// (C) 2017 Joshua Allen, MIT/x11 License. // //All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses. /* ootx data decoder test*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ootx_decoder.h" //char* fmt_str = "L Y HMD %d 5 1 206230 %d\n"; //extern std::istream cin; void my_test(ootx_packet* packet) { packet->data[packet->length] = 0; printf("%d %s 0x%X\n", packet->length, packet->data, packet->crc32); } void my_test2(ootx_packet* packet) { printf("completed ootx packet\n"); lighthouse_info_v6 lhi; init_lighthouse_info_v6(&lhi,packet->data); print_lighthouse_info_v6(&lhi); // packet->data[packet->length] = 0; // printf("%d %s 0x%X\n", packet->length, packet->data, packet->crc32); } void print_crc32(uint32_t crc) { // uint8_t* p = (uint32_t*)&crc; // uint8_t i = 0; printf("%X\n", crc); } void write_to_file(uint8_t *d, uint16_t length){ FILE *fp = fopen("binary.data","w"); fwrite(d, length, 1, fp); fclose(fp); } void bad_crc(ootx_packet* packet) { printf("CRC mismatch\n"); /* printf("r:"); print_crc32(op.crc32); printf("c:"); print_crc32(crc); // write_to_file(op.data,op.length); */ } ootx_decoder_context ctx[2]; void hello_world_test() { // ootx_init_buffer(); ootx_packet_clbk = my_test; ootx_bad_crc_clbk = bad_crc; char* line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; char trash[100] = ""; uint32_t ticks = 0x00; while (getline(&line,&line_len,stdin)>0) { // printf("%s\n", line); sscanf(line,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d", trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, &ticks); // printf("%d\n", ticks); ootx_process_bit(ctx, ticks); } } void raw_test() { ootx_packet_clbk = my_test2; char* line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; char trash[100] = ""; int32_t atime = 0x00; uint32_t ticks = 0x00; uint32_t delta = 0x00; int8_t current_lighthouse = 0; ootx_decoder_context *c_ctx = ctx; while (getline(&line,&line_len,stdin)>0) { // printf("%s\n", line); //HMD 20 0 5881 765645903 -5 sscanf(line,"%s %s %s %d %d %d", trash, trash, trash, &ticks, &atime, &delta); // printf("%d\n", ticks); int8_t lh = ootx_decode_lighthouse_number(current_lighthouse, ticks, delta); // printf("lh:%d %s\n", lh, line); // if (lh>0) continue; if (lh > -1) { //pump last bit // printf("LH:%d ", current_lighthouse); uint8_t bit = 0x01; //bit for debugging purposes // if (current_lighthouse==1) bit &= ootx_pump_greatest_bit(c_ctx); bit &= ootx_pump_greatest_bit(c_ctx); /* uint16_t s = *(c_ctx->payload_size); uint16_t fwv = *(c_ctx->buffer+2); uint16_t pv = 0x3f & fwv; //protocol version fwv>>=6; //firmware version //this will print after any messages from ootx_pump if (c_ctx->found_preamble>0) printf("LH:%d s:%d 0x%x fw:%d pv:%d bo:%d bit:%d\t%s", current_lighthouse, s, s, fwv, pv, c_ctx->buf_offset, bit, line); */ //change to newly found lighthouse current_lighthouse = lh; c_ctx = ctx+current_lighthouse; } // if (ticks>2000 && current_lighthouse==1) { if (ticks>2000) { ootx_accumulate_bit(c_ctx, ootx_decode_bit(ticks) ); } } } void acode_test() { ootx_packet_clbk = my_test2; char* line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; char trash[100] = ""; int32_t atime = 0x00; // uint32_t ticks = 0x00; // uint32_t delta = 0x00; uint8_t acode = 0x00; char lighthouse_code = '\0'; int8_t current_lighthouse = 0; ootx_decoder_context *c_ctx = ctx; while (getline(&line,&line_len,stdin)>0) { //L X HMD -1842671365 18 0 175393 222 sscanf(line,"%c %s %s %d %s %hhu %s %s", &lighthouse_code, trash, trash, &atime, trash, &acode, trash, trash); int8_t lh = lighthouse_code=='R'?0:1; // printf("LH:%d bit:%d %s\n", lh, (acode & 0x02) >> 1,line); if (lh != current_lighthouse) { //pump last bit uint8_t bit = 0x01; if (current_lighthouse==0) bit &= ootx_pump_greatest_bit(c_ctx); // ootx_pump_greatest_bit(c_ctx); uint16_t s = *(c_ctx->payload_size); uint16_t fwv = *(c_ctx->buffer+2); uint16_t pv = 0x3f & fwv; //protocol version fwv>>=6; //firmware version //this will print after any messages from ootx_pump if (c_ctx->found_preamble>0) printf("LH:%d s:%d 0x%x fw:%d pv:%d bo:%d bit:%d\t%s", current_lighthouse, s, s, fwv, pv, c_ctx->buf_offset, bit, line); //change to newly found lighthouse current_lighthouse = lh; c_ctx = ctx+current_lighthouse; } // if (current_lighthouse==0) { ootx_accumulate_bit(c_ctx, (acode & 0x02) >> 1); // } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ootx_init_decoder_context(ctx); ootx_init_decoder_context(ctx+1); raw_test(); // acode_test(); // hello_world_test(); return 0; }