path: root/query.c
diff options
authorHenryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>2014-10-03 19:58:52 +0200
committerHenryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>2014-10-03 19:58:52 +0200
commit0e5b2871ca6456b01d4bf037a6e68badf1ff1a41 (patch)
tree97b95b74c9618d85da9aa9451a55a819cd7b1c2e /query.c
Initial commit of djbdns-1.05.tar.gz
Source was http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/djbdns-1.05.tar.gz, SHA1 2efdb3a039d0c548f40936aa9cb30829e0ce8c3d
Diffstat (limited to 'query.c')
1 files changed, 851 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/query.c b/query.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46cdc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/query.c
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+#include "error.h"
+#include "roots.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "case.h"
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "byte.h"
+#include "dns.h"
+#include "uint64.h"
+#include "uint32.h"
+#include "uint16.h"
+#include "dd.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "response.h"
+#include "query.h"
+static int flagforwardonly = 0;
+void query_forwardonly(void)
+ flagforwardonly = 1;
+static void cachegeneric(const char type[2],const char *d,const char *data,unsigned int datalen,uint32 ttl)
+ unsigned int len;
+ char key[257];
+ len = dns_domain_length(d);
+ if (len > 255) return;
+ byte_copy(key,2,type);
+ byte_copy(key + 2,len,d);
+ case_lowerb(key + 2,len);
+ cache_set(key,len + 2,data,datalen,ttl);
+static char save_buf[8192];
+static unsigned int save_len;
+static unsigned int save_ok;
+static void save_start(void)
+ save_len = 0;
+ save_ok = 1;
+static void save_data(const char *buf,unsigned int len)
+ if (!save_ok) return;
+ if (len > (sizeof save_buf) - save_len) { save_ok = 0; return; }
+ byte_copy(save_buf + save_len,len,buf);
+ save_len += len;
+static void save_finish(const char type[2],const char *d,uint32 ttl)
+ if (!save_ok) return;
+ cachegeneric(type,d,save_buf,save_len,ttl);
+static int typematch(const char rtype[2],const char qtype[2])
+ return byte_equal(qtype,2,rtype) || byte_equal(qtype,2,DNS_T_ANY);
+static uint32 ttlget(char buf[4])
+ uint32 ttl;
+ uint32_unpack_big(buf,&ttl);
+ if (ttl > 1000000000) return 0;
+ if (ttl > 604800) return 604800;
+ return ttl;
+static void cleanup(struct query *z)
+ int j;
+ int k;
+ dns_transmit_free(&z->dt);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXALIAS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->alias[j]);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXLEVEL;++j) {
+ dns_domain_free(&z->name[j]);
+ for (k = 0;k < QUERY_MAXNS;++k)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[j][k]);
+ }
+static int rqa(struct query *z)
+ int i;
+ for (i = QUERY_MAXALIAS - 1;i >= 0;--i)
+ if (z->alias[i]) {
+ if (!response_query(z->alias[i],z->type,z->class)) return 0;
+ while (i > 0) {
+ if (!response_cname(z->alias[i],z->alias[i - 1],z->aliasttl[i])) return 0;
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (!response_cname(z->alias[0],z->name[0],z->aliasttl[0])) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!response_query(z->name[0],z->type,z->class)) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int globalip(char *d,char ip[4])
+ if (dns_domain_equal(d,"\011localhost\0")) {
+ byte_copy(ip,4,"\177\0\0\1");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (dd(d,"",ip) == 4) return 1;
+ return 0;
+static char *t1 = 0;
+static char *t2 = 0;
+static char *t3 = 0;
+static char *cname = 0;
+static char *referral = 0;
+static unsigned int *records = 0;
+static int smaller(char *buf,unsigned int len,unsigned int pos1,unsigned int pos2)
+ char header1[12];
+ char header2[12];
+ int r;
+ unsigned int len1;
+ unsigned int len2;
+ pos1 = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos1,&t1);
+ dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos1,header1,10);
+ pos2 = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos2,&t2);
+ dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos2,header2,10);
+ r = byte_diff(header1,4,header2);
+ if (r < 0) return 1;
+ if (r > 0) return 0;
+ len1 = dns_domain_length(t1);
+ len2 = dns_domain_length(t2);
+ if (len1 < len2) return 1;
+ if (len1 > len2) return 0;
+ r = case_diffb(t1,len1,t2);
+ if (r < 0) return 1;
+ if (r > 0) return 0;
+ if (pos1 < pos2) return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ char key[257];
+ char *cached;
+ unsigned int cachedlen;
+ char *buf;
+ unsigned int len;
+ const char *whichserver;
+ char header[12];
+ char misc[20];
+ unsigned int rcode;
+ unsigned int posanswers;
