//<>< (C) 2016 C. N. Lohr, MOSTLY Under MIT/x11 License. // #include "survive_internal.h" #include #include typedef struct { unsigned int sweep_time[SENSORS_PER_OBJECT]; unsigned int sweep_len[SENSORS_PER_OBJECT]; } lightcaps_sweep_data; typedef struct { int recent_sync_time; int activeLighthouse; int activeSweepStartTime; int activeAcode; int lh_pulse_len[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; int lh_start_time[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; int current_lh; // used knowing which sync pulse we're looking at. } lightcap2_global_data; typedef struct { lightcaps_sweep_data sweep; lightcap2_global_data global; } lightcap2_data; //static lightcap2_global_data lcgd = { 0 }; int handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(int pulseLen) { if (pulseLen < 3125) return 0; if (pulseLen < 3625) return 1; if (pulseLen < 4125) return 2; if (pulseLen < 4625) return 3; if (pulseLen < 5125) return 4; if (pulseLen < 5625) return 5; if (pulseLen < 6125) return 6; return 7; } void handle_lightcap2_process_sweep_data(SurviveObject *so) { lightcap2_data *lcd = so->disambiguator_data; // look at all of the sensors we found, and process the ones that were hit. // TODO: find the sensor(s) with the longest pulse length, and assume // those are the "highest quality". Then, reject any pulses that are sufficiently // different from those values, assuming that they are reflections. { unsigned int longest_pulse = 0; unsigned int timestamp_of_longest_pulse = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_OBJECT; i++) { if (lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i] > longest_pulse) { longest_pulse = lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i]; timestamp_of_longest_pulse = lcd->sweep.sweep_time[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_OBJECT; i++) { if (lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i] != 0) // if the sensor was hit, process it { int offset_from = lcd->sweep.sweep_time[i] - lcd->global.activeSweepStartTime + lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i] / 2; if (offset_from < 380000 && offset_from > 70000) { if (longest_pulse *10 / 8 < lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i]) { so->ctx->lightproc(so, i, lcd->global.activeAcode, offset_from, lcd->sweep.sweep_time[i], lcd->sweep.sweep_len[i], lcd->global.activeLighthouse); } } } } } // clear out sweep data (could probably limit this to only after a "first" sync. // this is slightly more robust, so doing it here for now. memset(&(((lightcap2_data*)so->disambiguator_data)->sweep), 0, sizeof(lightcaps_sweep_data)); } void handle_lightcap2_sync(SurviveObject * so, LightcapElement * le ) { //fprintf(stderr, "%6.6d %4.4d \n", le->timestamp - so->recent_sync_time, le->length); lightcap2_data *lcd = so->disambiguator_data; //static unsigned int recent_sync_time = 0; //static unsigned int recent_sync_count = -1; //static unsigned int activeSweepStartTime; // Process any sweep data we have handle_lightcap2_process_sweep_data(so); int time_since_last_sync = (le->timestamp - lcd->global.recent_sync_time); //fprintf(stderr, " %2d %8d %d\n", le->sensor_id, time_since_last_sync, le->length); // need to store up sync pulses, so we can take the earliest starting time for all sensors. if (time_since_last_sync < 2400) { lcd->global.recent_sync_time = le->timestamp; // it's the same sync pulse; so->sync_set_number = 1; so->recent_sync_time = le->timestamp; lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->length; lcd->global.lh_start_time[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->timestamp; int acode = handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(le->length); if (!(acode >> 2 & 1)) // if the skip bit is not set { lcd->global.activeLighthouse = lcd->global.current_lh; lcd->global.activeSweepStartTime = le->timestamp; lcd->global.activeAcode = acode; } else { lcd->global.activeLighthouse = -1; lcd->global.activeSweepStartTime = 0; lcd->global.activeAcode = 0; } } else if (time_since_last_sync < 24000) { lcd->global.recent_sync_time = le->timestamp; // I do believe we are lighthouse B lcd->global.current_lh = 1; lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->length; lcd->global.lh_start_time[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->timestamp; int acode = handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(le->length); if (!