#include "survive_imu.h" #include "linmath.h" #include "math.h" #include "survive_internal.h" #include #include // Mahoney is due to https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00488376/document // See also http://www.olliw.eu/2013/imu-data-fusing/#chapter41 and // http://x-io.co.uk/open-source-imu-and-ahrs-algorithms/ static void mahony_ahrs(SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, LinmathVec3d _gyro, LinmathVec3d _accel) { LinmathVec3d gyro; memcpy(gyro, _gyro, 3 * sizeof(FLT)); LinmathVec3d accel; memcpy(accel, _accel, 3 * sizeof(FLT)); const FLT sample_f = 240; const FLT prop_gain = .5; const FLT int_gain = 0; FLT *q = tracker->pose.Rot; FLT mag_accel = magnitude3d(accel); if (mag_accel != 0.0) { scale3d(accel, accel, 1. / mag_accel); // Equiv of q^-1 * G LinmathVec3d v = {q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2], q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3], q[0] * q[0] - 0.5 + q[3] * q[3]}; LinmathVec3d error; cross3d(error, accel, v); if (int_gain > 0.0f) { LinmathVec3d fb_correction; scale3d(fb_correction, error, int_gain * 2. / sample_f); add3d(tracker->integralFB, tracker->integralFB, fb_correction); add3d(gyro, gyro, tracker->integralFB); } scale3d(error, error, prop_gain * 2.); add3d(gyro, gyro, error); } scale3d(gyro, gyro, 0.5 / sample_f); LinmathQuat correction = { (-q[1] * gyro[0] - q[2] * gyro[1] - q[3] * gyro[2]), (q[0] * gyro[0] + q[2] * gyro[2] - q[3] * gyro[1]), (q[0] * gyro[1] - q[1] * gyro[2] + q[3] * gyro[0]), (q[0] * gyro[2] + q[1] * gyro[1] - q[2] * gyro[0])}; quatadd(q, q, correction); quatnormalize(q, q); } static inline uint32_t tick_difference(uint32_t most_recent, uint32_t least_recent) { uint32_t diff = 0; if (most_recent > least_recent) { diff = most_recent - least_recent; } else { diff = least_recent - most_recent; } if (diff > 0xFFFFFFFF / 2) return 0x7FFFFFFF / 2 - diff; return diff; } void survive_imu_tracker_set_pose(SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, uint32_t timecode, SurvivePose *pose) { tracker->pose = *pose; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tracker->current_velocity[i] = 0; } //(pose->Pos[i] - tracker->lastGT.Pos[i]) / tick_difference(timecode, tracker->lastGTTime) * 48000000.; tracker->lastGTTime = timecode; tracker->lastGT = *pose; } static const int imu_calibration_iterations = 100; static void RotateAccel(LinmathVec3d rAcc, const SurvivePose *pose, const LinmathVec3d accel) { quatrotatevector(rAcc, pose->Rot, accel); LinmathVec3d G = {0, 0, -1}; add3d(rAcc, rAcc, G); scale3d(rAcc, rAcc, 9.8066); FLT m = magnitude3d(rAcc); } static void iterate_position(SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, double time_diff, const PoserDataIMU *pIMU, FLT *out) { const SurvivePose *pose = &tracker->pose; const FLT *vel = tracker->current_velocity; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) out[i] = pose->Pos[i]; FLT acc_mul = time_diff * time_diff / 2; LinmathVec3d acc; scale3d(acc, pIMU->accel, tracker->accel_scale_bias); LinmathVec3d rAcc = {0}; RotateAccel(rAcc, pose, acc); scale3d(rAcc, rAcc, acc_mul); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { out[i] += time_diff * vel[i] + rAcc[i]; } } static void iterate_velocity(LinmathVec3d result, SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, double time_diff, PoserDataIMU *pIMU) { const SurvivePose *pose = &tracker->pose; const FLT *vel = tracker->current_velocity; scale3d(result, vel, 1.); LinmathVec3d acc; scale3d(acc, pIMU->accel, tracker->accel_scale_bias); LinmathVec3d rAcc = {0}; RotateAccel(rAcc, pose, acc); scale3d(rAcc, rAcc, time_diff); add3d(result, result, rAcc); } void survive_imu_tracker_integrate(SurviveObject *so, SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, PoserDataIMU *data) { if (!tracker->is_initialized) { tracker->pose.Rot[0] = 1.; if (tracker->last_data.datamask == imu_calibration_iterations) { tracker->last_data = *data; const FLT up[3] = {0, 0, 1}; quatfrom2vectors(tracker->pose.Rot, tracker->updir, up); tracker->accel_scale_bias = 1. / magnitude3d(tracker->updir); tracker->is_initialized = true; return; } tracker->last_data.datamask++; tracker->updir[0] += data->accel[0] / imu_calibration_iterations; tracker->updir[1] += data->accel[1] / imu_calibration_iterations; tracker->updir[2] += data->accel[2] / imu_calibration_iterations; return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tracker->updir[i] = data->accel[i] * .10 + tracker->updir[i] * .90; } mahony_ahrs(tracker, data->gyro, data->accel); FLT time_diff = tick_difference(data->timecode, tracker->last_data.timecode) / (FLT)so->timebase_hz; if (tick_difference(data->timecode, tracker->lastGTTime) < 3200000 * 3) { FLT next[3]; iterate_position(tracker, time_diff, data, next); LinmathVec3d v_next; iterate_velocity(v_next, tracker, time_diff, data); scale3d(tracker->current_velocity, v_next, 1); scale3d(tracker->pose.Pos, next, 1); } FLT var_meters = .000001; FLT var_quat = .05; const FLT Q[7] = {var_meters, var_meters, var_meters, var_quat, var_quat, var_quat, var_quat}; // Note that this implementation is somewhat truncated. Instead of modeling velocity and velocities // covariance with position explicitly, we just square the variance for the position indexes. This // gives more or less the same calculation without having to do matrix multiplication. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) tracker->P[i] = tracker->P[i] * tracker->P[i] + Q[i]; for (int i = 3; i < 7; i++) tracker->P[i] += Q[i]; tracker->last_data = *data; } void survive_imu_tracker_integrate_observation(SurviveObject *so, uint32_t timecode, SurviveIMUTracker *tracker, SurvivePose *pose, const FLT *R) { if (!tracker->is_initialized) { tracker->pose = *pose; return; } // Kalman filter assuming: // F -> Identity // H -> Identity // Q / R / P -> Diagonal matrices; just treat them as such. This assumption might need some checking but it // makes the # of calculations needed much smaller so we may be willing to tolerate some approximation here FLT *xhat = &tracker->pose.Pos[0]; FLT *zk = &pose->Pos[0]; FLT yk[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) yk[i] = zk[i] - xhat[i]; FLT sk[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) sk[i] = R[i] + tracker->P[i]; FLT K[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) K[i] = tracker->P[i] / sk[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) xhat[i] += K[i] * yk[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) tracker->P[i] *= (1. - K[i]); FLT time_diff = tick_difference(timecode, tracker->lastGTTime) / (FLT)so->timebase_hz; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) tracker->current_velocity[i] = 0.5 * (tracker->pose.Pos[i] - tracker->lastGT.Pos[i]) / time_diff; tracker->lastGTTime = timecode; tracker->lastGT = tracker->pose; }