// Copyright 2016 <>< C. N. Lohr, FULLY Under MIT/x11 License. // All MIT/x11 Licensed Code in this file may be relicensed freely under the GPL or LGPL licenses. #include "survive_internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include "os_generic.h" #include "survive_config.h" #include "survive_default_devices.h" #include "survive_playback.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #define z_const const #endif STATIC_CONFIG_ITEM( BLACKLIST_DEVS, "blacklist-devs", 's', "List any devs (or substrings of devs) to blacklist.", "-" ); STATIC_CONFIG_ITEM( CONFIG_FILE, "configfile", 's', "Default configuration file", "config.json" ); STATIC_CONFIG_ITEM( CONFIG_D_CALI, "disable-calibrate", 'i', "Enables or disables calibration", 0 ); STATIC_CONFIG_ITEM( CONFIG_F_CALI, "force-calibrate", 'i', "Forces calibration even if one exists.", 0 ); #ifdef RUNTIME_SYMNUM #include static int did_runtime_symnum; int SymnumCheck(const char *path, const char *name, void *location, long size) { if (strncmp(name, "REGISTER", 8) == 0) { typedef void (*sf)(); sf fn = (sf)location; fn(); } return 0; } #endif static void survivefault(struct SurviveContext *ctx, const char *fault) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", fault); exit(-1); } static void survivenote(struct SurviveContext *ctx, const char *fault) { survive_recording_info_process(ctx, fault); fprintf(stderr, "Info: %s\n", fault); } static void *button_servicer(void *context) { SurviveContext *ctx = (SurviveContext *)context; while (1) { OGLockSema(ctx->buttonQueue.buttonservicesem); if (ctx->state != SURVIVE_RUNNING) { // we're shutting down. Close. return NULL; } ButtonQueueEntry *entry = &(ctx->buttonQueue.entry[ctx->buttonQueue.nextReadIndex]); if (entry->isPopulated == 0) { // should never happen. indicates failure of code pushing stuff onto // the buttonQueue // if it does happen, it will kill all future button input printf("ERROR: Unpopulated ButtonQueueEntry! NextReadIndex=%d\n", ctx->buttonQueue.nextReadIndex); return NULL; } // printf("ButtonEntry: eventType:%x, buttonId:%d, axis1:%d, axis1Val:%8.8x, axis2:%d, axis2Val:%8.8x\n", // entry->eventType, // entry->buttonId, // entry->axis1Id, // entry->axis1Val, // entry->axis2Id, // entry->axis2Val); button_process_func butt_func = ctx->buttonproc; if (butt_func) { butt_func(entry->so, entry->eventType, entry->buttonId, entry->axis1Id, entry->axis1Val, entry->axis2Id, entry->axis2Val); } ctx->buttonQueue.nextReadIndex++; if (ctx->buttonQueue.nextReadIndex >= BUTTON_QUEUE_MAX_LEN) { ctx->buttonQueue.nextReadIndex = 0; } }; return NULL; } void survive_verify_FLT_size(uint32_t user_size) { if (sizeof(FLT) != user_size) { fprintf(stderr, "FLT type incompatible; the shared library libsurvive has FLT size %lu vs user program %u\n", (unsigned long)sizeof(FLT), user_size); fprintf(stderr, "Add '#define FLT %s' before including survive.h or recompile the shared library with the " "appropriate flag. \n", sizeof(FLT) == sizeof(double) ? "double" : "float"); exit(-1); } } static void PrintMatchingDrivers( const char * prefix, const char * matchingparam ) { int i = 0; char stringmatch[128]; snprintf( stringmatch, 127, "%s%s", prefix, matchingparam?matchingparam:"" ); const char * DriverName; while ((DriverName = GetDriverNameMatching(stringmatch, i++))) { printf( "%s ", DriverName+strlen(prefix) ); } } SurviveContext *survive_init_internal(int argc, char *const *argv) { int i; #ifdef RUNTIME_SYMNUM if (!did_runtime_symnum) { EnumerateSymbols(SymnumCheck); did_runtime_symnum = 1; } #endif #ifdef MANUAL_REGISTRATION // note: this manual registration is currently only in use on builds using Visual Studio. static int did_manual_driver_registration = 0; if (did_manual_driver_registration == 0) { #define MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(func) \ int func(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd); \ RegisterDriver(#func, &func); MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserCharlesSlow) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserDaveOrtho) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserDummy) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserEPNP) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserSBA) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserCharlesRefine) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(PoserMPFIT) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(DriverRegHTCVive) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(DriverRegPlayback) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(DisambiguatorCharles) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(DisambiguatorStateBased) MANUAL_DRIVER_REGISTRATION(DisambiguatorTurvey) did_manual_driver_registration = 1; } #endif SurviveContext *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(SurviveContext)); ctx->state = SURVIVE_STOPPED; ctx->global_config_values = malloc(sizeof(config_group)); ctx->temporary_config_values = malloc(sizeof(config_group)); ctx->lh_config = malloc(sizeof(config_group) * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES); // initdata init_config_group(ctx->global_config_values, 30, ctx); init_config_group(ctx->temporary_config_values, 30, ctx); for( i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; i++ ) init_config_group(&ctx->lh_config[i], 10, ctx); // Process command-line parameters. char *const *av = argv + 1; char *const *argvend = argv + argc; int list_for_autocomplete = 0; const char * autocomplete_match[3] = { 0, 0, 0}; int showhelp = 0; for (; av < argvend; av++) { if ((*av)[0] != '-') showhelp = 1; else { const char *vartoupdate = 0; switch ((*av)[1]) { case '-': vartoupdate = &(*av)[2]; break; case 'h': showhelp = 1; break; case 'p': vartoupdate = "defaultposer"; break; case 'l': vartoupdate = "lighthousecount"; break; case 'm': if( av + 1 < argvend ) autocomplete_match[0] = *(av+1); if( av + 2 < argvend ) autocomplete_match[1] = *(av+2); if( av + 3 < argvend ) autocomplete_match[2] = *(av+3); list_for_autocomplete = 1; av = argvend; //Eject immediately after processing -m break; case 'c': vartoupdate = "configfile"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown parameter %s\n", *av); showhelp = 1; } if (vartoupdate) { const char *name = *av + 2; // Skip the '--'; bool flagArgument = (av + 1 == argvend) || av[1][0] == '-'; if ( strcmp( name, "help" ) == 0 ) showhelp = 1; else if (flagArgument) { bool value = strncmp("no-", name, 3) != 0; if (value == 0) { name += 3; // Skip "no-" } survive_configi(ctx, name, SC_OVERRIDE | SC_SET, value); } else { const char *value = *(av + 1); survive_configs(ctx, name, SC_OVERRIDE | SC_SET, value); av++; } } } } config_read(ctx, survive_configs(ctx, "configfile", SC_GET, "config.json")); ctx->activeLighthouses = survive_configi(ctx, "lighthousecount", SC_SETCONFIG, 2); config_read_lighthouse(ctx->lh_config, &(ctx->bsd[0]), 0); config_read_lighthouse(ctx->lh_config, &(ctx->bsd[1]), 1); ctx->faultfunction = survivefault; ctx->notefunction = survivenote; if( list_for_autocomplete ) { const char * lastparam = (autocomplete_match[2]==0)?autocomplete_match[1]:autocomplete_match[2]; const char * matchingparam = (autocomplete_match[2]==0)?0:autocomplete_match[1]; //First see if any of the parameters perfectly match a config item, if so print some help. //fprintf( stderr, "!!! %s !!! %s !!!\n", lastparam, matchingparam ); const char * checkconfig = matchingparam; if( matchingparam == 0 ) checkconfig = lastparam; if( checkconfig && strlen( checkconfig ) > 2 && survive_print_help_for_parameter( checkconfig+2 ) ) { exit(0); } if( strstr( lastparam, "poser" ) ) PrintMatchingDrivers( "Poser", matchingparam ); else if( strstr( lastparam, "disambiguator" ) ) PrintMatchingDrivers( "Disambiguator", matchingparam ); else { printf( "-h -m -p -l -c " ); survive_print_known_configs( ctx, 0 ); } printf( "\n" ); exit( 0 ); } if( showhelp ) { // Can't use SV_ERROR here since we don't have a context to send to yet. fprintf(stderr, "libsurvive - usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h - shows help.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m - list parameters, for autocomplete." ); fprintf(stderr, " -p [poser] - use a specific defaultposer.