// All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL // or LGPL licenses. #include #include #include #include #include #include "survive_config.h" #include "survive_default_devices.h" #include "os_generic.h" struct SurvivePlaybackData { SurviveContext *ctx; const char *playback_dir; FILE *playback_file; int lineno; FLT time_factor; double next_time_us; }; typedef struct SurvivePlaybackData SurvivePlaybackData; double timestamp_in_us() { static double start_time_us = 0; if (start_time_us == 0.) start_time_us = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); return OGGetAbsoluteTime() - start_time_us; } static int parse_and_run_imu(const char *line, SurvivePlaybackData *driver) { char dev[10]; int timecode = 0; FLT accelgyro[6]; int mask; int id; int rr = sscanf(line, "%s I %d %d " FLT_format " " FLT_format " " FLT_format " " FLT_format " " FLT_format " " FLT_format "%d", dev, &mask, &timecode, &accelgyro[0], &accelgyro[1], &accelgyro[2], &accelgyro[3], &accelgyro[4], &accelgyro[5], &id); if (rr != 10) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: On line %d, only %d values read: '%s'\n", driver->lineno, rr, line); return -1; } SurviveObject *so = survive_get_so_by_name(driver->ctx, dev); if (!so) { static bool display_once = false; SurviveContext *ctx = driver->ctx; if (display_once == false) { SV_ERROR("Could not find device named %s from lineno %d\n", dev, driver->lineno); } display_once = true; return -1; } driver->ctx->imuproc(so, mask, accelgyro, timecode, id); return 0; } static int parse_and_run_lightcode(const char *line, SurvivePlaybackData *driver) { char lhn[10]; char axn[10]; char dev[10]; uint32_t timecode = 0; int sensor_id = 0; int acode = 0; int timeinsweep = 0; uint32_t length = 0; uint32_t lh = 0; int rr = sscanf(line, "%8s %8s %8s %u %d %d %d %u %u\n", dev, lhn, axn, &sensor_id, &acode, &timeinsweep, &timecode, &length, &lh); if (rr != 9) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: On line %d, only %d values read: '%s'\n", driver->lineno, rr, line); return -1; } SurviveObject *so = survive_get_so_by_name(driver->ctx, dev); if (!so) { static bool display_once = false; SurviveContext *ctx = driver->ctx; if (display_once == false) { SV_ERROR("Could not find device named %s from lineno %d\n", dev, driver->lineno); } display_once = true; return -1; } driver->ctx->lightproc(so, sensor_id, acode, timeinsweep, timecode, length, lh); return 0; } static int playback_poll(struct SurviveContext *ctx, void *_driver) { SurvivePlaybackData *driver = _driver; FILE *f = driver->playback_file; if (f && !feof(f) && !ferror(f)) { int i; driver->lineno++; char *line; if (driver->next_time_us == 0) { char *buffer; size_t n = 0; ssize_t r = getdelim(&line, &n, ' ', f); if (r <= 0) return 0; if (sscanf(line, "%lf", &driver->next_time_us) != 1) { free(line); return 0; } free(line); line = 0; } if (driver->next_time_us * driver->time_factor > timestamp_in_us()) return 0; driver->next_time_us = 0; char *buffer; size_t n = 0; ssize_t r = getline(&line, &n, f); if (r <= 0) return 0; char dev[10]; char op[10]; if (sscanf(line, "%8s %8s", dev, op) < 2) return 0; if ((op[0] != 'R' && op[0] != 'L' && op[0] != 'I') || op[1] != 0) return 0; switch (op[0]) { case 'L': case 'R': parse_and_run_lightcode(line, driver); break; case 'I': parse_and_run_imu(line, driver); break; } free(line); } else { if (f) { fclose(driver->playback_file); } driver->playback_file = 0; return -1; } return 0; } static int playback_close(struct SurviveContext *ctx, void *_driver) { SurvivePlaybackData *driver = _driver; if (driver->playback_file) fclose(driver->playback_file); driver->playback_file = 0; return 0; } static int LoadConfig(SurvivePlaybackData *sv, SurviveObject *so) { SurviveContext *ctx = sv->ctx; char *ct0conf = 0; char fname[100]; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s_config.json", sv->playback_dir, so->codename); FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r"); if (f == 0 || feof(f) || ferror(f)) return 1; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int len = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); // same as rewind(f); ct0conf = malloc(len + 1); int read = fread(ct0conf, len, 1, f); fclose(f); ct0conf[len] = 0; printf("Loading config: %d\n", len); int rtn = ctx->configfunction(so, ct0conf, len); free(ct0conf); return rtn; } int DriverRegPlayback(SurviveContext *ctx) { const char *playback_file = survive_configs(ctx, "playbackfile", SC_SETCONFIG, ""); if (strlen(playback_file) == 0) { return 0; } SurvivePlaybackData *sp = calloc(1, sizeof(SurvivePlaybackData)); sp->ctx = ctx; sp->playback_dir = playback_file; sp->time_factor = survive_configf(ctx, "playbackfactor", SC_SETCONFIG, 1.f); printf("%s\n", playback_file); sp->playback_file = fopen(playback_file, "r"); if (sp->playback_file == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open playback events file %s", playback_file); return -1; } SV_INFO("Using playback file '%s'", playback_file); SurviveObject *hmd = survive_create_hmd(ctx, "Playback", sp); SurviveObject *wm0 = survive_create_wm0(ctx, "Playback", sp, 0); SurviveObject *wm1 = survive_create_wm1(ctx, "Playback", sp, 0); SurviveObject *tr0 = survive_create_tr0(ctx, "Playback", sp); SurviveObject *ww0 = survive_create_ww0(ctx, "Playback", sp); SurviveObject *objs[] = {hmd, wm0, wm1, tr0, ww0, 0}; FLT time; while (!feof(sp->playback_file) && !ferror(sp->playback_file)) { char *line = 0; size_t n; ssize_t r = getline(&line, &n, sp->playback_file); if (r <= 0) continue; char dev[10]; char command[10]; if (sscanf(line, "%lf %s %s", &time, dev, command) != 3) { break; } if (strcmp(command, "CONFIG") == 0) { char *configStart = line; // Skip three spaces for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (*(++configStart) != ' ') ; } size_t len = strlen(configStart); for (SurviveObject **obj = objs; *obj; obj++) { if (*obj && strcmp(dev, (*obj)->codename) == 0 && ctx->configfunction(*obj, configStart, len) == 0) { SV_INFO("Found %s in playback file...", dev); survive_add_object(ctx, *obj); *obj = 0; } } } } for (SurviveObject **obj = objs; *obj; obj++) { if (*obj) { free(*obj); } } fseek(sp->playback_file, 0, SEEK_SET); // same as rewind(f); survive_add_driver(ctx, sp, playback_poll, playback_close, 0); return 0; fail_gracefully: return -1; } REGISTER_LINKTIME(DriverRegPlayback);