//Don't call this file yourself. It is intended to be included in any drivers which want to support the rasterizer plugin. #ifdef RASTERIZER #include "CNFGFunctions.h" #include #include static uint32_t * buffer = 0; static short bufferx; static short buffery; void CNFGInternalResize( short x, short y ) { bufferx = x; buffery = y; if( buffer ) free( buffer ); buffer = malloc( bufferx * buffery * 4 ); } static uint32_t SWAPS( uint32_t r ) { uint32_t ret = (r&0xFF)<<16; r>>=8; ret |= (r&0xff)<<8; r>>=8; ret |= r; return ret; } uint32_t CNFGColor( uint32_t RGB ) { CNFGLastColor = SWAPS(RGB); return CNFGLastColor; } void CNFGTackSegment( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 ) { short tx, ty; float slope, lp; short dx = x2 - x1; short dy = y2 - y1; if( !buffer ) return; if( dx < 0 ) dx = -dx; if( dy < 0 ) dy = -dy; if( dx > dy ) { short minx = (x1 < x2)?x1:x2; short maxx = (x1 < x2)?x2:x1; short miny = (x1 < x2)?y1:y2; short maxy = (x1 < x2)?y2:y1; float thisy = miny; slope = (float)(maxy-miny) / (float)(maxx-minx); for( tx = minx; tx <= maxx; tx++ ) { ty = thisy; if( tx < 0 || ty < 0 || ty >= buffery ) continue; if( tx >= bufferx ) break; buffer[ty * bufferx + tx] = CNFGLastColor; thisy += slope; } } else { short minx = (y1 < y2)?x1:x2; short maxx = (y1 < y2)?x2:x1; short miny = (y1 < y2)?y1:y2; short maxy = (y1 < y2)?y2:y1; float thisx = minx; slope = (float)(maxx-minx) / (float)(maxy-miny); for( ty = miny; ty <= maxy; ty++ ) { tx = thisx; if( ty < 0 || tx < 0 || tx >= bufferx ) continue; if( ty >= buffery ) break; buffer[ty * bufferx + tx] = CNFGLastColor; thisx += slope; } } } void CNFGTackRectangle( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 ) { short minx = (x1=x2)?x1:x2; short maxy = (y1>=y2)?y1:y2; short x, y; if( minx < 0 ) minx = 0; if( miny < 0 ) miny = 0; if( maxx >= bufferx ) maxx = bufferx-1; if( maxy >= buffery ) maxy = buffery-1; for( y = miny; y <= maxy; y++ ) { uint32_t * bufferstart = &buffer[y * bufferx + minx]; for( x = minx; x <= maxx; x++ ) { (*bufferstart++) = CNFGLastColor; } } } void CNFGTackPoly( RDPoint * points, int verts ) { short minx = 10000, miny = 10000; short maxx =-10000, maxy =-10000; short i, x, y; //Just in case... if( verts > 32767 ) return; for( i = 0; i < verts; i++ ) { RDPoint * p = &points[i]; if( p->x < minx ) minx = p->x; if( p->y < miny ) miny = p->y; if( p->x > maxx ) maxx = p->x; if( p->y > maxy ) maxy = p->y; } if( miny < 0 ) miny = 0; if( maxy >= buffery ) maxy = buffery-1; for( y = miny; y <= maxy; y++ ) { short startfillx = maxx; short endfillx = minx; //Figure out what line segments intersect this line. for( i = 0; i < verts; i++ ) { short pl = i + 1; if( pl == verts ) pl = 0; RDPoint ptop; RDPoint pbot; ptop.x = points[i].x; ptop.y = points[i].y; pbot.x = points[pl].x; pbot.y = points[pl].y; //printf( "Poly: %d %d\n", pbot.y, ptop.y ); if( pbot.y < ptop.y ) { RDPoint ptmp; ptmp.x = pbot.x; ptmp.y = pbot.y; pbot.x = ptop.x; pbot.y = ptop.y; ptop.x = ptmp.x; ptop.y = ptmp.y; } //Make sure this line segment is within our range. //printf( "PT: %d %d %d\n", y, ptop.y, pbot.y ); if( ptop.y <= y && pbot.y >= y ) { short diffy = pbot.y - ptop.y; uint32_t placey = (uint32_t)(y - ptop.y)<<16; //Scale by 16 so we can do integer math. short diffx = pbot.x - ptop.x; short isectx; if( diffy == 0 ) { if( pbot.x < ptop.x ) { if( startfillx > pbot.x ) startfillx = pbot.x; if( endfillx < ptop.x ) endfillx = ptop.x; } else { if( startfillx > ptop.x ) startfillx = ptop.x; if( endfillx < pbot.x ) endfillx = pbot.x; } } else { //Inner part is scaled by 65536, outer part must be scaled back. isectx = (( (placey / diffy) * diffx + 32768 )>>16) + ptop.x; if( isectx < startfillx ) startfillx = isectx; if( isectx > endfillx ) endfillx = isectx; } //printf( "R: %d %d %d\n", pbot.x, ptop.x, isectx ); } } //printf( "%d %d %d\n", y, startfillx, endfillx ); if( endfillx >= bufferx ) endfillx = bufferx - 1; if( endfillx >= bufferx ) endfillx = buffery - 1; if( startfillx < 0 ) startfillx = 0; if( startfillx < 0 ) startfillx = 0; unsigned int * bufferstart = &buffer[y * bufferx + startfillx]; for( x = startfillx; x <= endfillx; x++ ) { (*bufferstart++) = CNFGLastColor; } } //exit(1); } void CNFGClearFrame() { int i, m; uint32_t col = 0; short x, y; CNFGGetDimensions( &x, &y ); if( x != bufferx || y != buffery || !buffer ) { bufferx = x; buffery = y; buffer = malloc( x * y * 8 ); } m = x * y; col = CNFGColor( CNFGBGColor ); for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { //printf( "Got: %d %p %d\n", m, buffer, i ); buffer[i] = col; } } void CNFGTackPixel( short x, short y ) { if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= bufferx || y >= buffery ) return; buffer[x+bufferx*y] = CNFGLastColor; } void CNFGSwapBuffers() { CNFGUpdateScreenWithBitmap( (long unsigned int*)buffer, bufferx, buffery ); } #endif