//<>< (C) 2016 C. N. Lohr, FULLY Under MIT/x11 License. //All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses. #include "survive_cal.h" //XXX TODO: Once data is avialble in the context, use the stuff here to handle converting from time codes to //proper angles, then from there perform the rest of the solution. void survive_default_light_process( struct SurviveObject * so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, uint32_t timecode, uint32_t length ) { if( so->ctx->calptr ) { survive_cal_light( so, sensor_id, acode, timeinsweep, timecode, length ); } //TODO: Writeme! } void survive_default_imu_process( struct SurviveObject * so, int16_t * accelgyro, uint32_t timecode, int id ) { //TODO: Writeme! }