#include #include "symbol_enumerator.h" #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( WINDOWS ) || defined( USE_WINDOWS ) || defined( _WIN32 ) #include typedef struct _SYMBOL_INFO { ULONG SizeOfStruct; ULONG TypeIndex; ULONG64 Reserved[2]; ULONG Index; ULONG Size; ULONG64 ModBase; ULONG Flags; ULONG64 Value; ULONG64 Address; ULONG Register; ULONG Scope; ULONG Tag; ULONG NameLen; ULONG MaxNameLen; TCHAR Name[1]; } SYMBOL_INFO, *PSYMBOL_INFO; typedef struct _IMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME { ULONG64 InstructionOffset; ULONG64 ReturnOffset; ULONG64 FrameOffset; ULONG64 StackOffset; ULONG64 BackingStoreOffset; ULONG64 FuncTableEntry; ULONG64 Params[4]; ULONG64 Reserved[5]; BOOL Virtual; ULONG Reserved2; } IMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME, *PIMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME; typedef BOOL (*PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK)( PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext ); BOOL WINAPI SymEnumSymbols( HANDLE hProcess, ULONG64 BaseOfDll, PCTSTR Mask, PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK EnumSymbolsCallback, const PVOID UserContext ); BOOL WINAPI SymInitialize( HANDLE hProcess, PCTSTR UserSearchPath, BOOL fInvadeProcess ); BOOL WINAPI SymCleanup( HANDLE hProcess ); BOOL mycb( PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext ){ SymEnumeratorCallback cb = (SymEnumeratorCallback)UserContext; return !cb( "", &pSymInfo->Name[0], (void*)pSymInfo->Address, (long) pSymInfo->Size ); } int EnumerateSymbols( SymEnumeratorCallback cb ) { HANDLE proc = GetCurrentProcess(); if( !SymInitialize( proc, 0, 1 ) ) return -1; if( !SymEnumSymbols( proc, 0, "*!*", &mycb, (void*)cb ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "SymEnumSymbols returned %d\n", GetLastError()); SymCleanup(proc); return -2; } SymCleanup(proc); return 0; } #else #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __GNUC__ #define __int128_t long long long #endif #include #include #define UINTS_PER_WORD (__WORDSIZE / (CHAR_BIT * sizeof (unsigned int))) struct dl_phdr_info { ElfW(Addr) dlpi_addr; /* Base address of object */ const char *dlpi_name; /* (Null-terminated) name of object */ const ElfW(Phdr) *dlpi_phdr; /* Pointer to array of ELF program headers for this object */ ElfW(Half) dlpi_phnum; /* # of items in dlpi_phdr */ }; void dl_iterate_phdr( void*, void*); static ElfW(Word) gnu_hashtab_symbol_count(const unsigned int *const table) { const unsigned int *const bucket = table + 4 + table[2] * (unsigned int)(UINTS_PER_WORD); unsigned int b = table[0]; unsigned int max = 0U; while (b-->0U) if (bucket[b] > max) max = bucket[b]; return (ElfW(Word))max; } static static void *dynamic_pointer(const ElfW(Addr) addr, const ElfW(Addr) base, const ElfW(Phdr) *const header, const ElfW(Half) headers) { if (addr) { ElfW(Half) h; for (h = 0; h < headers; h++) if (header[h].p_type == PT_LOAD) if (addr >= base + header[h].p_vaddr && addr < base + header[h].p_vaddr + header[h].p_memsz) return (void *)addr; } return NULL; } //Mostly based off of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29903049/get-names-and-addresses-of-exported-functions-from-in-linux static int callback(struct dl_phdr_info *info, size_t size, void *data) { SymEnumeratorCallback cb = (SymEnumeratorCallback)data; const ElfW(Addr) base = info->dlpi_addr; const ElfW(Phdr) *const header = info->dlpi_phdr; const ElfW(Half) headers = info->dlpi_phnum; const char *libpath, *libname; ElfW(Half) h; if (info->dlpi_name && info->dlpi_name[0]) libpath = info->dlpi_name; else libpath = ""; libname = strrchr(libpath, '/'); if (libname && libname[0] == '/' && libname[1]) libname++; else libname = libpath; for (h = 0; h < headers; h++) { if (header[h].p_type == PT_DYNAMIC) { const ElfW(Dyn) *entry = (const ElfW(Dyn) *)(base + header[h].p_vaddr); const ElfW(Word) *hashtab; const ElfW(Sym) *symtab = NULL; const char *strtab = NULL; ElfW(Word) symbol_count = 0; for (; entry->d_tag != DT_NULL; entry++) { switch (entry->d_tag) { case DT_HASH: hashtab = dynamic_pointer(entry->d_un.d_ptr, base, header, headers); if (hashtab) symbol_count = hashtab[1]; break; case DT_GNU_HASH: hashtab = dynamic_pointer(entry->d_un.d_ptr, base, header, headers); if (hashtab) { ElfW(Word) count = gnu_hashtab_symbol_count(hashtab); if (count > symbol_count) symbol_count = count; } break; case DT_STRTAB: strtab = dynamic_pointer(entry->d_un.d_ptr, base, header, headers); break; case DT_SYMTAB: symtab = dynamic_pointer(entry->d_un.d_ptr, base, header, headers); break; } } if (symtab && strtab && symbol_count > 0) { ElfW(Word) s; for (s = 0; s < symbol_count; s++) { const char *name; void *const ptr = dynamic_pointer(base + symtab[s].st_value, base, header, headers); int result; if (!ptr) continue; if (symtab[s].st_name) name = strtab + symtab[s].st_name; else name = ""; result = cb( libpath, name, ptr, symtab[s].st_size ); if( result ) return result; //Bail early. } } } } return 0; } int EnumerateSymbols( SymEnumeratorCallback cb ) { dl_iterate_phdr( callback, cb ); } #endif