path: root/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
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authorcnlohr <lohr85@gmail.com>2018-06-24 00:29:17 -0400
committercnlohr <lohr85@gmail.com>2018-06-24 00:29:17 -0400
commit663198c1d4adeba3a5df5d008d8416b2f26f3a39 (patch)
tree8405c5cb1c0378241448052058d03bdad9805798 /src/poser_charlesrefine.c
parente21c1f96ad67015d7051eeeaf5e1e9183626922a (diff)
Significant improvements to the charles refine.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/poser_charlesrefine.c')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
index 1b392a3..09e6bbf 100644
--- a/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
+++ b/src/poser_charlesrefine.c
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-// Driver works, but you _must_ start it near the origin looking in +Z.
#include <poser.h>
#include <survive.h>
#include <survive_reproject.h>
@@ -15,6 +13,30 @@
+// Tunable parameters:
+#define MIN_HIT_QUALITY 0.5 // Determines which hits to cull.
+ 0.0001 // Determines which hits to cull. Actually SQRT(baseline) if 0.0001, it is really 1cm
+#define CORRECT_LATERAL_POSITION_COEFFICIENT 0.7 // Explodes if you exceed 1.0 (Normally 0.7 for snappy non-IMU response)
+#define CORRECT_TELESCOPTION_COEFFICIENT 7.00 // Converges even as high as 10.0 and doesn't explode. (Normally 7.0 for non-IMU respone)
+ 0.2 // This starts to fall apart above 5.0, but for good reason. It is amplified by the number of points seen.
+#define MAX_JUMP_DISTANCE 1000 //0.4
+//Grand todo:
+// Update global "Up" vector from LH's PoV based on "Up" from the HMD.
typedef struct {
int sweepaxis;
int sweeplh;
@@ -25,8 +47,18 @@ typedef struct {
SurvivePose object_pose_at_hit[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
uint8_t sensor_ids[MAX_PT_PER_SWEEP];
+ LinmathPoint3d imuvel;
+ LinmathPoint3d imu_accel_zero;
+ LinmathQuat imu_up_correct;
LinmathPoint3d MixingPositions[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2];
- SurvivePose InteralPoseUsedForCalc; //Super high speed vibratey and terrible.
+ LinmathPoint3d mixed_output;
+ //Super high speed vibratey and terrible.
+ //Also, big deal: this does NOT have the "re-righting" vector
+ //from the accelerometer applied to it.
+ SurvivePose InteralPoseUsedForCalc;
FLT MixingConfidence[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2];
FLT last_angle_lh_axis[NUM_LIGHTHOUSES][2];
int ptsweep;
@@ -44,6 +76,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
SurvivePose object_pose_out;
memcpy(&object_pose_out, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
memcpy(&dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc, &LinmathPose_Identity, sizeof(LinmathPose_Identity));
+ memcpy(&dd->imu_up_correct, &LinmathQuat_Identity, sizeof(LinmathQuat_Identity) );
so->PoseConfidence = 0.0;
PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
@@ -51,49 +84,104 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
SurviveSensorActivations *scene = &so->activations;
switch (pd->pt) {
+ float imu_time = 1./ so->imu_freq;
// Really should use this...
PoserDataIMU *imuData = (PoserDataIMU *)pd;
+ SurvivePose object_pose_out;
+ LinmathQuat object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct;
+ LinmathQuat world_space_to_object_space_quat;
- //TODO: Actually do Madgwick's algorithm
- LinmathQuat applymotion;
- const SurvivePose * object_pose = &so->OutPose;
- imuData->gyro[0] *= 1./so->imu_freq;
- imuData->gyro[1] *= 1./so->imu_freq;
- imuData->gyro[2] *= 1./so->imu_freq;
- quatfromeuler( applymotion, imuData->gyro );
- //printf( "%f %f %f\n", imuData->gyro [0], imuData->gyro [1], imuData->gyro [2] );
- LinmathQuat InvertQuat;
- quatgetreciprocal(InvertQuat, object_pose->Rot);
- //Apply a tiny tug to re-right headset based on the gravity vector.
- LinmathVec3d reright = { 0, 0, 1 };
- LinmathVec3d normup;
- normalize3d( normup, imuData->accel );
- LinmathVec3d correct_diff;
- quatrotatevector(reright, InvertQuat, reright);
- sub3d( correct_diff, normup, reright );
- scale3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, -0.001 ); //This is the coefficient applying the drag.
