// (C) 2017 <>< Joshua Allen, Under MIT/x11 License. #include "survive_config.h" #include #include #include #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #else #include //for alloca #endif #include "math.h" #include //#define MAX_CONFIG_ENTRIES 100 //#define MAX_LIGHTHOUSES 2 // config_group global_config_values; // config_group lh_config[MAX_LIGHTHOUSES]; //lighthouse configs // static uint16_t used_entries = 0; // static FILE *config_file = NULL; const FLT *config_set_float_a(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const FLT *values, uint8_t count); void init_config_entry(config_entry *ce) { ce->data = NULL; ce->tag = NULL; ce->type = CONFIG_UNKNOWN; ce->elements = 0; } void destroy_config_entry(config_entry *ce) { if (ce->tag != NULL) { free(ce->tag); ce->tag = NULL; } if (ce->data != NULL) { free(ce->data); ce->data = NULL; } } void init_config_group(config_group *cg, uint8_t count) { uint16_t i = 0; cg->used_entries = 0; cg->max_entries = count; cg->config_entries = NULL; if (count == 0) return; cg->config_entries = malloc(count * sizeof(config_entry)); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { init_config_entry(cg->config_entries + i); } } void destroy_config_group(config_group *cg) { uint16_t i = 0; if (cg->config_entries == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < cg->max_entries; ++i) { destroy_config_entry(cg->config_entries + i); } free(cg->config_entries); } void resize_config_group(config_group *cg, uint16_t count) { uint16_t i = 0; if (count > cg->max_entries) { config_entry *ptr = realloc(cg->config_entries, sizeof(config_entry) * count); assert(ptr != NULL); cg->config_entries = ptr; for (i = cg->max_entries; i < count; ++i) { init_config_entry(cg->config_entries + i); } cg->max_entries = count; } } /* void config_init() { uint16_t i = 0; init_config_group(&global_config_values, MAX_CONFIG_ENTRIES); for(i=0;iBaseStationID = config_read_uint32(cg, "id", 0); bsd->mode = config_read_uint32(cg, "mode", 0); config_read_float_array(cg, "pose", &bsd->Pose.Pos[0], defaults, 7); config_read_float_array(cg, "fcalphase", bsd->fcal.phase, defaults, 2); config_read_float_array(cg, "fcaltilt", bsd->fcal.tilt, defaults, 2); config_read_float_array(cg, "fcalcurve", bsd->fcal.curve, defaults, 2); config_read_float_array(cg, "fcalgibpha", bsd->fcal.gibpha, defaults, 2); config_read_float_array(cg, "fcalgibmag", bsd->fcal.gibmag, defaults, 2); bsd->PositionSet = config_read_uint32(cg, "PositionSet", 0); } void config_set_lighthouse(config_group *lh_config, BaseStationData *bsd, uint8_t idx) { config_group *cg = lh_config + idx; config_set_uint32(cg, "index", idx); config_set_uint32(cg, "id", bsd->BaseStationID); config_set_uint32(cg, "mode", bsd->mode); config_set_float_a(cg, "pose", &bsd->Pose.Pos[0], 7); config_set_float_a(cg, "fcalphase", bsd->fcal.phase, 2); config_set_float_a(cg, "fcaltilt", bsd->fcal.tilt, 2); config_set_float_a(cg, "fcalcurve", bsd->fcal.curve, 2); config_set_float_a(cg, "fcalgibpha", bsd->fcal.gibpha, 2); config_set_float_a(cg, "fcalgibmag", bsd->fcal.gibmag, 2); config_set_uint32(cg, "PositionSet", bsd->PositionSet); } void sstrcpy(char **dest, const char *src) { uint32_t len = (uint32_t)strlen(src) + 1; assert(dest != NULL); char *ptr = (char *)realloc(*dest, len); // acts like malloc if dest==NULL assert(ptr != NULL); *dest = ptr; strcpy(*dest, src); } config_entry *find_config_entry(config_group *cg, const char *tag) { uint16_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < cg->used_entries; ++i) { if (strcmp(cg->config_entries[i].tag, tag) == 0) { return cg->config_entries + i; } } return NULL; } const char *config_read_str(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const char *def) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv != NULL) return cv->data; return config_set_str(cg, tag, def); } uint32_t config_read_uint32(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const uint32_t def) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv != NULL) return cv->numeric.i; return config_set_uint32(cg, tag, def); } FLT config_read_float(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const FLT def) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv != NULL) return cv->numeric.f; return config_set_float(cg, tag, def); } // TODO: Do something better than this: #define