#include "survive_default_devices.h" #include "assert.h" #include "json_helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #define HMD_IMU_HZ 1000.0f #define VIVE_DEFAULT_IMU_HZ 250.0f static SurviveObject * survive_create_device(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver, const char *device_name, haptic_func fn) { SurviveObject *device = calloc(1, sizeof(SurviveObject)); device->ctx = ctx; device->driver = driver; memcpy(device->codename, device_name, strlen(device_name)); memcpy(device->drivername, driver_name, strlen(driver_name)); device->timebase_hz = 48000000; device->imu_freq = VIVE_DEFAULT_IMU_HZ; device->haptic = fn; device->relative_imu_pose.Rot[0] = 1.; return device; } SurviveObject *survive_create_hmd(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "HMD", 0); } SurviveObject *survive_create_wm0(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver, haptic_func fn) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "WM0", fn); } SurviveObject *survive_create_wm1(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver, haptic_func fn) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "WM1", fn); } SurviveObject *survive_create_tr0(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "TR0", 0); } SurviveObject *survive_create_tr1(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "TR1", 0); } SurviveObject *survive_create_ww0(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *driver_name, void *driver) { return survive_create_device(ctx, driver_name, driver, "WW0", 0); } static int jsoneq(const char *json, jsmntok_t *tok, const char *s) { if (tok && tok->type == JSMN_STRING && (int)strlen(s) == tok->end - tok->start && strncmp(json + tok->start, s, tok->end - tok->start) == 0) { return 0; } return -1; } static int ParsePoints(SurviveContext *ctx, SurviveObject *so, char *ct0conf, FLT **floats_out, jsmntok_t *t) { int k; int pts = t[1].size; jsmntok_t *tk; so->sensor_ct = 0; *floats_out = malloc(sizeof(**floats_out) * 32 * 3); for (k = 0; k < pts; k++) { tk = &t[2 + k * 4]; int m; for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) { char ctt[128]; tk++; int elemlen = tk->end - tk->start; if (tk->type != 4 || elemlen > sizeof(ctt) - 1) { SV_ERROR("Parse error in JSON\n"); return 1; } memcpy(ctt, ct0conf + tk->start, elemlen); ctt[elemlen] = 0; FLT f = atof(ctt); int id = so->sensor_ct * 3 + m; (*floats_out)[id] = f; } so->sensor_ct++; } return 0; } static void vive_json_pose_to_survive_pose(const FLT *values, SurvivePose *pose) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pose->Pos[i] = values[4 + i]; pose->Rot[1 + i] = values[i]; } pose->Rot[0] = values[3]; } typedef struct stack_entry_s { struct stack_entry_s *previous; jsmntok_t *key; } stack_entry_t; static int stack_count(stack_entry_t *stack) { int i = 0; while (stack->previous) { i++; stack = stack->previous; } return i; } static void print_stack_spot(char *d, stack_entry_t *entry) { for (int i = 0; i < stack_count(entry); i++) { printf("\t"); } printf("-> %.*s\n", entry->key->end - entry->key->start, d + entry->key->start); } typedef struct { FLT position[3]; FLT plus_x[3]; FLT plus_z[3]; } vive_pose_t; int solve_vive_pose(SurvivePose *pose, const vive_pose_t *vpose) { if (vpose->plus_x[0] == 0.0 && vpose->plus_x[1] == 0.0 && vpose->plus_x[2] == 0.0) return 0; if (vpose->plus_z[0] == 0.0 && vpose->plus_z[1] == 0.0 && vpose->plus_z[2] == 0.0) return 0; FLT axis[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; KabschCentered(pose->Rot, axis, vpose->plus_x, 2); // Not really sure about this; but seems right? Could also be pose->Rot * vpose->position copy3d(pose->Pos, vpose->position); return 1; } typedef struct { SurviveObject *so; vive_pose_t imu_pose; } scratch_space_t; static scratch_space_t scratch_space_init(SurviveObject *so) { return (scratch_space_t){.so = so}; } static int process_jsonarray(scratch_space_t *scratch, char *ct0conf, stack_entry_t *stack) { SurviveObject *so = scratch->so; jsmntok_t *tk = stack->key; SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; /// CONTEXT FREE FIELDS if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "modelPoints") == 0) { if (ParsePoints(ctx, so, ct0conf, &so->sensor_locations, tk)) { return -1; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "modelNormals") == 0) { if (ParsePoints(ctx, so, ct0conf, &so->sensor_normals, tk)) { return -1; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "acc_bias") == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; FLT *values = NULL; if (parse_float_array(ct0conf, tk + 2, &values, count) > 0) { so->acc_bias = values; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "acc_scale") == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; FLT *values = NULL; if (parse_float_array(ct0conf, tk + 2, &values, count) > 0) { so->acc_scale = values; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "gyro_bias") == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; FLT *values = NULL; if (parse_float_array(ct0conf, tk + 2, &values, count) > 