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l [lighthouse count] - use a specific number of lighthoses.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c [config file] - set config file\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Additional --[parameter] [value] - sets generic parameters...\n"); survive_print_known_configs( ctx, 1 ); return 0; } ctx->lightproc = survive_default_light_process; ctx->imuproc = survive_default_imu_process; ctx->angleproc = survive_default_angle_process; ctx->lighthouseposeproc = survive_default_lighthouse_pose_process; ctx->configfunction = survive_default_htc_config_process; ctx->poseproc = survive_default_raw_pose_process; ctx->calibration_config = survive_calibration_config_ctor(); ctx->calibration_config.use_flag = (enum SurviveCalFlag)survive_configi(ctx, "bsd-cal", SC_GET, SVCal_All); return ctx; } survive_timecode survive_timecode_difference(survive_timecode most_recent, survive_timecode least_recent) { uint32_t diff = 0; if (most_recent > least_recent) { diff = most_recent - least_recent; } else { diff = least_recent - most_recent; } if (diff > 0xFFFFFFFF / 2) return 0x7FFFFFFF / 2 - diff; return diff; } void *GetDriverByConfig(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *name, const char *configname, const char *configdef, int verbose) { const char *Preferred = survive_configs(ctx, configname, SC_SETCONFIG, configdef); const char *DriverName = 0; const char *picked = 0; int i = 0; void *func = 0; int prefixLen = strlen(name); if (verbose > 1) SV_INFO("Available %ss:", name); while ((DriverName = GetDriverNameMatching(name, i++))) { void *p = GetDriver(DriverName); bool match = strcmp(DriverName, Preferred) == 0 || strcmp(DriverName + prefixLen, Preferred) == 0; if (verbose > 1) SV_INFO("\t%c%s", match ? '*' : ' ', DriverName + prefixLen); if (!func || match) { func = p; picked = (DriverName + prefixLen); } } if (!func) { SV_ERROR("Error. Cannot find any valid %s.", name); } if (verbose > 1) SV_INFO("Totals %d %ss.", i - 1, name); if (verbose > 0) SV_INFO("Using '%s' for %s", picked, configname); return func; } int survive_startup(SurviveContext *ctx) { int r = 0; int i = 0; survive_install_recording(ctx); // initialize the button queue memset(&(ctx->buttonQueue), 0, sizeof(ctx->buttonQueue)); ctx->buttonQueue.buttonservicesem = OGCreateSema(); // start the thread to process button data ctx->buttonservicethread = OGCreateThread(button_servicer, ctx); PoserCB PreferredPoserCB = GetDriverByConfig(ctx, "Poser", "defaultposer", "SBA", 2); ctx->lightcapfunction = GetDriverByConfig(ctx, "Disambiguator", "disambiguator", "Turvey", 2); const char *DriverName; i = 0; while ((DriverName = GetDriverNameMatching("DriverReg", i++))) { DeviceDriver dd = GetDriver(DriverName); SV_INFO("Loading driver %s (%p) (%d)", DriverName, dd, i); r = dd(ctx); SV_INFO("Driver %s reports status %d", DriverName, r); } // Apply poser to objects. for (i = 0; i < ctx->objs_ct; i++) { ctx->objs[i]->PoserFn = PreferredPoserCB; } // saving the config extra to make sure that the user has a config file they can change. config_save(ctx, survive_configs(ctx, "configfile", SC_GET, "config.json")); ctx->state = SURVIVE_RUNNING; int calibrateMandatory = survive_configi(ctx, "force-calibrate", SC_GET, 0); int calibrateForbidden = survive_configi(ctx, "disable-calibrate", SC_GET, 1) == 1; if (calibrateMandatory && calibrateForbidden) { SV_INFO("Contradictory settings --force-calibrate and --disable-calibrate specified. Switching to normal behavior."); calibrateMandatory = calibrateForbidden = 0; } if (!calibrateForbidden) { bool isCalibrated = true; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->activeLighthouses; i++) { isCalibrated &= ctx->bsd[i].PositionSet; } if (!isCalibrated) { SV_INFO("Uncalibrated configuration detected. Attaching calibration. Please don't move tracked objects for " "the duration of calibration. Pass '--disable-calibrate' to skip calibration"); } else { SV_INFO("Calibration requested. Previous calibration will be overwritten."); } bool doCalibrate = isCalibrated == false || calibrateMandatory; if (doCalibrate) { survive_cal_install(ctx); } } // If lighthouse positions are known, broadcast them for (int i = 0; i < ctx->activeLighthouses; i++) { if (ctx->bsd[i].PositionSet) { ctx->lighthouseposeproc(ctx, i, &ctx->bsd[i].Pose, 0); } } if( ctx->objs_ct == 0 ) { SV_ERROR( "Fatal error: No trackable objects found in any calibrators." ); } return 0; } void survive_install_info_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, text_feedback_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->notefunction = fbp; else ctx->notefunction = survivenote; } void survive_install_htc_config_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, htc_config_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->configfunction = fbp; else ctx->configfunction = survive_default_htc_config_process; } void survive_install_error_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, text_feedback_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->faultfunction = fbp; else ctx->faultfunction = survivefault; } void survive_install_light_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, light_process_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->lightproc = fbp; else ctx->lightproc = survive_default_light_process; } void survive_install_imu_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, imu_process_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->imuproc = fbp; else ctx->imuproc = survive_default_imu_process; } void survive_install_angle_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, angle_process_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->angleproc = fbp; else ctx->angleproc = survive_default_angle_process; } void survive_install_button_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, button_process_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->buttonproc = fbp; else ctx->buttonproc = survive_default_button_process; } void survive_install_pose_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, pose_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->poseproc = fbp; else ctx->poseproc = survive_default_raw_pose_process; } void survive_install_lighthouse_pose_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, lighthouse_pose_func fbp) { if (fbp) ctx->lighthouseposeproc = fbp; else ctx->lighthouseposeproc = survive_default_lighthouse_pose_process; } int survive_add_object(SurviveContext *ctx, SurviveObject *obj) { int oldct = ctx->objs_ct; ctx->objs = realloc(ctx->objs, sizeof(SurviveObject *) * (oldct + 1)); ctx->objs[oldct] = obj; ctx->objs_ct = oldct + 1; return 0; } void survive_remove_object(SurviveContext *ctx, SurviveObject *obj) { int obj_idx = 0; for (obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < ctx->objs_ct; obj_idx++) { if (ctx->objs[obj_idx] == obj) break; } if (obj_idx == ctx->objs_ct) { SV_INFO("Warning: Tried to remove un-added object %p(%s)", obj, obj->codename); return; } // Swap the last item into this items slot; this assumes order doesn't matter in this list if (obj_idx != ctx->objs_ct - 1) { ctx->objs[obj_idx] = ctx->objs[ctx->objs_ct - 1]; } ctx->objs_ct--; // Blank out the spot; but this is only really necessary for diagnostic reasons -- presumably no one will ever read // past the end of the list ctx->objs[ctx->objs_ct] = 0; free(obj); } void survive_add_driver(SurviveContext *ctx, void *payload, DeviceDriverCb poll, DeviceDriverCb close, DeviceDriverMagicCb magic) { int oldct = ctx->driver_ct; ctx->drivers = realloc(ctx->drivers, sizeof(void *) * (oldct + 1)); ctx->driverpolls = realloc(ctx->driverpolls, sizeof(DeviceDriverCb *) * (oldct + 1)); ctx->drivercloses = realloc(ctx->drivercloses, sizeof(DeviceDriverCb *) * (oldct + 1)); ctx->drivermagics = realloc(ctx->drivermagics, sizeof(DeviceDriverMagicCb *) * (oldct + 1)); ctx->drivers[oldct] = payload; ctx->driverpolls[oldct] = poll; ctx->drivercloses[oldct] = close; ctx->drivermagics[oldct] = magic; ctx->driver_ct = oldct + 1; } int survive_send_magic(SurviveContext *ctx, int magic_code, void *data, int datalen) { int oldct = ctx->driver_ct; int i; for (i = 0; i < oldct; i++) { if (ctx->drivermagics[i]) { ctx->drivermagics[i](ctx, ctx->drivers[i], magic_code, data, datalen); } } return 0; } int survive_haptic(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t reserved, uint16_t pulseHigh, uint16_t pulseLow, uint16_t repeatCount) { if (NULL == so || NULL == so->haptic) { return -404; } return so->haptic(so, reserved, pulseHigh, pulseLow, repeatCount); } void survive_close(SurviveContext *ctx) { const char *DriverName; int r = 0; ctx->state = SURVIVE_CLOSING; // unlock/ post to button service semaphore so the thread can kill itself OGUnlockSema(ctx->buttonQueue.buttonservicesem); while ((DriverName = GetDriverNameMatching("DriverUnreg", r++))) { DeviceDriver dd = GetDriver(DriverName); SV_INFO("De-registering driver %s (%p)", DriverName, dd); r = dd(ctx); SV_INFO("Driver %s reports status %d", DriverName, r); } int oldct = ctx->driver_ct; int i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->objs_ct; i++) { PoserData pd; pd.pt = POSERDATA_DISASSOCIATE; if (ctx->objs[i]->PoserFn) ctx->objs[i]->PoserFn(ctx->objs[i], &pd); } for (i = 0; i < oldct; i++) { ctx->drivercloses[i](ctx, ctx->drivers[i]); } config_save(ctx, survive_configs(ctx, "configfile", SC_GET, "config.json")); destroy_config_group(ctx->global_config_values); destroy_config_group(ctx->temporary_config_values); destroy_config_group(ctx->lh_config); for (i = 0; i < ctx->objs_ct; i++) { free(ctx->objs[i]->sensor_locations); free(ctx->objs[i]->sensor_normals); free(ctx->objs[i]); } free(ctx->objs); free(ctx->drivers); free(ctx->driverpolls); free(ctx->drivermagics); free(ctx->drivercloses); free(ctx->global_config_values); free(ctx->temporary_config_values); free(ctx->lh_config); free(ctx->calptr); free(ctx->recptr); free(ctx); } int survive_poll(struct SurviveContext *ctx) { int i, r; if (ctx->state == SURVIVE_STOPPED) { r = survive_startup(ctx); if (r) return r; } int oldct = ctx->driver_ct; for (i = 0; i < oldct; i++) { r = ctx->driverpolls[i](ctx, ctx->drivers[i]); if (r) return r; } return 0; } struct SurviveObject *survive_get_so_by_name(struct SurviveContext *ctx, const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->objs_ct; i++) { if (strcmp(ctx->objs[i]->codename, name) == 0) return ctx->objs[i]; } return 0; } #ifdef NOZLIB #include int survive_simple_inflate(struct SurviveContext *ctx, const char *input, int inlen, char *output, int outlen) { // Tricky: we actually get 2 bytes of data on the front. I don't know what it's for. 0x78 0x9c - puff doesn't deal // with it well. unsigned long ol = outlen; unsigned long il = inlen - 2; int ret = puff(output, &ol, input + 2, &il); if (ret == 0) return ol; else { SV_INFO("puff returned error code %d\n", ret); return -5; } } #else #include int survive_simple_inflate(struct SurviveContext *ctx, const uint8_t *input, int inlen, uint8_t *output, int outlen) { z_stream zs; // Zlib stream. May only be used by configuration at beginning and by USB thread periodically. memset(&zs, 0, sizeof(zs)); inflateInit(&zs); /// Consider checking error // XXX: Todo: If we find that this is not useful past the beginning (nix this here and move into the configuration // getter) zs.avail_in = inlen; zs.next_in = (z_const Bytef *)input; zs.avail_out = outlen; zs.next_out = output; if (inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END) { SV_INFO("survive_simple_inflate could not inflate."); return -1; } int len = zs.total_out; inflateEnd(&zs); return len; } #endif const char *survive_object_codename(SurviveObject *so) { return so->codename; } const char *survive_object_drivername(SurviveObject *so) { return so->drivername; } const int8_t survive_object_charge(SurviveObject *so) { return so->charge; } const bool survive_object_charging(SurviveObject *so) { return so->charging; } const SurvivePose *survive_object_pose(SurviveObject *so) { return &so->OutPose; } int8_t survive_object_sensor_ct(SurviveObject *so) { return so->sensor_ct; } const FLT *survive_object_sensor_locations(SurviveObject *so) { return so->sensor_locations; } const FLT *survive_object_sensor_normals(SurviveObject *so) { return so->sensor_normals; }