+ uint16 numanswers;
+ unsigned int posauthority;
+ uint16 numauthority;
+ unsigned int posglue;
+ uint16 numglue;
+ unsigned int pos;
+ unsigned int pos2;
+ uint16 datalen;
+ char *control;
+ char *d;
+ const char *dtype;
+ unsigned int dlen;
+ int flagout;
+ int flagcname;
+ int flagreferral;
+ int flagsoa;
+ uint32 ttl;
+ uint32 soattl;
+ uint32 cnamettl;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int k;
+ int p;
+ int q;
+ errno = error_io;
+ if (state == 1) goto HAVEPACKET;
+ if (state == -1) {
+ log_servfail(z->name[z->level]);
+ goto SERVFAIL;
+ }
+ if (++z->loop == 100) goto DIE;
+ d = z->name[z->level];
+ dtype = z->level ? DNS_T_A : z->type;
+ dlen = dns_domain_length(d);
+ if (globalip(d,misc)) {
+ if (z->level) {
+ for (k = 0;k < 64;k += 4)
+ if (byte_equal(z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4,"\0\0\0\0")) {
+ byte_copy(z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4,misc);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype)) {
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_A,655360)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(misc,4)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (dns_domain_equal(d,"\0011\0010\0010\003127\7in-addr\4arpa\0")) {
+ if (z->level) goto LOWERLEVEL;
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_PTR,dtype)) {
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_PTR,655360)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname("\011localhost\0")) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ log_stats();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (dlen <= 255) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_ANY);
+ byte_copy(key + 2,dlen,d);
+ case_lowerb(key + 2,dlen);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached) {
+ log_cachednxdomain(d);
+ goto NXDOMAIN;
+ }
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_CNAME);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached) {
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_CNAME,dtype)) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_CNAME);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_cname(z->name[0],cached,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ log_cachedcname(d,cached);
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&cname,cached)) goto DIE;
+ goto CNAME;
+ }
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_NS,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_NS);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_NS);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t2)) {
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_NS,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_PTR,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_PTR);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_PTR);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t2)) {
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_PTR,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_MX,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_MX);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_MX);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos = dns_packet_copy(cached,cachedlen,pos,misc,2)) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t2);
+ if (!pos) break;
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_MX,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(misc,2)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_A);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+ if (z->level) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_A);
+ while (cachedlen >= 4) {
+ for (k = 0;k < 64;k += 4)
+ if (byte_equal(z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4,"\0\0\0\0")) {
+ byte_copy(z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4,cached);
+ break;
+ }
+ cached += 4;
+ cachedlen -= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_A);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ while (cachedlen >= 4) {
+ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_A,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(cached,4)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ cached += 4;
+ cachedlen -= 4;
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!typematch(DNS_T_ANY,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_AXFR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_CNAME,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_NS,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_PTR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_MX,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,dtype);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+ log_cachedanswer(d,dtype);
