import serial, string, exceptions class ReceiveTimeout(exceptions.Exception): pass class ReceiveChecksumError(exceptions.Exception): def __init__(self, expected, received): self.expected = expected self.received = received self.message = "Checksum Error: expected %x, got %x" % (expected, received) class RXBufferOverrunError(exceptions.EnvironmentError): pass class NotNowWarning(exceptions.UserWarning): pass class UnknownCommand(exceptions.Exception): pass class BadValueError(exceptions.Exception): pass class ParameterLimitsError(exceptions.ValueError): pass class Axis: def __init__(self, ipcomm, ID): self.ipcomm = ipcomm self.ID = ID def execute(self, cmd): result = self.ipcomm.execute(self.ID, cmd) assert result.ID == self.ID return result def goToAbs(self, position): pass def goToRelative(self, offset): pass def goFree(self, direction): pass def setAccelerationCurrent(self, current): pass def getAccelerationCurrent(self, current): pass def setPosition(self, position): pass def getPosition(self, position): pass def checksum(data): chksm = 0 for d in data: chksm = chksm ^ ord(d) return chksm class Status: COLDBOOT = (1<<7) ANY_ERROR = (1<<6) RX_ERROR = (1<<5) SFI_ERROR = (1<<4) OUTPUTSTAGE_ERROR = (1<<3) INITIATOR_M = (1<<2) INITIATOR_P = (1<<1) RUNNING = (1<<0) def __init__(self, bitvector): self.coldboot = not not (bitvector & (1<<7)) self.any_error = not not (bitvector & (1<<6)) self.rx_error = not not (bitvector & (1<<5)) self.SFI_error = not not (bitvector & (1<<4)) self.outputstage_error = not not (bitvector & (1<<3)) self.initiator_m = not not (bitvector & (1<<2)) self.initiator_p = not not (bitvector & (1<<1)) self.running = not not (bitvector & (1<<0)) def __str__(self): status = list() if self.coldboot: status += ['Cold Boot'] if self.any_error: status += ['Any Error'] if self.rx_error: status += ['RX Error'] if self.SFI_error: status += ['SFI Error'] if self.outputstage_error: status += ['Output Stage Error'] if self.initiator_m: status += ['Initiator -'] if self.initiator_p: status += ['Initiator +'] if self.running: status += ['Running'] return '{'+ ('|'.join(status)) + '}' class ExtendedStatus: CHECKSUM_ERROR = (1<<23) # (1<<22) RXBUFFER_OVERRUN = (1<<21) NOT_NOW = (1<<20) UNKNOWN_COMMAND = (1<<19) BAD_VALUE = (1<<18) PARAMETER_LIMITS = (1<<17) # (1<<16) NO_SYSTEM = (1<<15) NO_RAMPS = (1<<14) PARAMETER_CHANGED = (1<<13) BUSY = (1<<12) PROGRAMING_ERROR = (1<<11) HIGH_TEMPERATURE = (1<<10) INITIATOR_ERROR = (1<< 9) INTERNAL_ERROR = (1<< 8) DRIVER_ERROR = (1<< 7) # (1<< 6) WAIT_FOR_SYNC = (1<< 5) LINEAR_AXIS = (1<< 4) FREE_RUNNING = (1<< 3) INITIALIZED = (1<< 2) HW_DISABLE = (1<< 1) INITIALIZING = (1<< 0) def __init__(self, bitvector): self.checksum_error = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.CHECKSUM_ERROR) self.rxbuffer_overrun = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.RXBUFFER_OVERRUN) self.not_now = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.NOT_NOW) self.unknown_command = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.UNKNOWN_COMMAND) self.bad_value = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.BAD_VALUE) self.parameter_limits = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.PARAMETER_LIMITS) self.no_system = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.NO_SYSTEM) self.no_ramps = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.NO_RAMPS) self.parameter_changed = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.PARAMETER_CHANGED) self.busy = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.BUSY) self.programing_error = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.PROGRAMING_ERROR) self.high_temperature = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.HIGH_TEMPERATURE) self.initiator_error = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.INITIATOR_ERROR) self.internal_error = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR) self.driver_error = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.DRIVER_ERROR) self.wait_for_sync = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.WAIT_FOR_SYNC) self.linear_axis = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.LINEAR_AXIS) self.free_running = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.FREE_RUNNING) self.initialized = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.INITIALIZED) self.hw_disable = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.HW_DISABLE) self.initializing = not not (bitvector & ExtendedStatus.INITIALIZING) class ReceiveData: def __init__(self, ID, status, data): self.ID = ID self.status = status = data class IPCOMM: def __init__(self, url, baudrate = 38400, axisnames = None): self.conn = serial.serial_for_url(url) self.conn.baudrate = baudrate self.conn.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE self.conn.rtscts = False self.conn.dsrdtr = False self.conn.xonxoff = False self.conn.timeout = 0.1 self.axisByID = dict() self.axisByName = dict() self.enumerate(axisnames) def axis(self, nameOrID): if isinstance(nameOrID, str) and nameOrID.isalpha(): return self.axisByName[nameOrID] return self.axisByID[int(nameOrID)] def enumerate(self, names=None): self.axisByID.clear() self.axisByName.clear() for ID in range(0x10): try: assert self.execute(ID, 'IS?').ID == ID axis = Axis(self, ID) self.axisByID[ID] = axis if (isinstance(names, dict) and names.haskey(ID)) or (isinstance(names, list) and ID < len(names)): assert names[ID].isalpha() self.axisByName[str(names[ID])] = axis except ReceiveTimeout: continue def send(self, data): self.conn.write('\x02' + data + ':' + ('%02X' % checksum(data + ':')) + '\x03') self.conn.flush() return self def recv(self): buf = '' c = None while c != '\x02': c = if not c: raise ReceiveTimeout() c = None while c != '\x03': c = if not c: raise ReceiveTimeout() buf += c status, data, chksm = buf[:-1].split(':') expected_chksm = checksum(status + ':' + data + ':') chksm = string.atoi(chksm, 0x10) if expected_chksm != chksm: raise ReceiveChecksumError(expected_chksm, chksm) return ReceiveData( ID = string.atoi(status[0], 0x10), status = Status(string.atoi(status[1:], 0x10)), data = data ) def broadcast(self, cmd): self.conn.flushInput() self.send( '@' + cmd ) def execute(self, ID, cmd): if cmd == 'IS?': return self.queryextendedstatus(ID) self.conn.flushInput() self.send( ('%X' % ID) + cmd ) recv_data = None while not recv_data: try: recv_data = self.recv() except ReceiveChecksumError: self.send( ('%X' % ID) + 'R') if recv_data.status.rx_error: extended_status = self.queryextendedstatus(ID).data if extended_status.checksum_error: self.conn.flushInput() self.send( ('%X' % ID) + cmd ) recv_data = None continue if extended_status.rxbuffer_overrun: raise RXBufferOverrunError() if extended_status.not_now: raise NotNowWarning() if extended_status.unknown_command: raise UnknownCommand() if extended_status.bad_value: raise BadValueError() if extended_status.parameter_limits: raise ParameterLimitsError() return recv_data def queryextendedstatus(self, ID): """ Special function for querying the extended status. Same basic structure like execute, with the following exceptions: * does not take a command (always issued a IS?) * will not resend query if status rx_error is reported * will not request reply retransmission * will not raise status related exceptions Since regular execute will raise exceptions based on IS? status to query the status for further processing, this method must be used. If the extended status can not be requested, None is returned. """ self.conn.flushInput() self.send( ('%X' % ID) + 'IS?' ) recv_data = None try: recv_data = self.recv() except ReceiveChecksumError: return None if recv_data: = ExtendedStatus(string.atoi(, 0x10)) else: recv_data = None return recv_data def goToAbs(self, positions): pass def goToRelative(self, offset): pass def goFree(self, direction): pass def setAccelerationCurrent(self, currents): pass def setPosition(self, positions): pass