#ifndef USE_DOUBLE #define FLT double #define USE_DOUBLE #endif #include #include #include "poser.h" #include #include #include "assert.h" #include "linmath.h" #include "math.h" #include "poser_general_optimizer.h" #include "string.h" #include "survive_cal.h" #include "survive_config.h" #include "survive_kalman.h" #include "survive_reproject.h" typedef struct { PoserData *pdfs; SurviveObject *so; SurvivePose obj_pose; SurvivePose camera_params[2]; } sba_context; typedef struct SBAData { GeneralOptimizerData opt; int last_acode; int last_lh; FLT sensor_variance; FLT sensor_variance_per_second; int sensor_time_window; int use_jacobian_function; int required_meas; survive_kpose_t kpose; SurviveIMUTracker tracker; bool useIMU; struct { int meas_failures; } stats; } SBAData; static void metric_function(int j, int i, double *aj, double *xij, void *adata) { sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)(adata); SurviveObject *so = ctx->so; SurvivePose obj2world = ctx->obj_pose; FLT sensorInWorld[3] = {0}; ApplyPoseToPoint(sensorInWorld, &obj2world, &so->sensor_locations[i * 3]); survive_calibration_config cfg = so->ctx->calibration_config; survive_reproject_from_pose_with_config(so->ctx, &cfg, j, (SurvivePose *)aj, sensorInWorld, xij); } static size_t construct_input(const SurviveObject *so, PoserDataFullScene *pdfs, char *vmask, double *meas) { size_t measCount = 0; size_t size = so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES; // One set per lighthouse for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < so->sensor_ct; sensor++) { for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 2; lh++) { FLT *l = pdfs->lengths[sensor][lh]; if (l[0] < 0 || l[1] < 0) { vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 0; continue; } double *angles = pdfs->angles[sensor][lh]; vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 1; meas[measCount++] = angles[0]; meas[measCount++] = angles[1]; } } return measCount; } static size_t construct_input_from_scene(SBAData *d, PoserDataLight *pdl, SurviveSensorActivations *scene, char *vmask, double *meas, double *cov) { size_t rtn = 0; SurviveObject *so = d->opt.so; // fprintf(stderr, "#"); for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < so->sensor_ct; sensor++) { for (size_t lh = 0; lh < 2; lh++) { if (SurviveSensorActivations_isPairValid(scene, d->sensor_time_window, pdl->timecode, sensor, lh)) { const double *a = scene->angles[sensor][lh]; // FLT a[2]; // survive_apply_bsd_calibration(so->ctx, lh, _a, a); vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 1; if (cov) { *(cov++) = d->sensor_variance + abs((int32_t)pdl->timecode - (int32_t)scene->timecode[sensor][lh][0]) * d->sensor_variance_per_second / (double)so->timebase_hz; *(cov++) = 0; *(cov++) = 0; *(cov++) = d->sensor_variance + abs((int32_t)pdl->timecode - (int32_t)scene->timecode[sensor][lh][1]) * d->sensor_variance_per_second / (double)so->timebase_hz; } meas[rtn++] = a[0]; meas[rtn++] = a[1]; // fprintf(stderr, "%.04f %.04f ", a[0], a[1]); } else { vmask[sensor * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES + lh] = 0; // fprintf(stderr, "%.06f %.06f ", sensor, lh, -2,-2); } } } // fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return rtn; } void sba_set_cameras(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *pose, SurvivePose *obj_pose, void *user) { sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)user; ctx->camera_params[lighthouse] = *pose; if (obj_pose) ctx->obj_pose = *obj_pose; else ctx->obj_pose = LinmathPose_Identity; } static void str_metric_function(int j, int i, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata) { SurvivePose obj = *(SurvivePose *)bi; int sensor_idx = j >> 1; int lh = j & 1; sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)(adata); SurviveObject *so = ctx->so; assert(lh < 2); assert(sensor_idx < so->sensor_ct); quatnormalize(obj.Rot, obj.Rot); // std::cerr << "Processing " << sensor_idx << ", " << lh << std::endl; SurvivePose *camera = &so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose; survive_reproject_full(xij, &obj, &so->sensor_locations[sensor_idx * 3], camera, &so->ctx->bsd[lh], &so->ctx->calibration_config); } static void str_metric_function_jac(int j, int i, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata) { SurvivePose obj = *(SurvivePose *)bi; int sensor_idx = j >> 1; int lh = j & 1; sba_context *ctx = (sba_context *)(adata); SurviveObject *so = ctx->so; assert(lh < 2); assert(sensor_idx < so->sensor_ct); quatnormalize(obj.Rot, obj.Rot); SurvivePose *camera = &so->ctx->bsd[lh].Pose; survive_reproject_full_jac_obj_pose(xij, &obj, &so->sensor_locations[sensor_idx * 3], camera, &so->ctx->bsd[lh], &so->ctx->calibration_config); } static double run_sba_find_3d_structure(SBAData *d, PoserDataLight *pdl, SurviveSensorActivations *scene, int max_iterations /* = 50*/, double max_reproj_error /* = 0.005*/, SurvivePose *out) { double *covx = 0; SurviveObject *so = d->opt.so; char *vmask = alloca(sizeof(char) * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES); double *meas = alloca(sizeof(double) * 2 * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES); double *cov = (d->sensor_variance_per_second > 0. && d->sensor_variance) ? alloca(sizeof(double) * 2 * 2 * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES) : 0; size_t meas_size = construct_input_from_scene(d, pdl, scene, vmask, meas, cov); static int failure_count = 500; bool hasAllBSDs = true; for (int lh = 0; lh < so->ctx->activeLighthouses; lh++) hasAllBSDs &= so->ctx->bsd[lh].PositionSet; if (!hasAllBSDs || meas_size < d->required_meas) { if (hasAllBSDs && failure_count++ == 500) { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; SV_INFO("Can't solve for position with just %u measurements", (unsigned int)meas_size); failure_count = 0; } if (meas_size < d->required_meas) { d->stats.meas_failures++; } return -1; } failure_count = 0; SurvivePose soLocation = {0}; if (!general_optimizer_data_record_current_pose(&d->opt, &pdl->hdr, sizeof(*pdl), &soLocation)) { return -1; } double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ] = {0}; double info[SBA_INFOSZ] = {0}; sba_context ctx = {&pdl->hdr, so}; opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU; opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; // max_reproj_error * meas.size(); opts[4] = 0.0; int status = sba_str_levmar(1, // Number of 3d points 0, // Number of 3d points to fix in spot NUM_LIGHTHOUSES * so->sensor_ct, vmask, soLocation.Pos, // Reads as the full pose though 7, // pnp -- SurvivePose meas, // x* -- measurement data cov, // cov data 2, // mnp -- 2 points per image str_metric_function, d->use_jacobian_function ? str_metric_function_jac : 0, // jacobia of metric_func &ctx, // user data max_iterations, // Max iterations 0, // verbosity opts, // options info); // info double rtn = -1; bool status_failure = status <= 0; bool error_failure = !general_optimizer_data_record_success(&d->opt, (info[1] / meas_size * 2)); if (!status_failure && !error_failure) { quatnormalize(soLocation.Rot, soLocation.Rot); *out = soLocation; rtn = info[1] / meas_size * 2; } else { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really... if (error_failure) { SV_INFO("%f original reproj error for %u meas", (info[0] / meas_size * 2), (int)meas_size); SV_INFO("%f cur reproj error", (info[1] / meas_size * 2)); } } return rtn; } // Optimizes for LH position assuming object is posed at 0 static double run_sba(PoserDataFullScene *pdfs, SurviveObject *so, int max_iterations /* = 50*/, double max_reproj_error /* = 0.005*/) { double *covx = 0; char *vmask = alloca(sizeof(char) * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES); double *meas = alloca(sizeof(double) * 2 * so->sensor_ct * NUM_LIGHTHOUSES); size_t meas_size = construct_input(so, pdfs, vmask, meas); sba_context sbactx = {&pdfs->hdr, so, .camera_params = {so->ctx->bsd[0].Pose, so->ctx->bsd[1].Pose}, .obj_pose = so->OutPose}; { const char *subposer = survive_configs(so->ctx, "seed-poser", SC_GET, "PoserEPNP"); PoserCB driver = (PoserCB)GetDriver(subposer); SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; if (driver) { PoserData hdr = pdfs->hdr; memset(&pdfs->hdr, 0, sizeof(pdfs->hdr)); // Clear callback functions pdfs->hdr.pt = hdr.pt; pdfs->hdr.lighthouseposeproc = sba_set_cameras; pdfs->hdr.userdata = &sbactx; driver(so, &pdfs->hdr); pdfs->hdr = hdr; } else { SV_INFO("Not using a seed poser for SBA; results will likely be way off"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { so->ctx->bsd[i].Pose = (SurvivePose){0}; so->ctx->bsd[i].Pose.Rot[0] = 1.; } } // opencv_solver_poser_cb(so, (PoserData *)pdfs); // PoserCharlesSlow(so, (PoserData *)pdfs); } double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ] = {0}; double info[SBA_INFOSZ] = {0}; opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU; opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[3] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; // max_reproj_error * meas.size(); opts[4] = 0.0; int status = sba_mot_levmar(so->sensor_ct, // number of 3d points so->ctx->activeLighthouses, // Number of cameras -- 2 lighthouses 0, // Number of cameras to not modify vmask, // boolean vis mask (double *)&sbactx.camera_params[0], // camera parameters sizeof(SurvivePose) / sizeof(double), // The number of floats that are in a camera param meas, // 2d points for 3d objs covx, // covariance of measurement. Null sets to identity 2, // 2 points per image metric_function, 0, // jacobia of metric_func &sbactx, // user data max_iterations, // Max iterations 0, // verbosity opts, // options info); // info if (status >= 0) { SurvivePose additionalTx = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < so->ctx->activeLighthouses; i++) { if (quatmagnitude(sbactx.camera_params[i].Rot) != 0) { PoserData_lighthouse_pose_func(&pdfs->hdr, so, i, &additionalTx, &sbactx.camera_params[i], &sbactx.obj_pose); } } } else { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; SV_INFO("SBA was unable to run %d", status); } // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really... // std::cerr << info[0] / meas.size() * 2 << " original reproj error" << std::endl; { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; // Docs say info[0] should be divided by meas; I don't buy it really... SV_INFO("%f original reproj error for %u meas", (info[0] / meas_size * 2), (int)meas_size); SV_INFO("%f cur reproj error", (info[1] / meas_size * 2)); } return info[1] / meas_size * 2; } int PoserSBA(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; if (so->PoserData == 0) { so->PoserData = calloc(1, sizeof(SBAData)); SBAData *d = so->PoserData; general_optimizer_data_init(&d->opt, so); d->useIMU = survive_configi(ctx, "sba-use-imu", SC_GET, 1); d->required_meas = survive_configi(ctx, "sba-required-meas", SC_GET, 8); d->sensor_time_window = survive_configi(ctx, "sba-time-window", SC_GET, SurviveSensorActivations_default_tolerance * 2); d->sensor_variance_per_second = survive_configf(ctx, "sba-sensor-variance-per-sec", SC_GET, 10.0); d->sensor_variance = survive_configf(ctx, "sba-sensor-variance", SC_GET, 1.0); d->use_jacobian_function = survive_configi(ctx, "sba-use-jacobian-function", SC_GET, 1.0); SV_INFO("Initializing SBA:"); SV_INFO("\tsba-required-meas: %d", d->required_meas); SV_INFO("\tsba-sensor-variance: %f", d->sensor_variance); SV_INFO("\tsba-sensor-variance-per-sec: %f", d->sensor_variance_per_second); SV_INFO("\tsba-time-window: %d", d->sensor_time_window); SV_INFO("\tsba-use-imu: %d", d->useIMU); SV_INFO("\tsba-use-jacobian-function: %d", d->use_jacobian_function); } SBAData *d = so->PoserData; switch (pd->pt) { case POSERDATA_LIGHT: { // No poses if calibration is ongoing if (ctx->calptr && ctx->calptr->stage < 5) return 0; SurviveSensorActivations *scene = &so->activations; PoserDataLight *lightData = (PoserDataLight *)pd; SurvivePose estimate; // only process sweeps FLT error = -1; if (d->last_lh != lightData->lh || d->last_acode != lightData->acode) { error = run_sba_find_3d_structure(d, lightData, scene, 100, .5, &estimate); d->last_lh = lightData->lh; d->last_acode = lightData->acode; if (error < 0) { } else { quatnormalize(estimate.Rot, estimate.Rot); if (d->useIMU) { FLT var_meters = 0.5; FLT var_quat = error + .05; FLT var[7] = {error * var_meters, error * var_meters, error * var_meters, error * var_quat, error * var_quat, error * var_quat, error * var_quat}; survive_imu_tracker_integrate_observation(so, lightData->timecode, &d->tracker, &estimate, var); estimate = d->tracker.pose; } LinmathVec3d pvar = {.1, .1, .1}; FLT rvar = .01; survive_kpose_integrate_pose(&d->kpose, lightData->timecode, &estimate, pvar, rvar); estimate = d->kpose.state.pose; PoserData_poser_pose_func(&lightData->hdr, so, &estimate); } } return 0; } case POSERDATA_FULL_SCENE: { SurviveContext *ctx = so->ctx; PoserDataFullScene *pdfs = (PoserDataFullScene *)(pd); double error = run_sba(pdfs, so, 100, .005); // std::cerr << "Average reproj error: " << error << std::endl; return 0; } case POSERDATA_DISASSOCIATE: { SV_INFO("SBA stats:"); SV_INFO("\tmeas failures %d", d->stats.meas_failures); general_optimizer_data_dtor(&d->opt); free(d); so->PoserData = 0; return 0; } case POSERDATA_IMU: { PoserDataIMU * imu = (PoserDataIMU*)pd; if (ctx->calptr && ctx->calptr->stage < 5) { } else if (d->useIMU) { survive_imu_tracker_integrate(so, &d->tracker, imu); PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &d->tracker.pose); } general_optimizer_data_record_imu(&d->opt, imu); } } return -1; } REGISTER_LINKTIME(PoserSBA);