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ while (cachedlen >= 2) {
+ uint16_unpack_big(cached,&datalen);
+ cached += 2;
+ cachedlen -= 2;
+ if (datalen > cachedlen) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_rstart(d,dtype,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(cached,datalen)) goto DIE;
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ cached += datalen;
+ cachedlen -= datalen;
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if (roots(z->servers[z->level],d)) {
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXNS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ z->control[z->level] = d;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!flagforwardonly && (z->level < 2))
+ if (dlen < 255) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_NS);
+ byte_copy(key + 2,dlen,d);
+ case_lowerb(key + 2,dlen);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && cachedlen) {
+ z->control[z->level] = d;
+ byte_zero(z->servers[z->level],64);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXNS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ pos = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t1)) {
+ log_cachedns(d,t1);
+ if (j < QUERY_MAXNS)
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&z->ns[z->level][j++],t1)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*d) goto DIE;
+ j = 1 + (unsigned int) (unsigned char) *d;
+ dlen -= j;
+ d += j;
+ }
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXNS;++j)
+ if (z->ns[z->level][j]) {
+ if (z->level + 1 < QUERY_MAXLEVEL) {
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&z->name[z->level + 1],z->ns[z->level][j])) goto DIE;
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ ++z->level;
+ goto NEWNAME;
+ }
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ }
+ for (j = 0;j < 64;j += 4)
+ if (byte_diff(z->servers[z->level] + j,4,"\0\0\0\0"))
+ break;
+ if (j == 64) goto SERVFAIL;
+ dns_sortip(z->servers[z->level],64);
+ if (z->level) {
+ log_tx(z->name[z->level],DNS_T_A,z->control[z->level],z->servers[z->level],z->level);
+ if (dns_transmit_start(&z->dt,z->servers[z->level],flagforwardonly,z->name[z->level],DNS_T_A,z->localip) == -1) goto DIE;
+ }
+ else {
+ log_tx(z->name[0],z->type,z->control[0],z->servers[0],0);
+ if (dns_transmit_start(&z->dt,z->servers[0],flagforwardonly,z->name[0],z->type,z->localip) == -1) goto DIE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ dns_domain_free(&z->name[z->level]);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXNS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ --z->level;
+ goto HAVENS;
+ if (++z->loop == 100) goto DIE;
+ buf = z->dt.packet;
+ len = z->dt.packetlen;
+ whichserver = z->dt.servers + 4 * z->dt.curserver;
+ control = z->control[z->level];
+ d = z->name[z->level];
+ dtype = z->level ? DNS_T_A : z->type;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,0,header,12); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,pos); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos += 4;
+ posanswers = pos;
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 6,&numanswers);
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&numauthority);
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 10,&numglue);
+ rcode = header[3] & 15;
+ if (rcode && (rcode != 3)) goto DIE; /* impossible; see irrelevant() */
+ flagout = 0;
+ flagcname = 0;
+ flagreferral = 0;
+ flagsoa = 0;
+ soattl = 0;
+ cnamettl = 0;
+ for (j = 0;j < numanswers;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ if (dns_domain_equal(t1,d))
+ if (byte_equal(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) { /* should always be true */
+ if (typematch(header,dtype))
+ flagout = 1;
+ else if (typematch(header,DNS_T_CNAME)) {
+ if (!dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&cname)) goto DIE;
+ flagcname = 1;
+ cnamettl = ttlget(header + 4);
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ posauthority = pos;
+ for (j = 0;j < numauthority;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ if (typematch(header,DNS_T_SOA)) {
+ flagsoa = 1;
+ soattl = ttlget(header + 4);
+ if (soattl > 3600) soattl = 3600;
+ }
+ else if (typematch(header,DNS_T_NS)) {
+ flagreferral = 1;
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&referral,t1)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ posglue = pos;
+ if (!flagcname && !rcode && !flagout && flagreferral && !flagsoa)
+ if (dns_domain_equal(referral,control) || !dns_domain_suffix(referral,control)) {
+ log_lame(whichserver,control,referral);
+ byte_zero(whichserver,4);
+ goto HAVENS;
+ }