0) { so->gyro_bias = values; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "gyro_scale") == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; FLT *values = NULL; if (parse_float_array(ct0conf, tk + 2, &values, count) > 0) { so->gyro_scale = values; } } else if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, "trackref_from_imu") == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; if (count == 7) { FLT *values = NULL; if (parse_float_array(ct0conf, tk + 2, &values, count) > 0) { vive_json_pose_to_survive_pose(values, &so->relative_imu_pose); free(values); } } } /// Context sensitive fields else if (stack->previous && jsoneq(ct0conf, stack->previous->key, "imu") == 0) { struct field { const char *name; FLT *vals; }; struct field imufields[] = {{"plus_x", scratch->imu_pose.plus_x}, {"plus_z", scratch->imu_pose.plus_z}, {"position", scratch->imu_pose.position}}; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(imufields) / sizeof(struct field); i++) { if (jsoneq(ct0conf, tk, imufields[i].name) == 0) { int32_t count = (tk + 1)->size; assert(count == 3); if (count == 3) { parse_float_array_in_place(ct0conf, tk + 2, imufields[i].vals, count); } break; } } } return 0; } static int process_jsontok(scratch_space_t *scratch, char *d, stack_entry_t *stack, jsmntok_t *t, int count) { int i, j, k; assert(count >= 0); if (count == 0) { return 0; } if (t->type == JSMN_PRIMITIVE) { return 1; } else if (t->type == JSMN_STRING) { return 1; } else if (t->type == JSMN_OBJECT) { stack_entry_t entry; entry.previous = stack; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) { entry.key = t + 1 + j; //print_stack_spot(d, &entry); j += process_jsontok(scratch, d, &entry, entry.key, count - j); j += process_jsontok(scratch, d, &entry, t + 1 + j, count - j); } return j + 1; } else if (t->type == JSMN_ARRAY) { process_jsonarray(scratch, d, stack); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) { j += process_jsontok(scratch, d, stack, t + 1 + j, count - j); } return j + 1; } return 0; } int survive_load_htc_config_format(SurviveObject *so, char *ct0conf, int len) { if (len == 0) return -1; SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; // From JSMN example. jsmn_parser p; jsmntok_t t[4096]; jsmn_init(&p); int i; int r = jsmn_parse(&p, ct0conf, len, t, sizeof(t) / sizeof(t[0])); if (r < 0) { SV_INFO("Failed to parse JSON in HMD configuration: %d\n", r); return -1; } if (r < 1 || t[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT) { SV_INFO("Object expected in HMD configuration\n"); return -2; } scratch_space_t scratch = scratch_space_init(so); process_jsontok(&scratch, ct0conf, 0, t, r); solve_vive_pose(&so->relative_imu_pose, &scratch.imu_pose); // Handle device-specific sacling. if (strcmp(so->codename, "HMD") == 0) { if (so->acc_scale) { scale3d(so->acc_scale, so->acc_scale, 1. / 8192.0); //Invert X and Y at least on my vive. so->acc_scale[1] *= -1; so->acc_scale[0] *= -1; } if (so->acc_bias) scale3d(so->acc_bias, so->acc_bias, 1000.0 ); // Odd but seems right. so->imu_freq = HMD_IMU_HZ; if (so->gyro_scale) { FLT deg_per_sec = 500; scale3d(so->gyro_scale, so->gyro_scale, deg_per_sec / (1 << 15) * LINMATHPI / 180.); //Invert X and Y at least on my vive. so->gyro_scale[0] *= -1; so->gyro_scale[1] *= -1; } } else if (memcmp(so->codename, "WM", 2) == 0) { if (so->acc_scale) scale3d(so->acc_scale, so->acc_scale, 2. / 8192.0); if (so->acc_bias) scale3d(so->acc_bias, so->acc_bias, 1000.); // Need to verify. FLT deg_per_sec = 2000; if (so->gyro_scale) scale3d(so->gyro_scale, so->gyro_scale, deg_per_sec / (1 << 15) * LINMATHPI / 180.); int j; for (j = 0; j < so->sensor_ct; j++) { so->sensor_locations[j * 3 + 0] *= 1.0; } } else // Verified on WW, Need to verify on Tracker. { // 1G for accelerometer, from MPU6500 datasheet // this can change if the firmware changes the sensitivity. // When coming off of USB, these values are in units of .5g -JB if (so->acc_scale) scale3d(so->acc_scale, so->acc_scale, 2. / 8192.0); // If any other device, we know we at least need this. // I deeply suspect bias is in milligravities -JB if (so->acc_bias) scale3d(so->acc_bias, so->acc_bias, 1000.); // From datasheet, can be 250, 500, 1000, 2000 deg/s range over 16 bits FLT deg_per_sec = 2000; if (so->gyro_scale) scale3d(so->gyro_scale, so->gyro_scale, deg_per_sec / (1 << 15) * LINMATHPI / 180.); // scale3d(so->gyro_scale, so->gyro_scale, 3.14159 / 1800. / 1.8); } char fname[64]; sprintf(fname, "calinfo/%s_points.csv", so->codename); FILE *f = fopen(fname, "w"); int j; if(f) { for (j = 0; j < so->sensor_ct; j++) { fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", so->sensor_locations[j * 3 + 0], so->sensor_locations[j * 3 + 1], so->sensor_locations[j * 3 + 2]); } fclose(f); } if(f) { sprintf(fname, "calinfo/%s_normals.csv", so->codename); f = fopen(fname, "w"); for (j = 0; j < so->sensor_ct; j++) { fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", so->sensor_normals[j * 3 + 0], so->sensor_normals[j * 3 + 1], so->sensor_normals[j * 3 + 2]); } fclose(f); } return 0; }