(acode >> 2 & 1)) // if the skip bit is not set { if (lcd->global.activeLighthouse != -1) { // hmm, it appears we got two non-skip pulses at the same time. That should never happen fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Two non-skip pulses received on the same cycle!\n"); } lcd->global.activeLighthouse = 1; lcd->global.activeSweepStartTime = le->timestamp; lcd->global.activeAcode = acode; } } else if (time_since_last_sync > 370000) { // looks like this is the first sync pulse. Cool! // first, send out the sync pulse data for the last round (for OOTX decoding { if (lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[0] != 0) { so->ctx->lightproc( so, -1, handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[0]), lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[0], lcd->global.lh_start_time[0], 0, 0); } if (lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[1] != 0) { so->ctx->lightproc( so, -2, handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[1]), lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[1], lcd->global.lh_start_time[1], 0, 1); } } // initialize here. memset(&lcd->global, 0, sizeof(lcd->global)); lcd->global.activeLighthouse = -1; lcd->global.recent_sync_time = le->timestamp; // I do believe we are lighthouse A lcd->global.current_lh = 0; lcd->global.lh_pulse_len[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->length; lcd->global.lh_start_time[lcd->global.current_lh] = le->timestamp; int acode = handle_lightcap2_getAcodeFromSyncPulse(le->length); if (!(acode >> 2 & 1)) // if the skip bit is not set { lcd->global.activeLighthouse = 0; lcd->global.activeSweepStartTime = le->timestamp; lcd->global.activeAcode = acode; } } } void handle_lightcap2_sweep(SurviveObject * so, LightcapElement * le ) { lightcap2_data *lcd = so->disambiguator_data; // If we see multiple "hits" on the sweep for a given sensor, // assume that the longest (i.e. strongest signal) is most likely // the non-reflected signal. //if (le->length < 80) //{ // // this is a low-quality read. Better to throw it out than to use it. // //fprintf(stderr, "%2d %d\n", le->sensor_id, le->length); // return; //} //fprintf(stderr, "%2d %d\n", le->sensor_id, le->length); //fprintf(stderr, "."); if (lcd->sweep.sweep_len[le->sensor_id] < le->length) { lcd->sweep.sweep_len[le->sensor_id] = le->length; lcd->sweep.sweep_time[le->sensor_id] = le->timestamp; } } void handle_lightcap2( SurviveObject * so, LightcapElement * le ) { SurviveContext * ctx = so->ctx; if (so->disambiguator_data == NULL) { so->disambiguator_data = malloc(sizeof(lightcap2_data)); memset(so->disambiguator_data, 0, sizeof(lightcap2_data)); } if( le->sensor_id > SENSORS_PER_OBJECT ) { return; } if (le->length > 6750) { // Should never get a reading so high. Odd. return; } if (le->length >= 2750) { // Looks like a sync pulse, process it! handle_lightcap2_sync(so, le); return; } // must be a sweep pulse, process it! handle_lightcap2_sweep(so, le); } int32_t decode_acode(uint32_t length, int32_t main_divisor) { //+50 adds a small offset and seems to help always get it right. //Check the +50 in the future to see how well this works on a variety of hardware. int32_t acode = (length+main_divisor+50)/(main_divisor*2); if( acode & 1 ) return -1; return (acode>>1) - 6; } //This is the disambiguator function, for taking light timing and figuring out place-in-sweep for a given photodiode. void handle_lightcap( SurviveObject * so, LightcapElement * le ) { SurviveContext * ctx = so->ctx; handle_lightcap2(so,le); return; //int32_t deltat = (uint32_t)le->timestamp - (uint32_t)so->last_master_time; if( le->sensor_id > SENSORS_PER_OBJECT ) { return; } #if 0 if( so->codename[0] == 'H' ) { static int lt; static int last; if( le->length > 1000 ) { int dl = le->timestamp - lt; lt = le->timestamp; if( dl > 10000 || dl < -10000 ) printf( "+++%s %3d %5d %9d ", so->codename, le->sensor_id, le->length, dl ); if( dl > 100000 ) printf(" \n" ); } last=le->length; } #endif so->tsl = le->timestamp; if( le->length < 20 ) return; ///Assuming 20 is an okay value for here. //The sync pulse finder is taking Charles's old disambiguator code and mixing it with a more linear //version of Julian Picht's disambiguator, available in 488c5e9. Removed afterwards into this //unified driver. int ssn = so->sync_set_number; //lighthouse number if( ssn < 0 ) ssn = 0; int last_sync_time = so->last_sync_time [ssn]; int last_sync_length = so->last_sync_length[ssn]; int32_t delta = le->timestamp - last_sync_time; //Handle time wrapping (be sure to be int32) if( delta < -so->pulsedist_max_ticks || delta > so->pulsedist_max_ticks ) { //Reset pulse, etc. so->sync_set_number = -1; delta = so->pulsedist_max_ticks; // return; //if we don't know what lighthouse this is we don't care to do much else } if( le->length > so->pulselength_min_sync ) //Pulse longer indicates a sync pulse. { int is_new_pulse = delta > so->pulselength_min_sync /*1500*/ + last_sync_length; so->did_handle_ootx = 0; if( is_new_pulse ) { int is_master_sync_pulse = delta > so->pulse_in_clear_time /*40000*/; if( is_master_sync_pulse ) { ssn = so->sync_set_number = 0; so->last_sync_time[ssn] = le->timestamp; so->last_sync_length[ssn] = le->length; } else if( so->sync_set_number == -1 ) { //Do nothing. } else { ssn = ++so->sync_set_number; if( so->sync_set_number >= NUM_LIGHTHOUSES ) { SV_INFO( "Warning. Received an extra, unassociated sync pulse." ); ssn = so->sync_set_number = -1; } else { so->last_sync_time[ssn] = le->timestamp; so->last_sync_length[ssn] = le->length; } } } else { //Find the longest pulse. if( le->length > last_sync_length ) { if( so->last_sync_time[ssn] > le->timestamp ) { so->last_sync_time[ssn] = le->timestamp; so->last_sync_length[ssn] = le->length; } } } //Extra tidbit for storing length-of-sync-pulses. { int32_t main_divisor = so->timebase_hz / 384000; //125 @ 48 MHz. int base_station = is_new_pulse; //printf( "%s %d %d %d\n", so->codename, le->sensor_id, so->sync_set_number, le->length ); ctx->lightproc( so, le->sensor_id, -3 - so->sync_set_number, 0, le->timestamp, le->length, base_station); } } //See if this is a valid actual pulse. else if( le->length < so->pulse_max_for_sweep && delta > so->pulse_in_clear_time && ssn >= 0 ) { int32_t dl = so->last_sync_time[0]; int32_t tpco = so->last_sync_length[0]; #if NUM_LIGHTHOUSES != 2 #error You are going to have to fix the code around here to allow for something other than two base stations. #endif //Adding length //Long pulse-code from IR flood. //Make sure it fits nicely into a divisible-by-500 time. int32_t main_divisor = so->timebase_hz / 384000; //125 @ 48 MHz. int32_t acode_array[2] = { decode_acode(so->last_sync_length[0],main_divisor), decode_acode(so->last_sync_length[1],main_divisor) }; //XXX: TODO: Capture error count here. if( acode_array[0] < 0 ) return; if( acode_array[1] < 0 ) return; int acode = acode_array[0]; if( !so->did_handle_ootx ) { int32_t delta1 = so->last_sync_time[0] - so->recent_sync_time; int32_t delta2 = so->last_sync_time[1] - so->last_sync_time[0]; ctx->lightproc( so, -1, acode_array[0], delta1, so->last_sync_time[0], so->last_sync_length[0], 0 ); ctx->lightproc( so, -2, acode_array[1], delta2, so->last_sync_time[1], so->last_sync_length[1], 1 ); so->recent_sync_time = so->last_sync_time[1]; //Throw out everything if our sync pulses look like they're bad. int32_t center_1 = so->timecenter_ticks*2 - so->pulse_synctime_offset; int32_t center_2 = so->pulse_synctime_offset; int32_t slack = so->pulse_synctime_slack; if( delta1 < center_1 - slack || delta1 > center_1 + slack ) { //XXX: TODO: Count faults. so->sync_set_number = -1; return; } if( delta2 < center_2 - slack || delta2 > center_2 + slack ) { //XXX: TODO: Count faults. so->sync_set_number = -1; return; } so->did_handle_ootx = 1; } if (acode > 3) { if( ssn == 0 ) { //SV_INFO( "Warning: got a slave marker but only got a master sync." ); //This happens too frequently. Consider further examination. } dl = so->last_sync_time[1]; tpco = so->last_sync_length[1]; } int32_t offset_from = le->timestamp - dl + le->length/2; //Make sure pulse is in valid window if( offset_from < 380000 && offset_from > 70000 ) { ctx->lightproc( so, le->sensor_id, acode, offset_from, le->timestamp, le->length, so->sync_set_number ); } } else { //printf( "FAIL %d %d - %d = %d\n", le->length, so->last_photo_time, le->timestamp, so->last_photo_time - le->timestamp ); //Runt pulse, or no sync pulses available. } }