+ if (records) { alloc_free(records); records = 0; }
+ k = numanswers + numauthority + numglue;
+ records = (unsigned int *) alloc(k * sizeof(unsigned int));
+ if (!records) goto DIE;
+ pos = posanswers;
+ for (j = 0;j < k;++j) {
+ records[j] = pos;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ i = j = k;
+ while (j > 1) {
+ if (i > 1) { --i; pos = records[i - 1]; }
+ else { pos = records[j - 1]; records[j - 1] = records[i - 1]; --j; }
+ q = i;
+ while ((p = q * 2) < j) {
+ if (!smaller(buf,len,records[p],records[p - 1])) ++p;
+ records[q - 1] = records[p - 1]; q = p;
+ }
+ if (p == j) {
+ records[q - 1] = records[p - 1]; q = p;
+ }
+ while ((q > i) && smaller(buf,len,records[(p = q/2) - 1],pos)) {
+ records[q - 1] = records[p - 1]; q = p;
+ }
+ records[q - 1] = pos;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < k) {
+ char type[2];
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,records[i],&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ ttl = ttlget(header + 4);
+ byte_copy(type,2,header);
+ if (byte_diff(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) { ++i; continue; }
+ for (j = i + 1;j < k;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,records[j],&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ if (!dns_domain_equal(t1,t2)) break;
+ if (byte_diff(header,2,type)) break;
+ if (byte_diff(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) break;
+ }
+ if (!dns_domain_suffix(t1,control)) { i = j; continue; }
+ if (!roots_same(t1,control)) { i = j; continue; }
+ if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_ANY))
+ ;
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_AXFR))
+ ;
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_SOA)) {
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos + 10,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t3); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,20); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ if (records[i] < posauthority)
+ log_rrsoa(whichserver,t1,t2,t3,misc,ttl);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_CNAME)) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[j - 1]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos + 10,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ log_rrcname(whichserver,t1,t2,ttl);
+ cachegeneric(DNS_T_CNAME,t1,t2,dns_domain_length(t2),ttl);
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_PTR)) {
+ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos + 10,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ log_rrptr(whichserver,t1,t2,ttl);
+ save_data(t2,dns_domain_length(t2));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ save_finish(DNS_T_PTR,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_NS)) {
+ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos + 10,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ log_rrns(whichserver,t1,t2,ttl);
+ save_data(t2,dns_domain_length(t2));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ save_finish(DNS_T_NS,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_MX)) {
+ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos + 10,misc,2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ log_rrmx(whichserver,t1,t2,misc,ttl);
+ save_data(misc,2);
+ save_data(t2,dns_domain_length(t2));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ save_finish(DNS_T_MX,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_A)) {
+ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ if (byte_equal(header + 8,2,"\0\4")) {
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,4); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ save_data(header,4);
+ log_rr(whichserver,t1,DNS_T_A,header,4,ttl);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ save_finish(DNS_T_A,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ else {
+ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ if (datalen > len - pos) goto DIE;
+ save_data(header + 8,2);
+ save_data(buf + pos,datalen);
+ log_rr(whichserver,t1,type,buf + pos,datalen,ttl);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ save_finish(type,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ i = j;
+ }
+ alloc_free(records); records = 0;
+ if (flagcname) {
+ ttl = cnamettl;
+ if (!z->level) {
+ if (z->alias[QUERY_MAXALIAS - 1]) goto DIE;
+ for (j = QUERY_MAXALIAS - 1;j > 0;--j)
+ z->alias[j] = z->alias[j - 1];
+ for (j = QUERY_MAXALIAS - 1;j > 0;--j)
+ z->aliasttl[j] = z->aliasttl[j - 1];
+ z->alias[0] = z->name[0];
+ z->aliasttl[0] = ttl;
+ z->name[0] = 0;
+ }
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&z->name[z->level],cname)) goto DIE;
+ goto NEWNAME;
+ }
+ if (rcode == 3) {
