#ifndef _SURVIVE_H #define _SURVIVE_H #include "poser.h" #include "survive_types.h" #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define SURVIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #define SURVIVE_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif /** * This struct encodes what the last effective angles seen on a sensor were, and when they occured. */ typedef struct { FLT angles[SENSORS_PER_OBJECT][NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2]; // 2 Axes (Angles in LH space) uint32_t timecode[SENSORS_PER_OBJECT][NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2]; // Timecode per axis in ticks uint32_t lengths[SENSORS_PER_OBJECT][NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2]; // Timecode per axis in ticks FLT accel[3]; FLT gyro[3]; FLT mag[3]; } SurviveSensorActivations; struct PoserDataLight; struct PoserDataIMU; /** * Adds a lightData packet to the table. */ void SurviveSensorActivations_add(SurviveSensorActivations *self, struct PoserDataLight *lightData); void SurviveSensorActivations_add_imu(SurviveSensorActivations *self, struct PoserDataIMU *imuData); /** * Returns true iff both angles for the given sensor and lighthouse were seen at most `tolerance` ticks before the given * `timecode_now`. */ bool SurviveSensorActivations_isPairValid(const SurviveSensorActivations *self, uint32_t tolerance, uint32_t timecode_now, uint32_t sensor_idx, int lh); /** * Default tolerance that gives a somewhat accuate representation of current state. * * Don't rely on this to be a given value. */ extern uint32_t SurviveSensorActivations_default_tolerance; // DANGER: This structure may be redefined. Note that it is logically split into 64-bit chunks // for optimization on 32- and 64-bit systems. struct SurviveObject { SurviveContext *ctx; char codename[4]; // 3 letters, null-terminated. Currently HMD, WM0, WM1. char drivername[4]; // 3 letters for driver. Currently "HTC" void *driver; int32_t buttonmask; int16_t axis1; int16_t axis2; int16_t axis3; int8_t charge; int8_t charging : 1; int8_t ison : 1; int8_t additional_flags : 6; // Pose Information, also "poser" field. FLT PoseConfidence; // 0..1 SurvivePose OutPose; // Final pose? (some day, one can dream!) SurvivePose FromLHPose[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; // Filled out by poser, contains computed position from each lighthouse. void *PoserData; // Initialized to zero, configured by poser, can be anything the poser wants. PoserCB PoserFn; // Device-specific information about the location of the sensors. This data will be used by the poser. int8_t sensor_ct; // sensor count FLT *sensor_locations; // size is sensor_ct*3. Contains x,y,z values for each sensor FLT *sensor_normals; // size is nrlocations*3. cointains normal vector for each sensor // Timing sensitive data (mostly for disambiguation) int32_t timebase_hz; // 48,000,000 for normal vive hardware. (checked) int32_t timecenter_ticks; // 200,000 for normal vive hardware. (checked) (This doubles-up as 2x this = full // sweep length) int32_t pulsedist_max_ticks; // 500,000 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) int32_t pulselength_min_sync; // 2,200 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) int32_t pulse_in_clear_time; // 35,000 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) int32_t pulse_max_for_sweep; // 1,800 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) int32_t pulse_synctime_offset; // 20,000 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) int32_t pulse_synctime_slack; // 5,000 for normal vive hardware. (guessed) // Flood info, for calculating which laser is currently sweeping. void *disambiguator_data; int8_t oldcode; int8_t sync_set_number; // 0 = master, 1 = slave, -1 = fault. int8_t did_handle_ootx; // If unset, will send lightcap data for sync pulses next time a sensor is hit. uint32_t last_sync_time[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; uint32_t last_sync_length[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; uint32_t recent_sync_time; uint32_t last_lighttime; // May be a 24- or 32- bit number depending on what device. FLT *acc_bias; // size is FLT*3. contains x,y,z FLT *acc_scale; // size is FLT*3. contains x,y,z FLT *gyro_bias; // size is FLT*3. contains x,y,z FLT *gyro_scale; // size is FLT*3. contains x,y,z haptic_func haptic; SurviveSensorActivations activations; // Debug int tsl; }; // These exports are mostly for language binding against SURVIVE_EXPORT const char *survive_object_codename(SurviveObject *so); SURVIVE_EXPORT int8_t survive_object_sensor_ct(SurviveObject *so); SURVIVE_EXPORT const FLT *survive_object_sensor_locations(SurviveObject *so); SURVIVE_EXPORT const FLT *survive_object_sensor_normals(SurviveObject *so); typedef struct BaseStationCal { FLT phase[2]; FLT tilt[2]; FLT curve[2]; FLT gibpha[2]; FLT gibmag[2]; } BaseStationCal; struct BaseStationData { uint8_t PositionSet : 1; SurvivePose Pose; uint8_t OOTXSet : 1; uint32_t BaseStationID; BaseStationCal fcal; int8_t accel[3]; //"Up" vector uint8_t mode; }; struct config_group; #define BUTTON_QUEUE_MAX_LEN 32 // note: buttonId and axisId are 1-indexed values. // a value of 0 for an id means that no data is present in that value // additionally, when x and y values are both present in axis data, // axis1 will be x, axis2 will be y. typedef struct { uint8_t isPopulated; // probably can remove this given the semaphore in the parent struct. helps with debugging uint8_t eventType; uint8_t buttonId; uint8_t axis1Id; uint16_t axis1Val; uint8_t axis2Id; uint16_t axis2Val; SurviveObject *so; } ButtonQueueEntry; typedef struct { uint8_t nextReadIndex; // init to 0 uint8_t nextWriteIndex; // init to 0 void *buttonservicesem; ButtonQueueEntry entry[BUTTON_QUEUE_MAX_LEN]; } ButtonQueue; typedef enum { SURVIVE_STOPPED = 0, SURVIVE_RUNNING, SURVIVE_CLOSING, SURVIVE_STATE_MAX } SurviveState; struct SurviveRecordingData; struct survive_calibration_config; enum SurviveCalFlag { SVCal_None = 0, SVCal_Phase = 1, SVCal_Tilt = 2, SVCal_Curve = 4, SVCal_Gib = 8, SVCal_All = SVCal_Gib | SVCal_Curve | SVCal_Tilt | SVCal_Phase }; typedef struct survive_calibration_config { enum SurviveCalFlag use_flag; FLT phase_scale, tilt_scale, curve_scale, gib_scale; } survive_calibration_config; survive_calibration_config survive_calibration_config_ctor(); struct SurviveContext { text_feedback_func faultfunction; text_feedback_func notefunction; light_process_func lightproc; imu_process_func imuproc; angle_process_func angleproc; button_process_func buttonproc; raw_pose_func rawposeproc; lighthouse_pose_func lighthouseposeproc; htc_config_func configfunction; handle_lightcap_func lightcapfunction; struct config_group *global_config_values; struct config_group *lh_config; // lighthouse configs struct config_group *temporary_config_values; // Set per-session, from command-line. Not saved but override global_config_values // Calibration data: int activeLighthouses; BaseStationData bsd[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES]; SurviveCalData *calptr; // If and only if the calibration subsystem is attached. struct SurviveRecordingData *recptr; // Iff recording is attached SurviveObject **objs; int objs_ct; void **drivers; DeviceDriverCb *driverpolls; DeviceDriverCb *drivercloses; DeviceDriverMagicCb *drivermagics; int driver_ct; SurviveState state; void *buttonservicethread; ButtonQueue buttonQueue; void *user_ptr; struct survive_calibration_config calibration_config; }; void survive_verify_FLT_size( uint32_t user_size); // Baked in size of FLT to verify users of the library have the correct setting. SURVIVE_EXPORT SurviveContext *survive_init_internal(int argc, char *const *argv); /** * Call survive_init to get a populated SurviveContext pointer. * * This also sets up a number of configuration values based on command line * arguments. Pass 0, 0 to this function if you specifically do not want * command line processing. * * Note that this function _can_ return null based on command line arguments, * notably if -h was passed in. */ static inline SurviveContext *survive_init(int argc, char *const *argv) { survive_verify_FLT_size(sizeof(FLT)); return survive_init_internal(argc, argv); } // For any of these, you may pass in 0 for the function pointer to use default behavior. // In general unless you are doing wacky things like recording or playing back data, you won't need to use this. SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_htc_config_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, htc_config_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_info_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, text_feedback_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_error_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, text_feedback_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_light_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, light_process_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_imu_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, imu_process_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_angle_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, angle_process_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_button_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, button_process_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_raw_pose_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, raw_pose_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_install_lighthouse_pose_fn(SurviveContext *ctx, lighthouse_pose_func fbp); SURVIVE_EXPORT int survive_startup(SurviveContext *ctx); SURVIVE_EXPORT int survive_poll(SurviveContext *ctx); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_close(SurviveContext *ctx); SURVIVE_EXPORT SurviveObject *survive_get_so_by_name(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *name); // Utilitiy functions. int survive_simple_inflate(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *input, int inlen, char *output, int outlen); int survive_send_magic(SurviveContext *ctx, int magic_code, void *data, int datalen); // These functions search both the stored-general and temporary sections for a parameter and return it. #define SC_GET 0 // Get, only. #define SC_SET 1 // Set, if not present #define SC_OVERRIDE 2 // Set, to new default value. #define SC_SETCONFIG 4 // Set, both in-memory and config file. Use in conjunction with SC_OVERRIDE. SURVIVE_EXPORT FLT survive_configf(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, FLT def); SURVIVE_EXPORT uint32_t survive_configi(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, uint32_t def); SURVIVE_EXPORT const char *survive_configs(SurviveContext *ctx, const char *tag, char flags, const char *def); // Install the calibrator. SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_cal_install(SurviveContext *ctx); // XXX This will be removed if not already done so. // Read back a human-readable string description of the calibration status SURVIVE_EXPORT int survive_cal_get_status(SurviveContext *ctx, char *description, int description_length); // Induce haptic feedback SURVIVE_EXPORT int survive_haptic(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t reserved, uint16_t pulseHigh, uint16_t pulseLow, uint16_t repeatCount); // Call these from your callback if overridden. // Accept higher-level data. SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_light_process(SurviveObject *so, int sensor_id, int acode, int timeinsweep, uint32_t timecode, uint32_t length, uint32_t lh); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_imu_process(SurviveObject *so, int mode, FLT *accelgyro, uint32_t timecode, int id); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_angle_process(SurviveObject *so, int sensor_id, int acode, uint32_t timecode, FLT length, FLT angle, uint32_t lh); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_button_process(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t eventType, uint8_t buttonId, uint8_t axis1Id, uint16_t axis1Val, uint8_t axis2Id, uint16_t axis2Val); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_raw_pose_process(SurviveObject *so, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *pose); SURVIVE_EXPORT void survive_default_lighthouse_pose_process(SurviveContext *ctx, uint8_t lighthouse, SurvivePose *lh_pose, SurvivePose *obj_pose); SURVIVE_EXPORT int survive_default_htc_config_process(SurviveObject *so, char *ct0conf, int len); ////////////////////// Survive Drivers //////////////////////////// void RegisterDriver(const char *name, void *data); #ifdef _MSC_VER #define REGISTER_LINKTIME(func) \ __pragma(comment(linker, "/export:REGISTER" #func)); \ void REGISTER##func() { RegisterDriver(#func, &func); } #else #define REGISTER_LINKTIME(func) \ void __attribute__((constructor)) REGISTER##func() { RegisterDriver(#func, &func); } #endif ///////////////////////// General stuff for writing drivers /////// // For device drivers to call. This actually attaches them. int survive_add_object(SurviveContext *ctx, SurviveObject *obj); void survive_add_driver(SurviveContext *ctx, void *payload, DeviceDriverCb poll, DeviceDriverCb close, DeviceDriverMagicCb magic); // This is the disambiguator function, for taking light timing and figuring out place-in-sweep for a given photodiode. void handle_lightcap(SurviveObject *so, LightcapElement *le); #define SV_INFO(...) \ { \ char stbuff[1024]; \ sprintf(stbuff, __VA_ARGS__); \ ctx->notefunction(ctx, stbuff); \ } #define SV_ERROR(...) \ { \ char stbuff[1024]; \ sprintf(stbuff, __VA_ARGS__); \ ctx->faultfunction(ctx, stbuff); \ } #define SV_KILL() exit(0) // XXX This should likely be re-defined. #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif