# libsurvive **WARNING PROJECT NOT YET IN EXPERIMENTAL PHASE** Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/7QbCAGS Testing if git is linked to discord. ## Livestream collection | Note | Youtube URL | Run time | | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------- | | First livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv_AVI9kHN4 | 5:01:25 | | Second livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFyEbGQ88s4 | 4:03:26 | | Summary of first and second livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHJkpNakswM | 23:00 | | Third livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RExji5EtSzE | 4:11:16 | | Fourth livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fces1O7kWGY | 4:50:33 | | Fifth livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHt3twW5_fI | 3:13:38 | | Sixth livestream | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsfkNRFkFM4 | 3:44:49 | Notes from second livestream trying to reverse engineer the watchman protocol: https://gist.github.com/cnlohr/581c433f36f4249f8bbc9c2b6450ef0e Please see the issues for what help needs to be done now! ## Extra resources HackADay article and video with Dr. Yates on how they made the Vive a thing. http://hackaday.com/2016/12/21/alan-yates-why-valves-lighthouse-cant-work/ ## Introduction High-performance HTC Vive Library I say "high-performance" really this project is based tightly off of OSVR-Vive-Libre, but, specifically is an attempt to: 1. Minimize external libraries. Actual reason for starting this: Downloading all of the libraries needed for OSVR-Vive-Libre maxed out my data plan. 2. Put it under an open-source instead of a force-source license. (GPL to MIT/X11) 3. Write it in C. 4. Avoid extra layers where convenient. 5. (long shot) Make the vive vivable for use with Intel Integrated Graphics systems. Will ~~I~~ we succeed? Probably not. Definitely going to try! ## External dependencies * libUSB * pthread * libX11 (where applicable) * zlib (may use puff.c if needed) If I ever get to video output... OpenGL. ## Architecture There is an internal representation and an external representation. These lines may get blurred. Internal representation lives in .h files in the ```src/``` folder. External lives in ```include/``` folder. It is written in some fairly stout "layers" which are basically just function calls: | Layer | Description | Status | | ------- | ------------- | -------- | | survive_usb.c | Data is taken in at "survive_usb.c" from libusb. | Done | | survive_data.c | Raw HID messages are processed into logical "light" "analog" and "imu" messages. | Mostly done, Missing light data from controllers, and lighthouse data. | | survive_process.c | Process the high-level data into solutions for | Not yet started. Will be done by ultramn | I may or may not read data from the Vive regarding configuration. If I do, it would be added to the survive_usb.c