CFG_MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) uint16_t config_read_float_array(config_group *cg, const char *tag, FLT *values, const FLT *def, uint8_t count) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CFG_MIN(count, cv->elements); i++) { values[i] = ((double *)cv->data)[i]; } return cv->elements; } if (def == NULL) return 0; config_set_float_a(cg, tag, def, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { values[i] = def[i]; } return count; } config_entry *next_unused_entry(config_group *cg) { config_entry *cv = NULL; // assert(cg->used_entries < cg->max_entries); if (cg->used_entries >= cg->max_entries) resize_config_group(cg, cg->max_entries + 10); cv = cg->config_entries + cg->used_entries; cg->used_entries++; return cv; } const char *config_set_str(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const char *value) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv == NULL) cv = next_unused_entry(cg); sstrcpy(&(cv->tag), tag); if (NULL != value) { sstrcpy(&(cv->data), value); } else { sstrcpy(&(cv->data), ""); } cv->type = CONFIG_STRING; return value; } const uint32_t config_set_uint32(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const uint32_t value) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv == NULL) cv = next_unused_entry(cg); sstrcpy(&(cv->tag), tag); cv->numeric.i = value; cv->type = CONFIG_UINT32; return value; } const FLT config_set_float(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const FLT value) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv == NULL) cv = next_unused_entry(cg); sstrcpy(&(cv->tag), tag); cv->numeric.f = value; cv->type = CONFIG_FLOAT; return value; } const FLT *config_set_float_a(config_group *cg, const char *tag, const FLT *values, uint8_t count) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(cg, tag); if (cv == NULL) cv = next_unused_entry(cg); sstrcpy(&(cv->tag), tag); char *ptr = (char *)realloc(cv->data, sizeof(FLT) * count); assert(ptr != NULL); cv->data = ptr; memcpy(cv->data, values, sizeof(FLT) * count); cv->type = CONFIG_FLOAT_ARRAY; cv->elements = count; return values; } void _json_write_float_array(FILE *f, const char *tag, FLT *v, uint8_t count) { #ifdef USE_DOUBLE json_write_double_array(f, tag, v, count); #else json_write_float_array(f, tag, v, count); #endif } void write_config_group(FILE *f, config_group *cg, char *tag) { uint16_t i = 0; if (tag != NULL) { fprintf(f, "\"%s\":{\n", tag); } for (i = 0; i < cg->used_entries; ++i) { if (cg->config_entries[i].type == CONFIG_FLOAT) { json_write_float(f, cg->config_entries[i].tag, (float)cg->config_entries[i].numeric.f); } else if (cg->config_entries[i].type == CONFIG_UINT32) { json_write_uint32(f, cg->config_entries[i].tag, cg->config_entries[i].numeric.i); } else if (cg->config_entries[i].type == CONFIG_STRING) { json_write_str(f, cg->config_entries[i].tag, cg->config_entries[i].data); } else if (cg->config_entries[i].type == CONFIG_FLOAT_ARRAY) { _json_write_float_array(f, cg->config_entries[i].tag, (FLT *)cg->config_entries[i].data, cg->config_entries[i].elements); } if ((i + 1) < cg->used_entries) fprintf(f, ","); fprintf(f, "\n"); }; if (tag != NULL) { fprintf(f, "}\n"); } } // struct SurviveContext; SurviveContext *survive_context; void config_save(SurviveContext *sctx, const char *path) { uint16_t i = 0; FILE *f = fopen(path, "w"); write_config_group(f, sctx->global_config_values, NULL); write_config_group(f, sctx->lh_config, "lighthouse0"); write_config_group(f, sctx->lh_config + 1, "lighthouse1"); fclose(f); } void print_json_value(char *tag, char **values, uint16_t count) { uint16_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { printf("%s:%s \n", tag, values[i]); } } config_group *cg_stack[10]; // handle 10 nested objects deep uint8_t cg_stack_head = 0; void handle_config_group(char *tag) { cg_stack_head++; if (strcmp("lighthouse0", tag) == 0) { cg_stack[cg_stack_head] = survive_context->lh_config; } else if (strcmp("lighthouse1", tag) == 0) { cg_stack[cg_stack_head] = survive_context->lh_config + 1; } else { cg_stack[cg_stack_head] = survive_context->global_config_values; } } void pop_config_group() { cg_stack_head--; } int parse_floats(char *tag, char **values, uint8_t count) { uint16_t i = 0; FLT *f; f = alloca(sizeof(FLT) * count); char *end = NULL; config_group *cg = cg_stack[cg_stack_head]; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { #ifdef USE_DOUBLE f[i] = strtod(values[i], &end); #else f[i] = strtof(values[i], &end); #endif // if (values[i] == end) return 0; //not a float if (*end != '\0') return 0; // not an integer } if (count > 1) { config_set_float_a(cg, tag, f, count); } else { config_set_float(cg, tag, f[0]); } return 1; } int parse_uint32(char *tag, char **values, uint16_t count) { uint16_t i = 0; FLT *l; l = alloca(sizeof(FLT) * count); char *end = NULL; config_group *cg = cg_stack[cg_stack_head]; /* //look for non numeric values for(end=values[0];*end!