- add3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, reright );
- LinmathQuat reright_quat;
- normalize3d( correct_diff, correct_diff );
- quatfrom2vectors( reright_quat, reright, correct_diff );
+ quatrotateabout( object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
+ quatgetreciprocal(world_space_to_object_space_quat, object_to_world_with_imu_up_correct );
+ {
+ LinmathQuat applymotion;
+ imuData->gyro[0] *= imu_time;
+ imuData->gyro[1] *= imu_time;
+ imuData->gyro[2] *= imu_time;
+ quatfromeuler( applymotion, imuData->gyro );
+ quatrotateabout(object_pose_out.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, applymotion ); //Contribution from Gyro
+ quatnormalize(object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot);
+ quatcopy( dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot);
+ }
- SurvivePose object_pose_out;
- quatrotateabout(object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose->Rot, applymotion ); //Contribution from Gyro
- quatrotateabout(object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot, reright_quat); //Contribution from Accelerometer
- quatnormalize(object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot);
+ //This will be overwritten by the accelerometer updates.
+ //We do this here in case we want to use it later.
+ copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos );
+ // Do accelerometer based stuff.
- copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, object_pose->Pos );
- PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
- quatcopy( dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot);
+ //Step 1: Use the accelerometer's "up" to figure out how we can re-right world space to be the correct "up" vector.
+ //Apply a tiny tug to the imu_up_correct with the up vector..
+ {
+ LinmathVec3d reright = { 0, 0, 1 };
+ LinmathVec3d normup;
+ normalize3d( normup, imuData->accel );
+ LinmathVec3d correct_diff;
+ quatrotatevector(reright, world_space_to_object_space_quat, reright);
+ sub3d( correct_diff, normup, reright );
+ scale3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, -0.001 ); //This is the coefficient applying the drag. XXX THIS MUST CHANGE.
+ add3d( correct_diff, correct_diff, reright );
+ normalize3d( correct_diff, correct_diff );
+ LinmathQuat reright_quat;
+ quatfrom2vectors( reright_quat, reright, correct_diff );
+ //Push to correct "Up" a little bit.
+ quatrotateabout(dd->imu_up_correct, dd->imu_up_correct, reright_quat);
+ quatnormalize(dd->imu_up_correct, dd->imu_up_correct);
+ }
+ //Update position as a function from the IMU...
+ if( 0 ) {
+ LinmathVec3d expected_up = { 0, 0, 1 };
+ LinmathVec3d acceleration;
+ scale3d( acceleration, imuData->accel, 1.0 );
+ quatrotatevector( acceleration, dd->imu_up_correct, acceleration );
+ printf( "ACCEL %f %f %f\n", acceleration[0], acceleration[1], acceleration[2] );
+ sub3d( acceleration, acceleration, dd->imu_accel_zero ); //IMU Accel Zero is in object-local space.
+ quatrotatevector( acceleration, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot, acceleration );
+ printf( "ACCEL %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", acceleration[0],acceleration[1],acceleration[2], expected_up[0], expected_up[1], expected_up[2],
+ dd->imu_accel_zero[0], dd->imu_accel_zero[1], dd->imu_accel_zero[2]);
+ sub3d( acceleration, acceleration, expected_up );
+ scale3d( acceleration, acceleration, 9.8 * imu_time );
+ //Acceleration is now in global space.
- //PoserDataIMU *imu = (PoserDataIMU *)pd;
- //survive_imu_tracker_integrate(so, &dd->tracker, imu);
- //PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &dd->tracker.pose);
+ add3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, acceleration );
+ //IMUVel is the estimated object motion, in world space, but it will be pulled in the direction of the
+ //Faulty IMU bias.
+ LinmathVec3d updatepos;
+ scale3d( updatepos, dd->imuvel, 1.0 );
+ scale3d( updatepos, updatepos, imu_time );
+ //printf( "ACCEL: %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f\n",
+ // acceleration[0], acceleration[1], acceleration[2],
+ // dd->imuvel[0],dd->imuvel[1],dd->imuvel[2],
+ // dd->imu_accel_zero[0], dd->imu_accel_zero[1], dd->imu_accel_zero[2] );
+ //Tricky, tug the imuvel toward zero otherwise it will contine to drift.
+ scale3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, 0.9999 );
+ //Update actual location.
+ add3d( dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, updatepos );
+ add3d( dd->mixed_output, dd->mixed_output, updatepos );
+ }
+ }
+ copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, dd->mixed_output );
+ quatrotateabout( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
+ PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
return 0;
@@ -217,18 +305,6 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
FLT vec_correct[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
FLT avgang = 0.0;
-// Tunable parameters:
-#define MIN_HIT_QUALITY 0.5 // Determines which hits to cull.
- 0.0001 // Determines which hits to cull. Actually SQRT(baseline) if 0.0001, it is really 1cm
-#define CORRECT_LATERAL_POSITION_COEFFICIENT 0.7 // Explodes if you exceed 1.0
-#define CORRECT_TELESCOPTION_COEFFICIENT 7.00 // Converges even as high as 10.0 and doesn't explode.