+ log_nxdomain(whichserver,d,soattl);
+ cachegeneric(DNS_T_ANY,d,"",0,soattl);
+ if (z->level) goto LOWERLEVEL;
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ response_nxdomain();
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!flagout && flagsoa)
+ if (byte_diff(DNS_T_ANY,2,dtype))
+ if (byte_diff(DNS_T_AXFR,2,dtype))
+ if (byte_diff(DNS_T_CNAME,2,dtype)) {
+ save_start();
+ save_finish(dtype,d,soattl);
+ log_nodata(whichserver,d,dtype,soattl);
+ }
+ log_stats();
+ if (flagout || flagsoa || !flagreferral) {
+ if (z->level) {
+ pos = posanswers;
+ for (j = 0;j < numanswers;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ if (dns_domain_equal(t1,d))
+ if (typematch(header,DNS_T_A))
+ if (byte_equal(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) /* should always be true */
+ if (datalen == 4)
+ for (k = 0;k < 64;k += 4)
+ if (byte_equal(z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4,"\0\0\0\0")) {
+ if (!dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,z->servers[z->level - 1] + k,4)) goto DIE;
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ pos = posanswers;
+ for (j = 0;j < numanswers;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ ttl = ttlget(header + 4);
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ if (dns_domain_equal(t1,d))
+ if (byte_equal(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) /* should always be true */
+ if (typematch(header,dtype)) {
+ if (!response_rstart(t1,header,ttl)) goto DIE;
+ if (typematch(header,DNS_T_NS) || typematch(header,DNS_T_CNAME) || typematch(header,DNS_T_PTR)) {
+ if (!dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t2)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ else if (typematch(header,DNS_T_MX)) {
+ pos2 = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,2); if (!pos2) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(misc,2)) goto DIE;
+ if (!dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos2,&t2)) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ else if (typematch(header,DNS_T_SOA)) {
+ pos2 = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t2); if (!pos2) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
+ pos2 = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos2,&t3); if (!pos2) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addname(t3)) goto DIE;
+ pos2 = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos2,misc,20); if (!pos2) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(misc,20)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (pos + datalen > len) goto DIE;
+ if (!response_addbytes(buf + pos,datalen)) goto DIE;
+ }
+ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
+ }
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!dns_domain_suffix(d,referral)) goto DIE;
+ control = d + dns_domain_suffixpos(d,referral);
+ z->control[z->level] = control;
+ byte_zero(z->servers[z->level],64);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXNS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->ns[z->level][j]);
+ k = 0;
+ pos = posauthority;
+ for (j = 0;j < numauthority;++j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t1); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,header,10); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ uint16_unpack_big(header + 8,&datalen);
+ if (dns_domain_equal(referral,t1)) /* should always be true */
+ if (typematch(header,DNS_T_NS)) /* should always be true */
+ if (byte_equal(header + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) /* should always be true */
+ if (k < QUERY_MAXNS)
+ if (!dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&z->ns[z->level][k++])) goto DIE;
+ pos += datalen;
+ }
+ goto HAVENS;
+ if (z->level) goto LOWERLEVEL;
+ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
+ response_servfail();
+ cleanup(z);
+ return 1;
+ DIE:
+ cleanup(z);
+ if (records) { alloc_free(records); records = 0; }
+ return -1;
+int query_start(struct query *z,char *dn,char type[2],char class[2],char localip[4])
+ if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_AXFR)) { errno = error_perm; return -1; }
+ cleanup(z);
+ z->level = 0;
+ z->loop = 0;
+ if (!dns_domain_copy(&z->name[0],dn)) return -1;
+ byte_copy(z->type,2,type);
+ byte_copy(z->class,2,class);
+ byte_copy(z->localip,4,localip);
+ return doit(z,0);
+int query_get(struct query *z,iopause_fd *x,struct taia *stamp)
+ switch(dns_transmit_get(&z->dt,x,stamp)) {
+ case 1:
+ return doit(z,1);
+ case -1:
+ return doit(z,-1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void query_io(struct query *z,iopause_fd *x,struct taia *deadline)
+ dns_transmit_io(&z->dt,x,deadline);