='\0';++end) { if ((*end<48) || (*end>57)) return 0; } end=NULL; */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { l[i] = strtol(values[i], &end, 10); // if (values[i] == end) return 0; //not an integer if (*end != '\0') return 0; // not an integer } // if (count>1) // config_set_uint32_array(cg, tag, f, count); // else config_set_uint32(cg, tag, (uint32_t)l[0]); return 1; } void handle_tag_value(char *tag, char **values, uint8_t count) { // Uncomment for more debugging of input configuration. // print_json_value(tag,values,count); config_group *cg = cg_stack[cg_stack_head]; if (NULL != *values) { if (parse_uint32(tag, values, count) > 0) return; // parse integers first, stricter rules if (parse_floats(tag, values, count) > 0) return; } // should probably also handle string arrays config_set_str(cg, tag, values[0]); // else if (count>1) config_set_str } void config_read(SurviveContext *sctx, const char *path) { survive_context = sctx; json_begin_object = handle_config_group; json_end_object = pop_config_group; json_tag_value = handle_tag_value; cg_stack[0] = sctx->global_config_values; json_load_file(path); json_begin_object = NULL; json_end_object = NULL; json_tag_value = NULL; } static config_entry *sc_search(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag) { config_entry *cv = find_config_entry(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag); if (!cv) { cv = find_config_entry(ctx->global_config_values, tag); } return cv; } static FLT config_entry_as_FLT(config_entry *entry) { switch (entry->type) { case CONFIG_FLOAT: return (uint32_t)roundf((float)entry->numeric.f); case CONFIG_UINT32: return (FLT)entry->numeric.i; case CONFIG_STRING: return (FLT)atof(entry->data); case CONFIG_FLOAT_ARRAY: case CONFIG_UNKNOWN: break; } return 0; } static uint32_t config_entry_as_uint32_t(config_entry *entry) { switch (entry->type) { case CONFIG_FLOAT: return (uint32_t)roundf((float)entry->numeric.f); case CONFIG_UINT32: return entry->numeric.i; case CONFIG_STRING: return (uint32_t)atoi(entry->data); case CONFIG_FLOAT_ARRAY: case CONFIG_UNKNOWN: break; } return 0; } FLT survive_configf(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, FLT def) { if (!(flags & SC_OVERRIDE)) { config_entry *cv = sc_search(ctx, tag); if (cv) { return config_entry_as_FLT(cv); } } // If override is flagged, or, we can't find the variable, ,continue on. if (flags & SC_SETCONFIG) { config_set_float(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); config_set_float(ctx->global_config_values, tag, def); } else if (flags & SC_SET) { config_set_float(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); } return def; } uint32_t survive_configi(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, uint32_t def) { if (!(flags & SC_OVERRIDE)) { config_entry *cv = sc_search(ctx, tag); if (cv) { return config_entry_as_uint32_t(cv); } } // If override is flagged, or, we can't find the variable, ,continue on. if (flags & SC_SETCONFIG) { config_set_uint32(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); config_set_uint32(ctx->global_config_values, tag, def); } else if (flags & SC_SET) { config_set_uint32(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); } return def; } const char *survive_configs(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, const char *def) { if (!(flags & SC_OVERRIDE)) { config_entry *cv = sc_search(ctx, tag); if (cv) return cv->data; } // If override is flagged, or, we can't find the variable, ,continue on. if (flags & SC_SETCONFIG) { config_set_str(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); config_set_str(ctx->global_config_values, tag, def); } else if (flags & SC_SET) { config_set_str(ctx->temporary_config_values, tag, def); } return def; }