#ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include struct SurviveContext * ctx; void HandleKey( int keycode, int bDown ) { if( !bDown ) return; if( keycode == 'O' || keycode == 'o' ) { survive_send_magic(ctx,1,0,0); } if( keycode == 'F' || keycode == 'f' ) { survive_send_magic(ctx,0,0,0); } } void HandleButton( int x, int y, int button, int bDown ) { } void HandleMotion( int x, int y, int mask ) { } void HandleDestroy() { } void testprog_button_process(SurviveObject * so, uint8_t eventType, uint8_t buttonId, uint8_t axis1Id, uint16_t axis1Val, uint8_t axis2Id, uint16_t axis2Val) { survive_default_button_process(so, eventType, buttonId, axis1Id, axis1Val, axis2Id, axis2Val); // do nothing. printf("ButtonEntry: eventType:%x, buttonId:%d, axis1:%d, axis1Val:%8.8x, axis2:%d, axis2Val:%8.8x\n", eventType, buttonId, axis1Id, axis1Val, axis2Id, axis2Val); // Note: the code for haptic feedback is not yet written to support wired USB connections to the controller. // Work is still needed to reverse engineer that USB protocol. // let's do some haptic feedback if the trigger is pushed if (buttonId == 24 && eventType == 1) // trigger engage { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x5; i++) { survive_haptic(so, 0, 0xf401, 0xb5a2, 0x0100); //survive_haptic(so, 0, 0xf401, 0xb5a2, 0x0100); OGUSleep(1000); } OGUSleep(20000); } } // let's do some haptic feedback if the touchpad is pressed. if (buttonId == 2 && eventType == 1) // trigger engage { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x1; i++) { survive_haptic(so, 0, 0xf401, 0x05a2, 0xf100); //survive_haptic(so, 0, 0xf401, 0xb5a2, 0x0100); OGUSleep(5000); } OGUSleep(20000); } } } void testprog_raw_pose_process(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *pose) { survive_default_raw_pose_process(so, lighthouse, pose); // print the pose; printf("Pose: [%1.1x][%s][% 08.8f,% 08.8f,% 08.8f] [% 08.8f,% 08.8f,% 08.8f,% 08.8f]\n", lighthouse, so->codename, pose->Pos[0], pose->Pos[1], pose->Pos[2], pose->Rot[0], pose->Rot[1], pose->Rot[2], pose->Rot[3]); } void testprog_imu_process(SurviveObject * so, int mask, FLT * accelgyromag, uint32_t timecode, int id) { survive_default_imu_process(so, mask, accelgyromag, timecode, id); // so something here, like printing out the data... } static void dump_iface( struct SurviveObject * so, const char * prefix ) { int i; FILE * f; char fname[1024]; if (!so) { return; } sprintf( fname, "%s_points.csv", prefix ); f = fopen( fname, "w" ); for( i = 0; i < so->nr_locations; i++ ) { fprintf( f, "%g %g %g\n", so->sensor_locations[i*3+0], so->sensor_locations[i*3+1], so->sensor_locations[i*3+2] ); } fclose( f ); sprintf( fname, "%s_normals.csv", prefix ); f = fopen( fname, "w" ); for( i = 0; i < so->nr_locations; i++ ) { fprintf( f, "%g %g %g\n", so->sensor_normals[i*3+0], so->sensor_normals[i*3+1], so->sensor_normals[i*3+2] ); } fclose( f ); } int main() { int magicon = 0; double Start = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); ctx = survive_init( 0 ); survive_install_button_fn(ctx, testprog_button_process); survive_install_raw_pose_fn(ctx, testprog_raw_pose_process); survive_install_imu_fn(ctx, testprog_imu_process); if( !ctx ) { fprintf( stderr, "Fatal. Could not start\n" ); return 1; } dump_iface( survive_get_so_by_name( ctx, "HMD" ), "HMD" ); dump_iface( survive_get_so_by_name( ctx, "WM0" ), "WM0" ); dump_iface( survive_get_so_by_name( ctx, "WM1" ), "WM1" ); dump_iface( survive_get_so_by_name( ctx, "TR0" ), "TR0" ); dump_iface( survive_get_so_by_name( ctx, "WW0" ), "WW0" ); survive_cal_install(ctx); while(survive_poll(ctx) == 0) { //double Now = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); //if( Now > (Start+1) && !magicon ) //{ // survive_send_magic(ctx,1,0,0); // magicon = 1; //} //Do stuff. } }