $x3 = $x4 = $x5 = $x6 = 0; # get rid of private stuff
+ my ($keytag, $keydata, $fp) = &gen_pubkey_data($n, $e, $flags, $alg, $dom);
+ print "#K$dom:$flags:3:$alg:".encode_base64($keydata, "").":::\n";
+ print "#D$dom:$keytag:$alg:1:${fp}:::\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+=head1 NAME
+tinydns-sign - Signs records in L<tinydns-data(8)> files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ tinydns-sign -g bits flags algorithm domain keyfile
+ tinydns-sign [-t ttl] [keyfile ...] <infile >outfile
+The first form is used to generate a public/private RSA key pair with a
+modulus of length I<bits>. If F<keyfile> exists, tinydns-sign will try to
+read a private key from the file and print DS and DNSKEY pseudo-records for
+the corresponding public key on stdout. If F<keyfile> does not exist,
+tinydns-sign will generate a new key pair and write the key plus the
+corresponding pseudo-records to F<keyfile>.
+In the second form, tinydns-sign reads key pairs from each given F<keyfile>.
+It then reads a L<tinydns-data(8)> file from STDIN and writes the same
+file to STDOUT, with the following modifications:
+=item * It will delete all generic records with RRTYPE DS (43), RRSIG (46),
+DNSKEY (48), NSEC3(50), NSEC3PARAM(51) and private types 65281 and 65282.
+=item * It will turn each . record into a Z record and a & record.
+=item * It will adjust the serial number of all Z records to the current time,
+unless the serial number begins with two zeroes. Note that an SOA must have a
+fixed serial for generating a matching RRSIG record.
+=item * It will create new DS, DNSKEY and NSEC3PARAM records from each
+corresponding pseudo record (see below) present in the file.
+=item * It will create NSEC3 records for all names in all zones that have at
+least one DNSKEY and NSEC3PARAM in the file.
+=item * It will create a generic record with type 65281 for each name
+(including empty non-terminals) containing the owner of its matching NSEC3 RR.
+=item * It will create generic records with type 65282 for each hex digit (i.
+e. 0-9a-f) below the zone apex containing all NSEC3 hashes starting with that
+=item * It will create RRSIG records for all RR-sets in all zones that have at
+least one DNSKEY in the file. If both DNSKEYS with and without the SEP flag set
+are present, then those with the SEP flag will be used only for RRSIGs on
+DNSKEY RRs and those without the SEP flag will be used for the remaining
+RR-sets. Otherwise, RRSIGs will be created using all DNSKEYs.
+RRSIGs will be valid beginning one hour in the past and ending at (now + I<ttl>)
+seconds. I<ttl> defaults to 432000 (5 days).
+=head2 Pseudo-Records
+Pseudo-records are records defined in a syntax that's only understood by
+tinydns-sign. To L<tinydns-data(8)> they look like comments, i. e. they are
+tinydns-sign will create one or more generic records for each pseudo-record.
+All generic records with an RR-type for which a pseudo-record can be defined
+are deleted from the input. (Otherwise, removing a pseudo-record would not
+result in removal of the corresponding generic record.)
+In contrast to standard tinydns-data behaviour, trailing colons in
+pseudo-records are B<not> optional.
+Currently, pseudo-records are defined for the following RR-types:
+=item * #Kname:flags:proto:algorithm:key:ttl:timestamp:lo
+This generates a DNSKEY record for I<name>. I<flags>. I<proto> and I<algorithm>
+are decimal numbers. At the time of writing, I<proto> must be 3. tinydns-sign
+only supports I<algorithm>s 7 (RSA-SHA1), 8 (RSA-SHA256) and 10 (RSA-SHA512).
+I<key> is base-64 encoded key material, depending on the selected
+I<algorithm>. I<ttl>, I<timestamp> and I<lo> are as usual.
+It is an error to have a DNSKEY pseudo-record in the input without a
+corresponding F<keyfile> containing the matching private key.
+=item * #Dname:tag:algorithm:digest:fingerprint:ttl:timestamp:lo
+This generates a DS record for I<name>. I<tag> is the key tag, I<algorithm>
+specifies the algorithm of the referenced key and I<digest> is the digest type
+(all in decimal). I<fingerprint> is the hex-encoded actual digest value
+(omitting leading/trailing zeroes is not permitted!). I<ttl>, I<timestamp> and
+I<lo> are as usual.
+=item * #Pname:algorithm:flags:iter:len:salt:ttl:timestamp:lo
+This generates an NSEC3PARAM record for I<name> with the given I<algorithm>,
+I<flags>, I<iter>ation count, salt I<len>gth and I<salt>. If I<salt> is empty,
+a new random salt with the given salt I<len>gth (4 bytes if I<len> is empty)
+will be generated. If I<salt> is non-empty, it must be a string of hex digits
+with even length. The salt length is derived from the given salt value, i. e.
+I<len> is ignored in that case. I<ttl>, I<timestamp> and I<lo> are as usual.
+tinydns-sign currently only supports I<algorithm> 1 (SHA-1). At the time of
+writing, I<flags> is defined to be 0, and the I<iter>ation count is limited
+depending on the key length (see L<RFC-5155>).
+tinydns-sign will exit with status 0 if it thinks all went well. Warning
+messages will not trigger a nonzero exit status.
+tinydns-sign will exit with nonzero status if an error occurred. In this case,
+the output is most likely incomplete and should not be used to replace an
+input file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=item * Location code handling is incomplete in that location codes must be
+present for all RRs in a zone, or for none at all.
+=item * Timestamps are currently mostly ignored, i. e. signatures will happily
+outlive the RR-sets which they sign.
+=item * It is currently not possible to protect the private keys with a
+=item * It is not possible to have a signed zone and a signed child zone in
+the same data file.
+=item * NSEC3 RRs with Opt-Out child zones are not supported.
+=item * The pseudo-RRs with type 65282 contain a list of hash values. The list
+cannot grow bigger than 65kBytes (about 3270 hashes). This is not a problem
+for a typical domain, but it would be a problem if tinydns were to serve the
+.de zone, for example. Also, the list is searched sequentially, which can
+cause a performance impact long before this limit is reached.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+=item * The system clock should be reasonably close to UTC (i. e. within a few minutes).
+=item * Stock tinydns/axfrdns will happily work with signed data.cdb files,
+but they will not produce correct DNSSEC responses!
+=item * If a zone contains both keys with and without the SEP flag, you must
+make sure that both key sets cover the same set of algorithms. This is due to
+a requirement in RFC-4035 section 2.2.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+(C) 2012 Peter Conrad L<mailto:conrad@quisquis.de>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.