- 0.2 // This starts to fall apart above 5.0, but for good reason. It is amplified by the number of points seen.
// Step 1: Determine standard of deviation, and average in order to
// drop points that are likely in error.
@@ -262,6 +338,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
avgerr /= validpoints;
// Step 2: Determine average lateral error.
// We can actually always perform this operation. Even with only one point.
@@ -290,7 +367,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
// If calculated error is unexpectedly high, then we should probably
// Not apply the transform.
- if( ( magnitude3d( avg_err ) < 0.4 || so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 ) )
+ if( ( magnitude3d( avg_err ) < MAX_JUMP_DISTANCE || so->PoseConfidence < 0.8 ) )
add3d(vec_correct, vec_correct, avg_err);
@@ -330,7 +407,7 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
//Don't apply completely wild zoom's unless our confidence is awful.
- if( ( zoom < 0.4 || so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 ) && ( so->PoseConfidence > 0.3 ) )
+ if( ( zoom < MAX_JUMP_DISTANCE || so->PoseConfidence < 0.8 ) )
FLT veccamalong[3];
sub3d(veccamalong, lh_pose->Pos, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
@@ -346,28 +423,24 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
-#if 0
- LinmathPoint3d LastDelta;
- sub3d( LastDelta, dd->MixingPositions[lhid][axis], dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos );
- //Compare with "vec_correct"
- LinmathPoint3d DeltaDelta;
- sub3d( DeltaDelta, vec_correct, LastDelta );
- //SurvivePose object_pose_out;
- memcpy( dd->MixingPositions[lhid][axis], vec_correct, sizeof( vec_correct ) );
+ //Tricky: Update position here, and back-correct imuvel based on correction.
+ if( 0 ) { //XXX XXX TODO Position update
+ LinmathPoint3d vecc;
+ scale3d( vecc, vec_correct, 0.01 );
+ add3d( dd->imuvel, dd->imuvel, vecc );
- LinmathPoint3d system_average_adjust = { 0, 0, 0 };
- printf( "%f %f %f + %f %f %f\n", vec_correct[0], vec_correct[1], vec_correct[2], dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos[0], dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos[1], dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos[2] );
- add3d(dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, vec_correct, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
+ {
+ scale3d( vecc, vec_correct, .01 );
+ LinmathQuat world_to_object_space;
+ quatgetreciprocal(world_to_object_space, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot);
+ quatrotatevector( vecc, world_to_object_space, vecc );
+ add3d( dd->imu_accel_zero, dd->imu_accel_zero, vecc );
+ printf( "ACCELV: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", vecc[0], vecc[1], vecc[2], dd->imu_accel_zero[0], dd->imu_accel_zero[1], dd->imu_accel_zero[2] );
+ }
+ }
- // ?: Fuse accelerometer.
+ add3d( dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos, vec_correct, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Pos);
// Stage 4: "Tug" on the rotation of the object, from all of the sensor's pov.
// If we were able to determine likliehood of a hit in the sweep instead of afterward
@@ -398,13 +471,13 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
normalize3d( vector_to_lighthouse, vector_to_lighthouse );
quatrotatevector( vector_to_lighthouse, world_to_object_space, vector_to_lighthouse );
float facingness = dot3d( sensornormal, vector_to_lighthouse );
- if( facingness < 0 )
+ if( facingness < -.1 )
//This is an impossible sensor hit.
so->PoseConfidence *= 0.8;
//If our pose confidence is low, apply a torque.
- if( so->PoseConfidence < 0.6 )
+ if( so->PoseConfidence < 0.8 )
LinmathPoint3d rotateaxis;
cross3d( rotateaxis, vector_to_lighthouse, sensornormal );
@@ -497,6 +570,9 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
SurvivePose object_pose_out;
quatcopy(object_pose_out.Rot, dd->InteralPoseUsedForCalc.Rot );
copy3d( object_pose_out.Pos, MixedPosition );
+ copy3d( dd->mixed_output, object_pose_out.Pos );
+ quatrotateabout( object_pose_out.Rot, object_pose_out.Rot, dd->imu_up_correct );
PoserData_poser_pose_func(pd, so, &object_pose_out);
// FLT var_meters = 0.5;
@@ -512,11 +588,12 @@ int PoserCharlesRefine(SurviveObject *so, PoserData *pd) {
if( validpoints > 1 && applied_corrections > 1 && !normal_faults)
- so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.05;
+ so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.04;
else if( validpoints > 1 && so->PoseConfidence < 0.5 && !normal_faults )
- so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.05;
+ printf( "Push\n" );
+ so->PoseConfidence += (1-so->PoseConfidence)*.01;