//<>< (C) 2016 C. N. Lohr, MOSTLY Under MIT/x11 License. // //Based off of https://github.com/collabora/OSVR-Vive-Libre // Originally Copyright 2016 Philipp Zabel // Originally Copyright 2016 Lubosz Sarnecki // Originally Copyright (C) 2013 Fredrik Hultin // Originally Copyright (C) 2013 Jakob Bornecrantz // //But, re-written as best as I can to get it put under an open souce license instead of a forced-source license. //If there are portions of the code too similar to the original, I would like to know so they can be re-written. //All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses. #include "survive_internal.h" #include #include #define POP1 (*(readdata++)) #define POP2 (*(((uint16_t*)((readdata+=2)-2)))) #define POP4 (*(((uint32_t*)((readdata+=4)-4)))) struct LightcapElement { uint8_t sensor_id; uint8_t type; uint16_t length; uint32_t timestamp; } __attribute__((packed)); static void handle_lightcap( struct SurviveObject * so, struct LightcapElement * le ) { struct SurviveContext * ct = so->ctx; if( le->type != 0xfe || le->length < 50 ) return; //le->timestamp += (le->length/2); if( le->length > 2100 ) //Pulse longer indicates a sync pulse. { int32_t deltat = (uint32_t)le->timestamp - (uint32_t)ct->last_photo_time; if( deltat > 2000 || deltat < -2000 ) //New pulse. (may be inverted) { ct->last_photo_time = le->timestamp; ct->total_photo_time = 0; ct->total_photos = 0; ct->total_pulsecode_time = 0; survive_light_process( so, le->sensor_id, -1, 0, le->timestamp ); } else { ct->total_pulsecode_time += le->length; ct->total_photo_time += deltat; ct->total_photos++; } } else if( le->length < 900 && le->length > 50 && ct->total_photos ) { int32_t dl = (ct->total_photo_time/ct->total_photos); int32_t tpco = (ct->total_pulsecode_time/ct->total_photos); //Adding length int32_t offset_from = le->timestamp - dl - ct->last_photo_time + le->length/2; //Long pulse-code from IR flood. //Make sure it fits nicely into a divisible-by-500 time. int32_t acode = (tpco+125)/250; if( acode & 1 ) return; acode>>=1; acode -= 6; if( offset_from < 380000 ) { survive_light_process( so, le->sensor_id, acode, offset_from, le->timestamp ); } } else { //Runt pulse. } } static void handle_watchman( struct SurviveObject * w, uint8_t * readdata ) { int i; uint8_t startread[29]; memcpy( startread, readdata, 29 ); #if 0 printf( "DAT: " ); for( i = 0; i < 29; i++ ) { printf( "%02x ", readdata[i] ); } printf("\n"); #endif uint8_t time1 = POP1; uint8_t qty = POP1; uint8_t time2 = POP1; uint8_t type = POP1; qty-=2; int propset = 0; int doimu = 0; if( (type & 0xf0) == 0xf0 ) { propset |= 4; //printf( "%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", qty, type, time1, time2 ); type &= ~0x10; if( type & 0x01 ) { qty-=1; w->buttonmask = POP1; type &= ~0x01; } if( type & 0x04 ) { qty-=1; w->axis1 = ( POP1 ) * 128; type &= ~0x04; } if( type & 0x02 ) { qty-=4; w->axis2 = POP2; w->axis3 = POP2; type &= ~0x02; } //XXX TODO: Is this correct? It looks SO WACKY type &= 0x7f; if( type == 0x68 ) doimu = 1; type &= 0x0f; if( type == 0x00 && qty ) { type = POP1; qty--; } } if( type == 0xe1 ) { propset |= 1; w->charging = readdata[0]>>7; w->charge = POP1&0x7f; qty--; w->ison = 1; if( qty ) { qty--; type = POP1; //IMU usually follows. } } if( ( ( type & 0xe8 ) == 0xe8 ) || doimu ) //Hmm, this looks kind of yucky... we can get e8's that are accelgyro's but, cleared by first propset. { propset |= 2; survive_imu_process( w, (int16_t *)&readdata[1], (time1<<24)|(time2<<16)|readdata[0], 0 ); int16_t * k = (int16_t *)readdata+1; //printf( "Match8 %d %d %d %d %d %3d %3d\n", qty, k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5] ); readdata += 13; qty -= 13; type &= ~0xe8; if( qty ) { qty--; type = POP1; } } if( qty ) { int j; qty++; readdata--; *readdata = type; #if 1 // good good maybe? probably wrong printf( "POST %d: %4d (%02x%02x) - ", propset, qty, time1, time2 ); for( i = 0; i < qty + 4; i++ ) { printf( "%02x ", readdata[i] ); } printf("\n"); #endif uint8_t * end = &readdata[qty]; uint32_t mytime = (end[1] << 0)|(end[2] << 8)|(end[3] << 16); uint32_t times[20]; uint32_t time; const int nrtime = sizeof(times)/sizeof(uint32_t); int timecount = 0; int leds; int parameters; int fault = 0; //First, pull off the times, starting with the current time, then all the delta times going backwards. { uint8_t * mptr = readdata + qty-3-1; //-3 for timecode, -1 to advance. uint32_t imutime = (time1<<24) | (time2<<16); time = mptr[3]<<16 | mptr[2]<<8 | mptr[1]; time |= (time1<<24); int32_t tdiff = time - imutime; if( tdiff > 0x7fffff ) { time -= 0x01000000; } if( tdiff < -0x7fffff ) { time += 0x01000000; } times[timecount++] = time; while( mptr - readdata > (timecount>>1) ) { uint32_t arcane_value = 0; //ArcanePop (Pop off values from the back, forward, checking if the MSB is set) do { uint8_t ap = *(mptr--); arcane_value |= (ap&0x7f); if( ap & 0x80 ) break; arcane_value <<= 7; } while(1); times[timecount++] = (time -= arcane_value); } leds = timecount>>1; //Check that the # of sensors at the beginning match the # of parameters we would expect. if( timecount & 1 ) { fault = 1; goto end; } //Inordinal LED count if( leds != mptr - readdata + 1 ) { fault = 2; goto end; } //LED Count does not line up with parameters } struct LightcapElement les[10]; int lese = 0; //les's end //Second, go through all LEDs and extract the lightevent from them. { uint8_t marked[nrtime]; memset( marked, 0, sizeof( marked ) ); int i, parpl = 0; timecount--; int timepl = 0; //This works, but usually returns the values in reverse end-time order. for( i = 0; i < leds; i++ ) { int led = readdata[i]; int adv = led & 0x07; led >>= 3; while( marked[timepl] ) timepl++; if( timepl > timecount ) { fault = 3; goto end; } //Ran off max of list. uint32_t endtime = times[timepl++]; int end = timepl + adv; if( end > timecount ) { fault = 4; goto end; } //end referencing off list if( marked[end] > 0 ) { fault = 5; goto end; } //Already marked trying to be used. uint32_t starttime = times[end]; marked[end] = 1; //printf( "LED: %d (adv %d) / st: %d en: %d len: %d / TC: %d\n", led, adv, starttime, endtime, endtime-starttime, end ); //Insert all lighting things into a sorted list. This list will be //reverse sorted, but that is to minimize operations. To read it //in sorted order simply read it back backwards. //Use insertion sort, since we should most of the time, be in order. struct LightcapElement * le = &les[lese++]; le->sensor_id = led; le->type = 0xfe; if( (uint32_t)(endtime - starttime) > 65535 ) { fault = 6; goto end; } //Length of pulse dumb. le->length = endtime - starttime; le->timestamp = starttime; int swap = lese-2; while( swap >= 0 && les[swap].timestamp < les[swap+1].timestamp ) { struct LightcapElement l; memcpy( &l, &les[swap], sizeof( l ) ); memcpy( &les[swap], &les[swap+1], sizeof( l ) ); memcpy( &les[swap+1], &l, sizeof( l ) ); swap--; } } } int i; for( i = lese-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { printf( "%d: %d [%d]\n", les[i].sensor_id, les[i].length, les[i].timestamp ); } return; end: printf( "FAULT: %d\n", fault ); } } void survive_data_cb( struct SurviveUSBInterface * si ) { int size = si->actual_len; struct SurviveContext * ctx = si->ctx; #if 0 int i; printf( "%16s: %d: ", si->hname, len ); for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { printf( "%02x ", si->buffer[i] ); } printf( "\n" ); return; #endif int iface = si->which_interface_am_i; uint8_t * readdata = si->buffer; int id = POP1; // printf( "%16s Size: %2d ID: %d / %d\n", si->hname, size, id, iface ); switch( si->which_interface_am_i ) { case USB_IF_HMD: { struct SurviveObject * headset = &ctx->headset; readdata+=2; headset->buttonmask = POP1; //Lens headset->axis2 = POP2; //Lens Separation readdata+=2; headset->buttonmask |= POP1; //Button readdata+=3; readdata++; //Proxchange, No change = 0, Decrease = 1, Increase = 2 readdata++; headset->axis3 = POP2; //Proximity << how close to face are you? Less than 80 = not on face. headset->axis1 = POP2; //IPD << what is this? headset->ison = 1; break; } case USB_IF_LIGHTHOUSE: { int i; //printf( "%d -> ", size ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* for( i = 0; i < 17; i++ ) { printf( "%02x ", readdata[i] ); } printf( "\n" ); */ //handle_lightdata( (struct LightpulseStructure *)readdata ); int16_t * acceldata = (int16_t*)readdata; readdata += 12; uint32_t timecode = POP4; uint8_t code = POP1; //printf( "%d ", code ); int8_t cd = code - ctx->oldcode; if( cd > 0 ) { ctx->oldcode = code; survive_imu_process( &ctx->headset, acceldata, timecode, code ); } } //DONE OK. break; } case USB_IF_WATCHMAN1: case USB_IF_WATCHMAN2: { struct SurviveObject * w = &ctx->watchman[si->which_interface_am_i-USB_IF_WATCHMAN1]; if( id == 35 ) { handle_watchman( w, readdata); } else if( id == 36 ) { handle_watchman( w, readdata); handle_watchman( w, readdata+29 ); } else if( id == 38 ) { w->ison = 0; } else { SV_INFO( "Unknown watchman code %d\n", id ); } break; } case USB_IF_LIGHTCAP: { //Done! int i; for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { handle_lightcap( &ctx->headset, (struct LightcapElement*)&readdata[i*8] ); } break; } } }